Monday, January 12, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Magandang araw! Good day!

This Melchizedek, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & volunteer in the ashram of Master El Morya, will share a heraldry about the old Earth. You may be wondering about whatever happened to your old planet, as it has been drummed up by us messengers that we are already in 4th Density and that 5th Density is now being tested for habituation.

To familiarize yourself with space-mass expansion, please refer back to my ascension chronicle as follows:

I also recently released articles about the Densities and what makes Density distinct from Dimension. So please refer back to them to find answers to questions about the salient characteristics of the worlds on the basis of densities.

In a vision I had around past mid-January of 2013, I was shown—by my God-self—the old Earth. I was stunned at the vision, as it showed a planetary mass that was darkening like unto a twilight time, with little sunlight left on any corner of it.

No longer is it the blue planet that we Terrans are accustomed to. It was turning grey, with vegetative life hardly visible from a distance. To make sure about the life presence on the sleeping 3D, I did a focusing to get nearer for a micro-scan, got to as nearest I can get through, and noticed that vegetation was still around yet it looked like on the way to a pralaya (sleep).

Even as the vision was just starting, I knew beforehand by intuition that it was the old Earth I was perceiving. That was important, as it was indicative of the successful climb of Earth life forms to the 4th Density. Through space-mass expansion, all life forms moved up with the new surface which is approximately 2 kilometers higher than the 3D surface.

5th Density’s surface is approximately higher than the 3D surface by an increment of 5 kilometers approximate. Both 4D and 5D follow the landform contours of 3D like exact replicas though located on a different surface. Besides, the 4D and 5D worlds are less dense (1st Density is the densest or mineral world is densest).

As my vision indicates, the 3D mass is now sleeping, with patterns of life fading away. It is like any model of a globe that one uses as visual devise before an audience, the same model than brought to an attic or cellar in case there won’t be any further use for it. Whether it will be in pralaya forever till the last phase of Earth history as a planet, however, remains to be seen. [Earth is destined to become a nova or star in its next evolution ‘manvantara’ or eon.]

Upon the conferment of his mandate as Chohan of the Aquarian Age, Master Rackozi revealed, via one of his chelas, that there were already two (2) Golden Ages in the ancient times, and that two (2) more such Golden Ages will come in the future. Master R was emphatic that there may be another Kali Yuga in the future, though the Divine Plan is for a permanent Golden Age as much as possible.

Guruji Krishnananda, in his 2012 heraldries (books), also emphasized the downward end to the coming Golden Age. As per his calculations, this present Golden Age will last for a full 20,300+ years. For simplification, the cycle lasts 21,000 years. That surely is a very long period for enjoying the endowments of a New Earth!

Yet like unto Master R, Guru Krishnananda also forecast the possibility of another Kali Yuga in the future. Since the thoughts of the two masters do converge, let us pick up from their forecast of another Kali Yuga in the distant future.

The forecast is this: if humanity will Fall as a whole for another time, then logically the consequence is for the vibratory frequency of humans to fall back to 3D. Very tragic, lo! so tragic as other life forms will be affected by that Fall if ever it happens.

In case that humanity will fall again, then there always is the gigantic scale model of the 3D Earth ready to be re-used. Which means, fellow Terrans, don’t ever consign the 3D Earth to the dusting cellars or attics. This possibility is not among my wish list, even as I’m committed to serve the mission of Lord Kalki during the entire Golden Age before I move on to my higher levels of initiation.

I’m sure it’s not among your wish list items either. So we all are challenged to sustain the Golden Age, never to let humanity go down again to the dense world of darkness and evil.

Let there be Light always upon humanity! So mote it be. Aum.

[11 January 2015]

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