Friday, September 12, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

20 October 2012

Gracious day from this Brother of Light! Maluwalhating araw!

Ra, teacher & messenger, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will share an update regarding the pole-less situation as Earth enters the Null Zone on December 21 of this year 2012. I will also clarify the Divine Forces’ intervention for possible shortening of the pole-less situation.

To continue with our ascension chronicles, of which over a hundred articles were already released by Ra, let us reflect on those very moments when the entire Solar System & Alcyon (central star of the Sun) will align with Sirius (central star of Alcyon) and the central space of the Milky Way. As per latest update we got, which was heralded by Guruji Krishnananda (see, the event will happen on 11:11 a.m. of the 21st of December.

Without external intervention from Divine Forces, Terra will accordingly be without poles for three (3) days. When the poles return, they will be in reversed order, while the Earth will rotate in reverse direction. These forecasts hereby supersede those that I made earlier about the subject.

Should the planet be without poles for 3 days, the deleterious effect of pole-less circumstance will be felt strongly by those who are the least prepared for the ascension event. Hundreds of millions of the very dense and imbalanced types will be dropping dead every day by sheer force of high frequency energies that their bodies are least prepared to take, energies that cause fatal system failures.

As per findings from Russian scientists, experimental subjects who simulate pole-less situation for days suffer from madness (sociopathy, schizophrenia) thereafter. So, to remedy the situation, the aerospace  scientists designed magnets that were embedded in the suits of the cosmonauts, magnets that can simulate the planetary poles in outer space, hence avoiding the dysfunctional maladies that can be very fatal in the short run.

The option being taken by the Divine Hierarchs is to directly intervene so as to undercut the pole-less circumstance from 3 days down to 3 hours. Lord Metatron assisted by Dhyan Chohan angels (dhyan chohan = planetary spirit, a level of awareness at avatara or God-realized stage) will comprise the Divine Team who will intervene as stipulated.  

The effect of the intervention is the saving of many lives among the unprepared. The mere 3 hours will result to just about some tens of millions dead all over the world due to system failure. Those who will be saved will have six (6) years more to decide and work out their preparedness until 2018.

Note that Terra will be in 4th Dimension by December 21, and Terrans will be going to density niches where they most fit. 5th through 7th Densities will be reserved to the Lightworkers and Light Helpers, which they will traverse with aid of the Galactic Confederation, Celestial Forces (angels), and Brothers/Sisters of Light.

Couples of billions will be left in 4th Density where they must decide and work for change. Even the Service-for-Others will be in 4th Density largely, and from there they apply some more intervention tools so that they can merge with the 5th Density population as both 4th and 5th Densities will merge by 2018.

Meantime, billions of misfits will likewise be staying in 4th Density for some time (till 2018), creating chaotic Mad Max scenarios all over the planet. To alleviate the sufferings of the fit ones (higher vibrating), they will be moved over to safe havens, as I already elucidated many articles back.

Which means that the Fits and the Misfits will be sharing the same space, but set apart from each other, for some time yet. Those already located in higher densities will help out both populations through Light channel interventions, counsel (where applicable), and related tools. Angels & Galactic Command contingents aid in rescue, rehab, amenities and provisions, while Seraphs will aid in securing Terra.

The Divine intervention could thus allow the numbers of Terrans who qualify for New Earth to go beyond the 20% margin as earlier forecast. Meantime, those Misfits must get ready for their transfer to ‘7 earths’ readied by the Hierarchy for them depending on their levels of awareness.  



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1 comment:

  1. Thumbs up guys your doing a really good job.I don’t think many of websites provide this type of information.
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