Tuesday, September 23, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

24 October 2012

Kaluwalhatian at kapayapaan! Light and peace!

The Mamas and Papas out there may be worrying so much about their babies and children, terrified as they are by prospect of perishing by the latter during the 7 year tribulation. Ra, teacher & messenger, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will appease all ye worrying parents by declaring thus: babies & children are prepared for ascension.

Children refer to persons who are still in grade school or lower grades at this time when the transition has begun, down to preschool to age 3 years old. Babies of course are those ages two and lower. Save for the laggards who were born from 2000 onwards, most of the babies & children are prepared for the grand event.

As I was sharing lessons to my chelas (disciples) this year, who are the last batches I am mentoring & coaching, I noticed the worry shown by chelas who have children as their direct responsibilities. They need not express it verbally, but I sensed the deep worry in their body language and facial expressions.

So I gave them an assuring note that they shouldn’t worry about their children & babies, as the latter are already prepared for the ascension. I told them candidly to worry about their own states of being, as they are still relatively imbalanced, still undergoing healing of their subtle bodies, with occasional gathering of dense energies from the present ongoing and past life engagements.

Adolescents and adults of today who may be fired up with zeal to ascend still have to hurdle the challenge of activating their dormant DNA strands (10 dormant, 2 active), and that takes humungous amounts of interventions all done simultaneously (e.g. purification tools, meditation, bhakti, people service, deprogramming vices including negative thoughts, emotions, feelings). As the aspirant applies those tools, energy veils shall drop by couples at once, thus activating DNA strands by 1 strand every quarter of the year.

In contrast, babies & children of the ‘elect’ type (programmed by Hierarchy to ascend as they are already evolved souls) already have all of their 12 DNA strands activated upon birth (2 biological + 10 subtle strands). Hence, they won’t be experiencing the pains of transition undergone by adolescents & adults who feel like being crucified (charge that to their Attention Deficit Disorder maybe hmmm).  

Children & babies are also in direct contact with their coterie of Guides (Evolved Humans & Guardian Angel) + their Devic Crew (deva notably, plus the Earth-Water-Air-Fire elementals assigned to aid their physical growth). They hardly need protective charms & amulets contrasted to their parents who would need an arsenal of devices for protection, abundance, good health.

Fact is, the children & babies may need to be protected from their very own parents, who bring home toxic energies from work and produce dense energies from habitual negative emotions, social antipathies, negative thoughts. Add to that the protection from the viruses & bacteria carried by their parents.

So, dear parents, you need not teach your children how to meditate, how to tap Light, and other rather ridiculous projected thoughts unto your own children & babies. Tell that to any spiritual guru today and s/he may respond with chuckles bordering ridicule, for it is you more than your children & babies who need to work out with great sweat on your ascension program.

Even the rescue & rehab contingencies for children & babies are already well prepared. Name the rescuers—Angels, Space Friends, Terran volunteers—and you have them right. So dear parents, either you blast your children & babies with Light & Love, or you let them inherit tons of dense toxins from your recalcitrant psyche.

The optimal thing that you parents can do now is to Feng Shui your children’s/babe’s room with crystals and activated Divine protective figures plus mantras, plus burn incense periodically to take down excess conflicting energies. A balanced room surely can be very stabilizing on the small ones. Add fine music (classical, New Age, Nature music) to that regimen, and that will make things fine for them.   

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

22 October 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you all!

Most if not all of you Ascension enthusiasts know all about the 7 Years of Tribulation as revealed by John the Beloved (see Book of Revelation). Ra, teacher & messenger, forthcoming Guardian, will amplify the subject with a clarificatory note.

The evolutionary leap from Old Earth to New Earth is no quick-fix overnight event. There is always a transition period whenever an entity or being is born. This we know from our experience in doing organizational change, or in building a new institution, where there are always the birth pangs to the new entity.

Such is the history of the coming New Earth. The transition period, which is shared by Masters from East to West, expectedly follows the Septenary Law patterns (Law of 7), thus enabling us all an easy forecast of a 7-year transition period.

As already elucidated by me, the 5th through 7th Densities in the upward movement will begin to galvanize, stabilize a bit, thus rendering buildable areas to be manifested with infrastructures following community plan designs known to the Ascended Masters. 4th Density, however, will still be replete with transition dilemmas and challenges that will run all through the end of 2018.

It is at 4th Density where the Mad Max scenario of massive lootings, harassments, attempts by global elites to regroup and gain some control, will be experienced. The shortening of the ‘Earth without poles’ situation from 3 days to merely 3 hours will complicate the dilemmas, as many supposedly dead misfits will be given another chance to change, though the time frame for change is very narrow: 6 years and 10 days remaining till December 31, 2018.

Those possible additions to higher density living will thus be exiting 4th density group by group, as possibly many will seek the help of Brothers of Light—Light Masters—who are niched in the astral and etheric planes. Those Terrans who will go up the dimensional ladders of existence will also be offering help by ‘channeling Light’ (Guruji Krishnananda’s term) and sharing tools to quicken ascension.

During the transition period, Photon Belt energies will already be upon us all in full blast. The tough challenge to change will be upon those misfits and/or unprepared who must change or perish. By 2017 comes another tumultuous event as a celestial body will rub atmosphere with Terra, an event that will catalyze the offering of Divine Grace upon all those who are being challenged to change (see Sal Rachele’s predictions, http://www.salrachele.com).

The Photon energy will itself be a catalytic agent towards that goal of Ascension, just to remind everyone else for whom this information is intended for. It is part of the Father’s grace to move on, while Gaia’s grace will continue to pour upon those who choose to change as well as among the tribal peoples.

During such a transition, even the Light Forces mandated to take down the Demoniacs and ship out Laggards too will hold in abeyance heavily punitive direct action upon the 4th density hold outs. The Father’s hands and the Mother’s heart are upon the misfits and hold outs, and a tumultuous showering of Divine Grace is available to every hold out just so they might indeed choose to change.

By 2018, during the last blasts of turbulent winds, geological cataclysms, flood waters’ rush, Lord Kalki will directly provide a device to those who choose to ascend, which the latter will use to boost their chance to tap higher energies and ascend successfully. On that year, the last turbulence will be the accompanying tumult as the 4th and 5th densities are merged, thus ending the 7-year transition.

Those too many hundreds of millions who will perish will be transferred to their own planets—7 earths as per Guruji Krishnananda’s heraldry—where they will be given a longer chance to evolve at their own pace. As they are being shipped out, the New Earth habitués will be endowing them with Light to ensure somehow that, upon their habituation of their new worlds, they will be attuned to the Hierarchy.

Depending on how you’d look at it, the 7 tribulation years could be so dreadfully terrifying or so abundant with spiritual opportunity. Those who choose the latter and make it to the New Earth will see the World Leader, Christs, Buddhas, Ascended Masters, and White Robes appear before their very eyes on the surface of Terra.

So will Shamballah, golden City of Light, manifest itself again at the end of the period. Whereas before only the Initiated Adepts can enter Shamballah, in the Golden Age everyone who will enthusiastically seek the Path of Light will have the chance of visiting the city and receive the blessings of the Most Holy Ones led by Ancient of Days and 3 Logoi aides.  

Friday, September 12, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

20 October 2012

Gracious day from this Brother of Light! Maluwalhating araw!

Ra, teacher & messenger, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will share an update regarding the pole-less situation as Earth enters the Null Zone on December 21 of this year 2012. I will also clarify the Divine Forces’ intervention for possible shortening of the pole-less situation.

To continue with our ascension chronicles, of which over a hundred articles were already released by Ra, let us reflect on those very moments when the entire Solar System & Alcyon (central star of the Sun) will align with Sirius (central star of Alcyon) and the central space of the Milky Way. As per latest update we got, which was heralded by Guruji Krishnananda (see http://lightagemasters.com), the event will happen on 11:11 a.m. of the 21st of December.

Without external intervention from Divine Forces, Terra will accordingly be without poles for three (3) days. When the poles return, they will be in reversed order, while the Earth will rotate in reverse direction. These forecasts hereby supersede those that I made earlier about the subject.

Should the planet be without poles for 3 days, the deleterious effect of pole-less circumstance will be felt strongly by those who are the least prepared for the ascension event. Hundreds of millions of the very dense and imbalanced types will be dropping dead every day by sheer force of high frequency energies that their bodies are least prepared to take, energies that cause fatal system failures.

As per findings from Russian scientists, experimental subjects who simulate pole-less situation for days suffer from madness (sociopathy, schizophrenia) thereafter. So, to remedy the situation, the aerospace  scientists designed magnets that were embedded in the suits of the cosmonauts, magnets that can simulate the planetary poles in outer space, hence avoiding the dysfunctional maladies that can be very fatal in the short run.

The option being taken by the Divine Hierarchs is to directly intervene so as to undercut the pole-less circumstance from 3 days down to 3 hours. Lord Metatron assisted by Dhyan Chohan angels (dhyan chohan = planetary spirit, a level of awareness at avatara or God-realized stage) will comprise the Divine Team who will intervene as stipulated.  

The effect of the intervention is the saving of many lives among the unprepared. The mere 3 hours will result to just about some tens of millions dead all over the world due to system failure. Those who will be saved will have six (6) years more to decide and work out their preparedness until 2018.

Note that Terra will be in 4th Dimension by December 21, and Terrans will be going to density niches where they most fit. 5th through 7th Densities will be reserved to the Lightworkers and Light Helpers, which they will traverse with aid of the Galactic Confederation, Celestial Forces (angels), and Brothers/Sisters of Light.

Couples of billions will be left in 4th Density where they must decide and work for change. Even the Service-for-Others will be in 4th Density largely, and from there they apply some more intervention tools so that they can merge with the 5th Density population as both 4th and 5th Densities will merge by 2018.

Meantime, billions of misfits will likewise be staying in 4th Density for some time (till 2018), creating chaotic Mad Max scenarios all over the planet. To alleviate the sufferings of the fit ones (higher vibrating), they will be moved over to safe havens, as I already elucidated many articles back.

Which means that the Fits and the Misfits will be sharing the same space, but set apart from each other, for some time yet. Those already located in higher densities will help out both populations through Light channel interventions, counsel (where applicable), and related tools. Angels & Galactic Command contingents aid in rescue, rehab, amenities and provisions, while Seraphs will aid in securing Terra.

The Divine intervention could thus allow the numbers of Terrans who qualify for New Earth to go beyond the 20% margin as earlier forecast. Meantime, those Misfits must get ready for their transfer to ‘7 earths’ readied by the Hierarchy for them depending on their levels of awareness.  

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Saturday, September 6, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

18 October 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you all!

Ra, teacher & messenger, from the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will add more substance to the theme of Prana as vital source of energy for New Earth habitués. As an advanced thesis, let me re-echo the theme spread by Brothers that the Sun’s binary twin star will be the prana booster in the aftermath of the Ascension event.

That the Sun has a binary star twin is no new knowledge to me, as a former student of mine at the De La Salle University in Manila showed me a controversial article regarding the same, circa 1999 yet. A male student of engineering sciences, the student was a seeker and starseed who discussed and consulted with me about metaphysics, controversy, and conspiracy matters.

In that article, it was theorized that the binary star traverses a path that is elliptical vis a vis the Sun (not circular path) as viewed from a certain angle. It takes that twin star, which I will call Sun II for simplification, 26,000,000 years to complete the elliptical movement. Accordingly, the Sun II will come nearest to the Sun in the near future.

That knowledge didn’t make much sense to me, not even when I reviewed the 2012 books by Guruji Krishnananda that included the same subject, until I had a dream vision of the same Sun II in early July of this year. It was the last dream vision I had for the night, which took place right before 5:00 a.m. when I usually get up for the day.

In that dream vision, I was among people hobnobbing in a certain city street, with the sky very visible as it was almost a cloudless day. Suddenly the people were agitatedly exclaiming that “there goes the 2nd Sun!” in an exuberance I’ve never witnessed before. For the people take for granted the Sun and wouldn’t cease their activities to observe it unless that an eclipse would take place.

The Sun II was huge, as it was practically larger than our own Sun I in the dream scene. Knowing intuitively that it is farther from Earth than Sun I, such a huge Sun II could surely amaze any enthusiastic observer. The observed hugeness confirmed to me that the binary star twin is very gigantic, which appears larger than the Sun I in fact as the vision facilely indicated.

Thus concluded my rather unusual research into Sun II, unusual because I was able to see it in direct vision, as a direct experience, whereas ordinarily people can’t see the same Sun at all. Looming so large in the horizon, the Sun II will be nearest to Earth in its celestial path at a time when Terrans will have urgent need for more sources of Prana or vital energy during the Ascension transition up through the beginnings of the New Age of Light (approximate full start on 2018).

As already heralded by the White Robe messengers, myself included, Prana will be source of energy to sustain the crystalline-based bodies of the New Earth habitués. During the 7-year transition from 2012-2018, bodies will still need solid organic foods even when the Earth had already entered the higher dimension past Dec. 21 of this year.

The Moon may slip away from Earth’s gravity during the transition, most especially as the Solar system passes by the Null Zone, and so the Moon as source of prana will be out of the option. That moonless scenario is precisely the very rationale for an Option B as source of prana, which is Sun II.

To sum up the situation, the planet will be bombarded with very high frequency energy sources from the Photon Belt, Sirius, galaxy’s central space, and diverse star systems. Photon will spiritualize Terra and its inhabitants, while the star energies’ high frequencies will be scaled down by the two suns into manageable frequencies for Terrans and other creations on the planet. Prana will be among such energies shared by the twin stars Sun I and Sun II.

That being the case, then let’s all jubilantly welcome the coming of Sun II. The Beatles’ song “Here Comes The Sun,” which I can still play and sing with gusto along with the acoustic guitar, would be an apt theme song for the convergence of energies of the two Suns.

Here comes the Sun! So mote it be. Let it be!

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

16 October 2012

May the best of health be with you in the New Earth!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will focus on the subject of health & wellness in this note. This is among my last few heraldries to proclaim, as my ground tasks will soon end in full gear up for my forthcoming missions as a guardian.

I already wrote on the subject of physical mutation—from organic- to crystalline-based bodies—in previous articles. Life span will be very long in the New Earth, an indication of perfected health for everyone else in the ascended planet.

Consequently, health perspective will shift from the Sickness paradigm of the Old Earth to the Wellness paradigm long advocated by diverse cultural innovators. The health situation by then will be entirely different from what we are experiencing for now.

In the current context, we have a love-hate relationship between Allopathic Medicine on the one hand and Alternative & Traditional Medicine on the other hand, as regards the matter of health care. Allopathy or Western medical paradigm is largely based on bio-physical paradigm and drug-based intervention, while Alternative & Traditional Medicine is broader and prescribes remedies other than drug or pharmaceutical interventions.

Both of the paradigms are, incidentally, fixated to healthcare as a matter of healing the sick persons, though the approaches to interventions do vary. Both are now recognized in the mainstream, even as we witness the proliferation of organic and herbal medicines across the globe.

The situation in the New Earth will be radically different, as physical bodies will be less prone to sickness while aging disappears altogether. Healthcare will logically shift from healing the sick to preventing sickness, as you’ll find out later.

Hospital or clinical care as intervention measure will almost totally disappear in the near future. The need for medicare and related healthcare policy tools will be irrelevant too, thus saving the diverse stakeholders enormous resources—individual capital, social capital, infrastructures, tools—that can then be used for other developmental engagements.

Sure, there will be the equivalent of clinics, such as the health centers operated by non-governmental organizations proliferating in the big cities today. There will be instrumentations and tools too, for routine health check ups. But gigantic hospitals, pharmaceutical industries, and related resource-intensive systems won’t be around again in the new context.

Instead, there will be a greater proliferation of fitness centers that will stress physical culture as part of total wellness regimen. Also will there be skin care, hair care, dental care, massage therapies, and the likes that we now witness, with slight modifications. Of course, organics & herbals that go with such practices will be sustained and improved in the new context.

Everybody will be meditating in the new context, which adds meditation tools among the wellness interventions. Prana will be the source of energy for crystalline-based bodies, prana that can be tapped largely via meditation practice.

The use of pranic approaches, crystals, and related alternative methods for wellness inducements will intensify more than they are done today. Wellness will also include balancing the home ecology using music & sounds, crystals, incense, candles, magnetized water solutions, practices that redound to better wellness.  

Health professionals today who are quite aware of the coming changes should get ready for massive retooling in the light of radically changed context. They must learn to recognize the role of the fitness specialists, meditation gurus, geomancers, crystals producers, herbalists and organic practitioners in building perfect health, as the healthcare equation will shift heavily to the latter stakeholders.

Rest assured there will be room for the diverse stakeholders in wellness & health in the New Earth. Obesity and hunger will both be gone, thus rendering the citizens themselves as participants in the healthcare of tomorrow. Isn’t it gladdening to know that wellness will have replaced sickness in the coming New Age of Light?

PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com