Tuesday, December 9, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

Gracious Day from this Brother in the Order of Melchizedek!

This Initiate in the White Lodge, also called Brotherhood of Light or Order of Melchizedek, messenger, and volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will elucidate on the subject of 5th Density in this note. 5th Density is the destination for New Earth humanity, as it is in that higher world where the Golden Age of Light will be experienced to the max.

Many millions of our fellow Terrans were expecting to ascend to 5th Density right away after 12/21/12, an expectation that is unrealistic as it is fallaciously illogical. No one can jump to 5th Density by bypassing the 4th Density that is, as I peregrinated in a previous article, the transitional ‘overhaul repair station’ prior to ascent to the next level.

A brother Melchizedek, Sal Rachele, did forecast a massive entry to 5th Density pronto by Lightworkers in the days and weeks after 12/21/12. The ‘waves of ascension’ theme was likewise raised, notably by Initiates in the Amethystine Order, referring to a parallel forecast. Noting that the forecasts came from fellow Melchizedeks, I also raised the same ante, with modifications to add insights to the forecasts.

I now realize that the forecast is too over-optimistic, with some flaws besides. As always, there must be room for errors in forecasting, just like in a scientific work where a researcher must make room for 5%-10% errors. The forecast of White Robes moving right away to 5th Density is definitely wrong, thus I apologetically reboot the prediction, as the remaining White Robes are badly needed in 4th Density where the billions of Terrans are currently situated.

5th Density is properly the world of Atmic possibilities, which is a step higher than the 4th Density of the Devic-Man. No one can move to Atmic development as a normal modality of daily life without first passing through a high level development of one’s Manas (concrete mind) and Buddhi (abstract mind/intellect), so this follows through in the evolution of humanity as a whole. Humanity passeth by 4th Density first, do overhaul repairs & rehab on the dense bodies, ensue preliminary repairs of the Atma (soul), and then be permitted—via Divine Grace—to move to 5th Density.

The Man (thinker) within each person must therefore be accessed and expanded beyond present limits, with aids from the repairers (spiritual masters and Light helpers), while in 4th Density. Then, the next step for the mass of humanity is to cleanse, detoxify, balance, heal, and expand the awareness of one’s own soul while in 5th Density.

As echoed by my fellow messengers and myself, the Golden Age of Light will be fully experienced in 5th Density. Goodwill and cooperation, the building blocks for ‘right relations’, must advance to the greatest extent where it can go for humanity while in 4th Density prior to a mass endowment of Divine Grace on the entire humanity to move to the next level.

This is not to discount the possibility of such grace already granted to those most prepared Light helpers, as there is a dire need for an advanced party in 5th Density. I was shown visions of 5th Density across the past months, with structures in place as shelters for migrants there. A test casing of acclimatization is taking place right now in the 5D world, with a city installed (using Thought by aiding cosmic beings called Dhyan Chohans) is also being tested—it is encased in transparent crystalline material.

However, one who aspires for New Earth living better move away from thoughts that one can go there by wishful thinking. Definitely any disordered person who is driven by emotion or melancholy to move to 5D as an escape from the 4D humanity, suffers from delusions, paranoia, and infantile fantasies that merit psychosocial intervention or therapy. Delusional wishful persons do not qualify to be brought to 5th Density, just to remind you all.

As to the time frame for a mass migration of 4th Density people to 5th Density nothing has been revealed by Spiritual Hierarchy. It is humanity as a whole that determines its own destiny, so don’t expect us messengers to release predictions that make appear like foretune tellers. Fortify your inner balance first, collaborate in building goodwill and cooperation, and who knows what’s in store for you.

I’ve already released heraldries about what life will be in the New Earth (5th Density) in my 2012 ascension chronicles, do browse them for some details of society, culture, governance, ecology, and related matters. I will augment my writes on the theme of 5th Density life a bit later, rest assured.

For now let me conclude with the finale that traversing 5th Density through a transitional 4th Density living is a viable one. Please don’t despair or wallow in hopelessness, for your own sakes, as such negative states will ensure your transfer to the 7 earths intended for the disqualifieds or DQs. Rather, work out to positivize yourself, a general task that I did write about in consonance with what my fellow messengers have been doing about “what can be done to go to New Earth.”

[09 December 2014]

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