Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

16 October 2012

May the best of health be with you in the New Earth!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will focus on the subject of health & wellness in this note. This is among my last few heraldries to proclaim, as my ground tasks will soon end in full gear up for my forthcoming missions as a guardian.

I already wrote on the subject of physical mutation—from organic- to crystalline-based bodies—in previous articles. Life span will be very long in the New Earth, an indication of perfected health for everyone else in the ascended planet.

Consequently, health perspective will shift from the Sickness paradigm of the Old Earth to the Wellness paradigm long advocated by diverse cultural innovators. The health situation by then will be entirely different from what we are experiencing for now.

In the current context, we have a love-hate relationship between Allopathic Medicine on the one hand and Alternative & Traditional Medicine on the other hand, as regards the matter of health care. Allopathy or Western medical paradigm is largely based on bio-physical paradigm and drug-based intervention, while Alternative & Traditional Medicine is broader and prescribes remedies other than drug or pharmaceutical interventions.

Both of the paradigms are, incidentally, fixated to healthcare as a matter of healing the sick persons, though the approaches to interventions do vary. Both are now recognized in the mainstream, even as we witness the proliferation of organic and herbal medicines across the globe.

The situation in the New Earth will be radically different, as physical bodies will be less prone to sickness while aging disappears altogether. Healthcare will logically shift from healing the sick to preventing sickness, as you’ll find out later.

Hospital or clinical care as intervention measure will almost totally disappear in the near future. The need for medicare and related healthcare policy tools will be irrelevant too, thus saving the diverse stakeholders enormous resources—individual capital, social capital, infrastructures, tools—that can then be used for other developmental engagements.

Sure, there will be the equivalent of clinics, such as the health centers operated by non-governmental organizations proliferating in the big cities today. There will be instrumentations and tools too, for routine health check ups. But gigantic hospitals, pharmaceutical industries, and related resource-intensive systems won’t be around again in the new context.

Instead, there will be a greater proliferation of fitness centers that will stress physical culture as part of total wellness regimen. Also will there be skin care, hair care, dental care, massage therapies, and the likes that we now witness, with slight modifications. Of course, organics & herbals that go with such practices will be sustained and improved in the new context.

Everybody will be meditating in the new context, which adds meditation tools among the wellness interventions. Prana will be the source of energy for crystalline-based bodies, prana that can be tapped largely via meditation practice.

The use of pranic approaches, crystals, and related alternative methods for wellness inducements will intensify more than they are done today. Wellness will also include balancing the home ecology using music & sounds, crystals, incense, candles, magnetized water solutions, practices that redound to better wellness.  

Health professionals today who are quite aware of the coming changes should get ready for massive retooling in the light of radically changed context. They must learn to recognize the role of the fitness specialists, meditation gurus, geomancers, crystals producers, herbalists and organic practitioners in building perfect health, as the healthcare equation will shift heavily to the latter stakeholders.

Rest assured there will be room for the diverse stakeholders in wellness & health in the New Earth. Obesity and hunger will both be gone, thus rendering the citizens themselves as participants in the healthcare of tomorrow. Isn’t it gladdening to know that wellness will have replaced sickness in the coming New Age of Light?

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


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