Monday, January 20, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

06 September 2012

Magandang araw sa inyong lahat! Good day to you all!

This messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will elucidate on the ‘take-off’ phase of the Sharing Economy of the New Age of Light.

The ‘take off’ of the new economy will be a difficult start for sure. Like a space ship that is a new prototype, untested, the Sharing Economy will experience bumpy starts. What is certain is that, as early as 2013, the planetary proposals for the economy will already be in, even when some regions of Terra will still require debris cleaning, site preps for cities and special regions, with some flood waters yet to recede.

By 2014, the ‘take off’ will begin without delay, come more turbulence or not. For by this year, the main catastrophe will have passed away, and no more catastrophe of the same magnitude of destruction will come, until the years 2017-18 when final adjustments have to be made for transfigurations of bodies to suit 5th Density conditions.  

The ‘take off’ phase may last for couples of years, and we better anticipate this timeline to happen. Besides, the ‘take off’ cannot take place altogether at the same time across the planet, but only in those regions that are most prepared for it will begin the process of economic development.  

Therefore, we can still cut down the ‘phase’ into subphases: Subphase 1 will be from 2014 through ’17; Suphase 2, 2018 through ’20; and, Subphase 3, 2021-23. Which means the ‘take off’ of our planetary economic ship will be a decade, more or less. We’re still using the old Gregorian calendar here by the way to make comprehension easier, though this calendar will be replaced by one adjusted to the new location of the planet in space.

During the ‘pre-take off’ phase, which begins from this juncture up through the end of 2013, there will be much consultations and planning works done by the councils of the Brotherhood that will be involved with the economy. Couples of councils are now interfacing in the etheric plane to tackle matters about the new economy, agree on the cornerstone principles, and define its general thrust.

Upon full mandate operations, the Guardianship Council will be constituting subsidiary units that will immediately tackle the final conceptualization, frameworking, general planning, preparations of city/region/interphase infrastructures, up through preparing the support systems for ‘initial take off’ of production units.

As the Masters do their jobs related to the new economy, certain subsidiaries of the Guardianship Council will be ‘job hunting’ for New Earth qualifiers who possess sterling records as experts on economics, social development, ecology & development, and related expertise. Remember, the new economy is not an economy of morons but one of smarter and socially harmonic people who can cooperate, synergize, and interface, moved as they are by Universal Brotherhood or ‘unity consciousness’.

That done, Lord Kolki and the Guardians would then expect the same experts plus the masters collaborating with them to conduct initial research about people initiatives aimed at a new economy, document those exemplary cases if ever, and report them to the authorities. I myself would want to face the producers involved, such as those who are now founding ‘solidarity economy’ types in Latin America, get to listen to them intensely, and see how their exemplary works can dovetail into the emerging frames, policies, and operational units for the new economy.

It would surely be a wonderful experience to look up to, the forthcoming trilateral cooperation among the Producers (people), Experts & Specialists (professionals), and Masters (ascended masters). The ‘barriers to entry’ will be anticipated right away, with certain simulation models done by the role players concerned, and correspondingly addressed when they indeed arise.

During the ‘take off’ phase, economics and related disciplines will also experience re-tooling. Economic science must veer away from the Old World habit of basing everything on price, using a ‘production versus consumption’ model, and excessively ‘rational choice’ oriented. Lord Kolki, who as Maitreya is most adept at economics on inter-planetary and galactic scales, will himself lead this retooling effort. Who won’t be gladdened by our very own forthcoming Avatar World Leader to be our economic teacher?



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

1 comment:

  1. The Supreme Being intervened during the Ascension Event in Dec 2012, to ensure that no global catastrophe happens, all humans thus given the opportunity to evolve a step higher and qualify as New Earth habitues. It's now apparent that installing the Sharing Economy will have delays, as the mass of Terrans brought along the old modes of social, political, economic, cultural life. However, the delay will still mean the new economy will rise to supplant the old Money Economy.
