Saturday, July 13, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

25 June 2012

Gracious day to all ye enthused aspirants and Lightworkers!

Ra, of the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, will shed light on the preparatory activities for the installation of Lord Kolki as World Leader. A month prior to this writing, the Brotherhood and Terra’s spiritual Hierarchy were already in a flurry of activities all aimed at an installation of the World Leader prior to December 21, 2012.

As of this juncture, the formation of interim bodies—comprising of White Robes—as pre-operational pursuits of planetary governance, were already taking place. The process of institution-building began in late 2008 yet.

First, there was simultaneous formation of the (a) Provisional Guardianship Council and (b) Gatekeepership Councils for each region. They all took place in the Etheric Plane, to stress the fact, as that is the terrain where related engagements can be undertaken safely.

I already heralded the formation of the Gatekeeperships for the regions, in the article GATEKEEPERSHIPS: PRELUDE TO PLANETARY STATE, in BRIGHTWORLD: 

However, I kept mum for sometime about the formation of the Provisioinal Guardianship Council. The balance of forces or BOF was clearly in favor of the Evil Forces way back in 2009 when both formations were galvanizing, so it better be kept classified for awhile the matter of a planetary body of Light.

Constituting institutions comprising of White Robes who are One as fraternal unit yet all possessing very strong personalities is a tough task in itself. Besides, the assignments of White Robes to the gatekeeperships were largely interim, and so the composition changed barely a year after the councils were formed.

Yet as time went on, the structures were very definitive, the protocols were in place after consensus and some debates, and the organizational culture pertaining to council management did gel enough. So the regional gatekeeperships became effective mechanisms to thresh out issues relating to a region of jurisdiction, and neutralize efforts of the Evil Ones aimed at destructive onslaughts in that region.

The Guardianship council was equally not that easy to handle as far as concretion and protocol-making was involved. The new (interim) guardians were almost strangers to one another, with little collaborative engagement together. So the confidence-building among them has to be facilitated by no less than the figures of Kolki and Sananda.

That done, the next really back-breaking task was the identification of possible crisis points in the planetary plan of execution. There was also the matter of galvanizing liaisons and tie ups with the Galactic Confederation, of Terra’s representation in the GC, and of generating policy agenda that would jibe with those of the GC agenda for the sector (where Terra & Solaria belonged to).

Being Ascended Masters, the guardians and gatekeepers (heads of each gatekeeper councils) possessed the divine endowment of multi-location so each master can be present in different council meetings and consultations with certain Hierarchs across different planes. I did experience this multi-locational presence as early as late November 2008 when I was granted divine grace and ascended accordingly.

The next formations on-going are the formations of gatekeeperships for special functions (e.g. Christ Force gatekeepership) and the energy spots of Terra (of which there are 70 more or less). There are just few kinks left now for the identification and designation of gatekeepers for these concerns.

As to the gatekeepers of the future cities, that can wait a while. The blueprint and scale models for future cities are still in progress, the governance design yet to be crafted (by guardians & gatekeepers), the Melchizedek priests to be designated still on pre-formation stage.

So now, as the readiness for governance challenges and responses are already in place, there is no more factor that could delay the installation of Lord Kolki as World Leader. Ancient of Days is very eager now to bestow the full mandate on the World Leader, and so expect that installation to take place any time in the next few weeks.





  1. In February of 2001 there was a meeting aboard a a star ship, convened to discuss the mission of First Contact. It came to be known as the Council of 300. The preparations are similar to what is presented in this article.

    Worlds are bridging as the realms of consciousness are becoming available for experience. There are many wonderful things in store for humanity, the joys of discovering the mysteries of the universe are ever present.

    A detailed account of the Council of 300 can be found here:

  2. Well said, Zen.
    Your perception about the convergence of thought and events, which you find in my very own write/reportorial, is well appreciated.

