Tuesday, March 3, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Love & Light to all ye enthused ascensionauts!

This Melchizedek, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & volunteer in Master El Morya’s Ashram, proceeds to a reflection on the prospect for ascension post-2018. The note here is a follow up article to the previous one I wrote about the 7-year transition (2012-2018).

Before I proceed, let it be clarified right away that no one can fix time frames to a major change such as the planetary ascension. The conclusive days of the ascension would see the manifestation of the Christ as World Leader—as Lord Kalki—and His entourage of Masters who will do hands on administrative and leadership tasks for the New Earth. The grand events of ascension and manifestation of the Christ & Ascended Ones cannot be fixed in a time frame.

The years 2019 through 2025 will be another 7-year period, as we obviously see, so there would be series of important phenomena within it. By 2025, the Great Council of Divinities of Terra will convene again after the last one in 1925. That marks the significance of 2025, which Mahatma Dwjal Khul pronounced repeatedly in his books writ with Alice Bailey circa 1919-1949.

A summing up of the last 100 years—from 1925 through 2025—will be done, after which comes a century plan. Too many key phenomena and milestone events already took place even before 2025 had arrived, so imagine the excitement of the divinities convened by Sanat Kumara, the 3 planetary logoi aides of His’ (Sanaka, Sanata, Sanandana), and the Directors of the Spiritual Hierarchy (Manu, Christ, Mahachohan).

So, will there be a mass ascension of Terrans to 5th Density during the 7-year period? Will there be a breaking up of the veil or dividing ‘material’ that demarcates the 5D from 4D, thus revealing to all mankind the full look, configuration, terrains, and resource endowments of 5th Density? Will the assisting Angelic Legions and Seraphim be fully revealed to the qualified ascensionauts by then?

Honestly, I cannot hazard affirmative responses to those queries. Sure, the events alluded to are bound to happen. But, to re-echo the earlier contention, they cannot be bound in time frames. All the more is it silly to fix a specific year for the completion of the planetary ascension.

The full unveiling of 5th Density, if ever, depends on the results of the hard work that mortals, with aid of the Initiates of the Brotherhood who are in the surface and likewise expand work to the astral plane, will accomplish. The key is to solidify fraternal bonds, goodwill, cooperation, and end all wars as much as possible, thus concluding in global context of Right Relations (i.e. universal brotherhood).

To contend with certainty that Right Relations will be sacrosanct during the 2019-2025 period is wishful fantasy. Let’s better do a reality check right now and see whether we’re even that close—at least 51% close—to fulfilling the dream of ‘universal brotherhood’. Nay, we brought
along to 4th Density our old ways of internecine wars, fratricidal conflicts, and putrescent corrupt governments, corporations, and Big Church.

Naught! Humanity may get stuck up in 4th Density for perpetuity it seems! But there will be no running agog in 4th Density, be reminded about this, for this proper world of the human kingdom is intended as a mere transition state to the real thing. In the long run, upon the ascent to 5th Density of the last 4D habitués, 4th Density will dry up and become like unto a scale globe model fit for the cellar or attic, for the Life-Wave will depart from it.

Anyway, we’re still in the ‘7-year tribulation’ of transition, still experiencing the phase-by-phase permeation and impact of the hyper-convergent divine energies on our respective body, psyche, and soul at this juncture. The same divine energies are also impacting on the collective psyche of humanity and on the World soul, with the expectation that humanity turns away from the World Anti-Man to the true World Man (man = thinker). So let us await the solid results.

Likewise is the World Leader, Lord Kalki, awaiting the full results of the divine energies’ effects during the period. As mandated Savior—Christ, Bodhisattva, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, Messiah, Maitreya Buddha—He possesses the power to transport qualified ascensionauts to 5th Density, such power already demonstrated as 5th Density Earth is now populated by a sample community, infrastructures, and natural habitats rising.

In other words, Lord Kalki (or Kolki as Westerners pronounce His name) grants ‘divine grace’ unto the meritorious ascensionauts! That fact undercuts all wishful fantasy dreamers notably by the New Age abnormals who abound by the hundreds of millions from making puerile claims about being able to ‘cross the narrow divide’ to 5th Density. Those who worked silently on their tasks, who are evolved souls possessing balanced psyche, were the ones transported by Lord Kalki there.

So the message both of Shamballah (Solar Lords & Ascended Host) and Spiritual Hierarchy (Manu, Christ, Mahachohan and their respective co-directors Lords of 7 Rays + Initiatic chelas) is for us all down here to WORK HARDER. The Life-Wave will disappear here in due time, so no one mineral, plant, animal, or mortal can ever survive here in the long run, such Life-Wave fully transferring to 5th Density.

[03 March 2015]

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