Monday, December 9, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light   

23 August 2012

Kapayapaan at pagmamahal! Peace and love!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeing Council, forthcoming Guardian, will re-echo the ‘cities of the New Earth’ theme. I will delimit my peregrination to the cities of the 5th Density, and will keep mum about the 6th to 7th Densities (awaiting permission to release information).

In an article writ couples of years ago yet, I already elucidated on the wonder cities of the future. One of those cities is the famed New Jerusalem, which will be the prototype for a few cities intended as pilgrimage sites or equivalent. See: GLASS-ENCASED CITIES: UPPER DIMENSION VISION, in BRIGHTWORLD:

What makes the City so important is that it is the epitome of cultural, economic, and social development. A measurement of the level of civilization, world view, zeitgeist, any planet with humanoid lifestream can make claims to civility if it is capable of building cities. Even if the people of that planet will degenerate to Absolute Evil at some phase in its evolutionary path, cities just the same will be the hallmark for studies by outside observers concerning the conduct of social, cultural, economic life there.

The race to which we belong, the 5th ‘root race’ of Aryans, has already reached the stagnation and deterioration into the hovels of Absolute Evil. The Big City of today may possess marvels of cultural production and abundance, yet the problems attendant to decay are ever present from one Big City to another, to note: (a) congestion, (b) pollution, (b) blight (squatting), (d) traffic jams, (e) criminality, and, (f) corruption.  

To alleviate ourselves of that ecological and corruptitious patterns, the suburbs arose, more so in highland areas of the Big City perimeter. The urban/suburban divide has emerged as the new polarity of the urban planet, with suburban gaining the upper hand esteem as the ‘upper class’ while the urban lowland is the ‘lower class’ hovel. Many urban workers, notably the middle class, would now prefer to take residence in the suburbs.

As the planet moves to a new dimension, life will be bred anew to the City. Fact is, there will be no small city or town in the New Earth, as planetary policy will enforce the Big City model, with each city able to contain a maximum of 1 million residents.

The mixed land use principle of the present will be imported into the New Earth. Building regulations will be very strict, besides twill be the spiritual Hierarchy that will build the foundations of the City. There will be no high rise infra, as such buildings are without souls and too phallic as symbolism. All cities will be green, with space ports for flights to other cities and outer space.

Renewable Energy or RE, sharing economy, levitation technologies for small vehicles (e.g. flying cars), thought-commanding machinery, robotics, information technology will support life in the City. Pollution, congestion, squatting/shantie houses, neighborhoods with bad esthetics, traffic jams will be unimaginable in the New Earth Big City.   

The Ascended Host is highly involved today in designing and planning the cities of the future. Needless to say, the Ascended Masters will be the ones to install the cities using the highest levels of cosmic magic to manifest city after city using thought and visualization. Key structures, space port, travel space ways (even small vehicles will need them), sites of gardens (landscapes) are key features of The City that Divine Beings will manifest.

Homes will be spacious, and everybody will have right to homes. Some homes will be levitating in site, as a strong presence of magnetic anomaly or anti-gravity is expected most specially in 5th Density. Home usage will be on usufruct, and nobody can own homes and lands like before, as all lands belong to Mother Earth and the antiquated Torrens Title system will be thrashed to the archives of history.

Short distances, such as moving across a block of space, won’t need cars, bicycles, or walking, as the New Earth person can levitate the distance. That saves enormous energies for some other usages.

As to the specific finishing touches of structures and land spaces, that can be left to the occupants to decide on. Professionals such as architects, landscape designers, interior designers, garden plant providers, feng shui specialists, structural engineers will still be very much in demand in the near future, though they must re-tool quickly.

Ascension enthusiasts, this is part of the good news awaiting you. Begin feeling or focusing on what profession or work you can do for the future, anticipate the retooling, and before long you will be part of the Sharing Economy in the world of the Dream City of the New Earth.




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