Friday, October 18, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

03 August 2012

Gracious Day from this White Robe!

Ra, messenger & teacher, Adept of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will share a note about the transfer of Terra to a space zone near Sirius. The initial chronicle about the subject was among those taken up by Metatron to JJ Hurtak circa early 70s yet (Keys of Enoch).

The Divine plan of getting the planet a bit nearer the central area of the galaxy is very much in place. When the Father direct began intervention on Earth in 1974, all the more does the Plan make sound and doable, as the Father himself will do the act of transferring the planet via a cosmic bubble.

The fact about gas bubbles and plasma bubbles in space has been known to our astrophysicists for some time now. That a plasma bubble can be used to transport a celestial body as huge as planet Terra is something yet to be authenticated though by the mainstream scientists, so perhaps this transfer of Earth to a zone re-positioning it (Earth) nearer Sirius is a fitful opportunity for astrophysics to catch up in fact-gathering regarding the subject.

Of course, Metatron will be very much involved with the balancing and constant re-checking of the electromagnetic belt, energy grids, energy spots and portals, as he remains ever committed to help in overseeing the success of the planetary ascension and human ascension as well. Metatron has been discussing the nitty gritty points of the tasks leading to the full ascension with the Guardians and with Terra’s Hierarchs on a daily basis, indicating that his commitment is total.

Along the way, Dhyan Chohans from among the angels and devas will be assisting in the balancing, countermanding energy conflicts in Terra’s atmosphere, and constant checking of the very atmospheric conditions to ensure a relatively smooth travel to that very long distance. [Dhyan Chohan = planetary spirit, very highly evolved divine being, the minimum qualification for a soul to be able to return to God at the end of the Manvantara or evolutionary cycle of 4.3 billion years.]

Whether the entire Solar system is going nearer Sirius is another phenomenon to consider. That option only the Father can answer as only He knows the overall plan for the entire universe(s). As per the Divine Hierarchs’ revelations to JJ Hurtak, the Sun has become more hostile in conditions for the 3D planets, which is cause enough to move the ascending planet Terra elsewhere. However, we cannot discount the possibility that the whole Solar System will indeed be moved nearer Sirius, or further from the rim of the galaxy.

I would prefer to think, in fact, that the Sun will undergo changes too during the ascension period. Who knows, the solar system could evolve a bit more as it is relocated, along with all the planets in it (both visible and invisible), to a zone that places the system a bit nearer to the galaxy’s center than before. That is, we cannot discount the possibility that the whole Solar System will indeed be moved nearer Sirius, or further from the rim of the galaxy.

The bonus for Terrans is that, during the transfer, Terra will surely be immersed in the Photon Belt for a period of hundreds of years at least (500+ years as per Guruji Krishnananda’s forecast). Photon has enormous benefits for the spiritual renewal of Terrans, a fact that scientists have no knowledge about, so let us welcome the Photon Belt immersion with a joyful celebration.  

Positioning Terra nearer Sirius also poses another grand benefit for the planet, and possibly the solar system: Sirius’ transmutational energy can aid the planet and humans evolve at an even faster rate then expected. The mutation than from the 4th Evolutionary Round to the 5th round for our planet will be shortened by the presence of Sirius nearby.

By the way, Sirius is home to the Great White Brotherhood. That is, the Brotherhood’s center in our galaxy is in Sirius. This I came to know in the 90s yet when I was initiated by a Filipino guru to the Great White Lodge. I know for a fact that a Greater Shamballah exists in Sirius, to which our own Shamballah (seat of spiritual governance) is an echo replica of.

Ascension enthusiasts, let’s cross our fingers the space travel by our entire planet will be a smooth one. Protected by the Father inside the Bubble, we will all make it to the destination safe and sound. And Terra will travel via the hyperspace, trust the Father that His trip for us will be quite shortened.




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