Monday, May 25, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Om Shanti! Peace be unto thee!

This messenger & teacher, Initiate of a certain degree, volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will augment the elaborations on earth changes. I already updated you all that catastrophe is out as an option in Earth’s ascent to 4th Density and then to 5th Density, which is palpable as of this juncture, so that earth changes will happen across a millennium rather than in a few years.

Let us better assume the phenomenon of earth changes—geological, atmospheric, climatological—as our constant. Dynamics is the general pattern of our planet and its life endowments, as we are all governed by the cosmic law of evolution. Which means that even if catastrophe will be out as an option, expect earth changes yet for they’ve been already happening before our very own eyes such as climate change.

The mahatmas (ascended masters) were very emphatic in their own forecast visions of the forthcoming times. While they worked hard to ensure that short-term catastrophe won’t ever happen or will be deterred, and their joint petitions were heard and responded to by the Supreme Being, they are at home with earth changes happening across hundreds to thousands of years.

Knowing which part of the planet will undergo drastic changes across the next 1,000 years, next 2,000 years, next 5,000 years and so on, they have already adjusted their contingency plans and goals for the entire Golden Age of Light. As per calculations of Guruji Krishnananda, the age will last at least 20,300+ years, which we can round off to 21,000 years.

Take the forecast choice of etheric retreats by the next Directors of the spiritual Hierarchy, for instance. The 6th ‘root race’ of Meruvians will be bursting forth from long germination experiments circa 800 years from now. Whenever a new ‘root race’ emerges, a new set of Directors of Hierarchy are also designated, namely:  Manu, Bodhisattva, Mahachohan of the race.

Knowing whence the Meruvians will emerge, the three (3) Directors of Hierarchy for the emerging race have already prepared for the most likely place to install their respective headquarters. Of course, they located their etheric offices in places that will least likely experience subsidence and sinkings of landforms in the continent where the Meruvians will morph, multiply, and nestle: South America.

Logically, the forthcoming Directors will locate themselves nearest the population centers of the evolving Meruvians for accessibility to the future humanity and to the Directors’ trusted chelas who will competently do the tough job of helping the new race to take off the ground. Well, at this juncture the said Directors-to-be already have installed their preliminary etheric offices as a matter of fact, as the forthcoming Bodhisattva and Manu already did partly open up and disseminated the information about their presence in the offices.

Anticipate landform sinkings and landform modifications, geo-atmospheric disturbances and turbulence all the way to the doorstep of the 6th race. Let us not fool ourselves with simpleton expectations that “God intervened by deterring catastrophe, so praise the Lord! Our 7 continents today will live forever and ever!”

Just to cite the recent update about volcanic activities. As geologists admit, at any given year, there are 200+ active volcanoes worldwide. The gases spewed out are markedly high-carbon, which undercut any global effort to cut down carbon emissions. Earth is expanding as it evolves to higher dimensions, thus the explaining the volcanic dynamics going on right now.

So humanity better watch out about the impact of the volcanic restiveness on a decade-by-decade basis from now. Not century by century, but decade by decade observation and, if viable, forecast which is near to impossible. But nothing is impossible really, if precise mathematical forecasts won’t work, then use the scenario building approach [based on my experience in social, political, and economic forecasting].

What is there to watch out then as a worst case scenario of volcanic restiveness? Too much of carbon and other possibly toxic emissions from volcanoes can, before 100 years from now for instance, endanger human communities as a whole, thus necessitating (a) concentration of populations in cities with highly controlled environments, and (b) encasement of each city in crystalline dome for protection and conservation of oxygen and proper oxygen-nitrogen balance.

Cities must also be greened to the max, while all former fields, farms, and abandoned communities (as people move to planned big cities) will be returned to nature. So there will be truly functioning “lungs of Earth” spread across vast parts of the planet that generate oxygen for animal and human life. Food production will be strictly by hydroponics, right inside the cities’ concrete vertical structures, until such time that humans will mutate to prana-breathing species rather than oxygen breathing [oxygen will be largely for animals in that case].

It is also natural for forests to induce burnings to balance out the surplus vegetations in it. That’s why it pays little purpose to stamp out forest fires as they do today in Australia, Indonesia, and America, as such fires are part of natural equilibration processes. There will be forest fires yet in the future, which all the more rationalizes the closure of cities in protective crystalline encasements (transparent ones), thus respecting Mother Nature’s will to do her own homeostasis via forest fires unhampered by feel-hero humans.

In sum, anticipate earth changes, try to understand the logic behind the phenomena unfolding across the decades and centuries, and help out to do ingenious innovations that can aid humans to adapt better in the dynamic New Earth.

[24 May 2015]

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