Tuesday, September 23, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

24 October 2012

Kaluwalhatian at kapayapaan! Light and peace!

The Mamas and Papas out there may be worrying so much about their babies and children, terrified as they are by prospect of perishing by the latter during the 7 year tribulation. Ra, teacher & messenger, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will appease all ye worrying parents by declaring thus: babies & children are prepared for ascension.

Children refer to persons who are still in grade school or lower grades at this time when the transition has begun, down to preschool to age 3 years old. Babies of course are those ages two and lower. Save for the laggards who were born from 2000 onwards, most of the babies & children are prepared for the grand event.

As I was sharing lessons to my chelas (disciples) this year, who are the last batches I am mentoring & coaching, I noticed the worry shown by chelas who have children as their direct responsibilities. They need not express it verbally, but I sensed the deep worry in their body language and facial expressions.

So I gave them an assuring note that they shouldn’t worry about their children & babies, as the latter are already prepared for the ascension. I told them candidly to worry about their own states of being, as they are still relatively imbalanced, still undergoing healing of their subtle bodies, with occasional gathering of dense energies from the present ongoing and past life engagements.

Adolescents and adults of today who may be fired up with zeal to ascend still have to hurdle the challenge of activating their dormant DNA strands (10 dormant, 2 active), and that takes humungous amounts of interventions all done simultaneously (e.g. purification tools, meditation, bhakti, people service, deprogramming vices including negative thoughts, emotions, feelings). As the aspirant applies those tools, energy veils shall drop by couples at once, thus activating DNA strands by 1 strand every quarter of the year.

In contrast, babies & children of the ‘elect’ type (programmed by Hierarchy to ascend as they are already evolved souls) already have all of their 12 DNA strands activated upon birth (2 biological + 10 subtle strands). Hence, they won’t be experiencing the pains of transition undergone by adolescents & adults who feel like being crucified (charge that to their Attention Deficit Disorder maybe hmmm).  

Children & babies are also in direct contact with their coterie of Guides (Evolved Humans & Guardian Angel) + their Devic Crew (deva notably, plus the Earth-Water-Air-Fire elementals assigned to aid their physical growth). They hardly need protective charms & amulets contrasted to their parents who would need an arsenal of devices for protection, abundance, good health.

Fact is, the children & babies may need to be protected from their very own parents, who bring home toxic energies from work and produce dense energies from habitual negative emotions, social antipathies, negative thoughts. Add to that the protection from the viruses & bacteria carried by their parents.

So, dear parents, you need not teach your children how to meditate, how to tap Light, and other rather ridiculous projected thoughts unto your own children & babies. Tell that to any spiritual guru today and s/he may respond with chuckles bordering ridicule, for it is you more than your children & babies who need to work out with great sweat on your ascension program.

Even the rescue & rehab contingencies for children & babies are already well prepared. Name the rescuers—Angels, Space Friends, Terran volunteers—and you have them right. So dear parents, either you blast your children & babies with Light & Love, or you let them inherit tons of dense toxins from your recalcitrant psyche.

The optimal thing that you parents can do now is to Feng Shui your children’s/babe’s room with crystals and activated Divine protective figures plus mantras, plus burn incense periodically to take down excess conflicting energies. A balanced room surely can be very stabilizing on the small ones. Add fine music (classical, New Age, Nature music) to that regimen, and that will make things fine for them.   

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


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