Saturday, September 6, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

18 October 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you all!

Ra, teacher & messenger, from the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will add more substance to the theme of Prana as vital source of energy for New Earth habitués. As an advanced thesis, let me re-echo the theme spread by Brothers that the Sun’s binary twin star will be the prana booster in the aftermath of the Ascension event.

That the Sun has a binary star twin is no new knowledge to me, as a former student of mine at the De La Salle University in Manila showed me a controversial article regarding the same, circa 1999 yet. A male student of engineering sciences, the student was a seeker and starseed who discussed and consulted with me about metaphysics, controversy, and conspiracy matters.

In that article, it was theorized that the binary star traverses a path that is elliptical vis a vis the Sun (not circular path) as viewed from a certain angle. It takes that twin star, which I will call Sun II for simplification, 26,000,000 years to complete the elliptical movement. Accordingly, the Sun II will come nearest to the Sun in the near future.

That knowledge didn’t make much sense to me, not even when I reviewed the 2012 books by Guruji Krishnananda that included the same subject, until I had a dream vision of the same Sun II in early July of this year. It was the last dream vision I had for the night, which took place right before 5:00 a.m. when I usually get up for the day.

In that dream vision, I was among people hobnobbing in a certain city street, with the sky very visible as it was almost a cloudless day. Suddenly the people were agitatedly exclaiming that “there goes the 2nd Sun!” in an exuberance I’ve never witnessed before. For the people take for granted the Sun and wouldn’t cease their activities to observe it unless that an eclipse would take place.

The Sun II was huge, as it was practically larger than our own Sun I in the dream scene. Knowing intuitively that it is farther from Earth than Sun I, such a huge Sun II could surely amaze any enthusiastic observer. The observed hugeness confirmed to me that the binary star twin is very gigantic, which appears larger than the Sun I in fact as the vision facilely indicated.

Thus concluded my rather unusual research into Sun II, unusual because I was able to see it in direct vision, as a direct experience, whereas ordinarily people can’t see the same Sun at all. Looming so large in the horizon, the Sun II will be nearest to Earth in its celestial path at a time when Terrans will have urgent need for more sources of Prana or vital energy during the Ascension transition up through the beginnings of the New Age of Light (approximate full start on 2018).

As already heralded by the White Robe messengers, myself included, Prana will be source of energy to sustain the crystalline-based bodies of the New Earth habitués. During the 7-year transition from 2012-2018, bodies will still need solid organic foods even when the Earth had already entered the higher dimension past Dec. 21 of this year.

The Moon may slip away from Earth’s gravity during the transition, most especially as the Solar system passes by the Null Zone, and so the Moon as source of prana will be out of the option. That moonless scenario is precisely the very rationale for an Option B as source of prana, which is Sun II.

To sum up the situation, the planet will be bombarded with very high frequency energy sources from the Photon Belt, Sirius, galaxy’s central space, and diverse star systems. Photon will spiritualize Terra and its inhabitants, while the star energies’ high frequencies will be scaled down by the two suns into manageable frequencies for Terrans and other creations on the planet. Prana will be among such energies shared by the twin stars Sun I and Sun II.

That being the case, then let’s all jubilantly welcome the coming of Sun II. The Beatles’ song “Here Comes The Sun,” which I can still play and sing with gusto along with the acoustic guitar, would be an apt theme song for the convergence of energies of the two Suns.

Here comes the Sun! So mote it be. Let it be!



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