Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
22 October 2012
Magandang araw sa inyo!
Good day to you all!
Most if not all of you
Ascension enthusiasts know all about the 7 Years of Tribulation as revealed by
John the Beloved (see Book of Revelation). Ra, teacher &
messenger, forthcoming Guardian, will amplify the subject with a clarificatory
The evolutionary leap from
Old Earth to New Earth is no quick-fix overnight event. There is always a
transition period whenever an entity or being is born. This we know from our
experience in doing organizational change, or in building a new institution,
where there are always the birth pangs to the new entity.
Such is the history of the
coming New Earth. The transition period, which is shared by Masters from East
to West, expectedly follows the Septenary Law patterns (Law of 7), thus
enabling us all an easy forecast of a 7-year transition period.
As already elucidated by
me, the 5th through 7th Densities in the upward movement
will begin to galvanize, stabilize a bit, thus rendering buildable areas to be
manifested with infrastructures following community plan designs known to the
Ascended Masters. 4th Density, however, will still be replete with transition
dilemmas and challenges that will run all through the end of 2018.
It is at 4th
Density where the Mad Max scenario of massive lootings, harassments, attempts
by global elites to regroup and gain some control, will be experienced. The
shortening of the ‘Earth without poles’ situation from 3 days to merely 3 hours
will complicate the dilemmas, as many supposedly dead misfits will be given
another chance to change, though the time frame for change is very narrow: 6
years and 10 days remaining till December 31, 2018.
Those possible additions
to higher density living will thus be exiting 4th density group by
group, as possibly many will seek the help of Brothers of Light—Light
Masters—who are niched in the astral and etheric planes. Those Terrans who will
go up the dimensional ladders of existence will also be offering help by
‘channeling Light’ (Guruji Krishnananda’s term) and sharing tools to quicken
During the transition
period, Photon Belt energies will already be upon us all in full blast. The
tough challenge to change will be upon those misfits and/or unprepared who must
change or perish. By 2017 comes another tumultuous event as a celestial body
will rub atmosphere with Terra, an event that will catalyze the offering of
Divine Grace upon all those who are being challenged to change (see Sal
Rachele’s predictions, http://www.salrachele.com).
The Photon energy will
itself be a catalytic agent towards that goal of Ascension, just to remind everyone
else for whom this information is intended for. It is part of the Father’s
grace to move on, while Gaia’s grace will continue to pour upon those who
choose to change as well as among the tribal peoples.
During such a transition,
even the Light Forces mandated to take down the Demoniacs and ship out Laggards
too will hold in abeyance heavily punitive direct action upon the 4th
density hold outs. The Father’s hands and the Mother’s heart are upon the
misfits and hold outs, and a tumultuous showering of Divine Grace is available
to every hold out just so they might indeed choose to change.
By 2018, during the last
blasts of turbulent winds, geological cataclysms, flood waters’ rush, Lord
Kalki will directly provide a device to those who choose to ascend, which the
latter will use to boost their chance to tap higher energies and ascend
successfully. On that year, the last turbulence will be the accompanying tumult
as the 4th and 5th densities are merged, thus ending the
7-year transition.
Those too many hundreds of
millions who will perish will be transferred to their own planets—7 earths as
per Guruji Krishnananda’s heraldry—where they will be given a longer chance to
evolve at their own pace. As they are being shipped out, the New Earth habitués
will be endowing them with Light to ensure somehow that, upon their habituation
of their new worlds, they will be attuned to the Hierarchy.
Depending on how you’d
look at it, the 7 tribulation years could be so dreadfully terrifying or so
abundant with spiritual opportunity. Those who choose the latter and make it to
the New Earth will see the World Leader, Christs, Buddhas, Ascended Masters,
and White Robes appear before their very eyes on the surface of Terra.
So will Shamballah, golden
City of Light, manifest
itself again at the end of the period. Whereas before only the Initiated Adepts
can enter Shamballah, in the Golden Age everyone who will enthusiastically seek
the Path of Light will have the chance of visiting the city and receive the
blessings of the Most Holy Ones led by Ancient of Days and 3 Logoi aides.
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