Friday, October 25, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

07 August 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you!

Ra, messenger & teacher, staff/member at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will focus on the state of anarchy that will happen right at the inception of Ascension on December 21 up through the turbulent weeks, months, years ahead. As already shared previously, the turbulence will move on till the entire 2018, with relative calm episodes within the period.

We anticipate a state of anarchy beginning on the 21st of December, most specially when communications (internet included) and electricity will break down. Transport facilities would also likely be unable to run. On this day, everything will come to a dead stop.

Law enforcement will cease to be effective, as the leaders will scamper for safety and no one will be in command of the situation. Wealthy people who are in the know, have been preparing for hideaway places including bunkers, so they too will be out of the spotlight on the 21st of December. Law enforcement officers who are highly polarized may not even be able to go out of their houses, as they’d be dropping dead due to a pole-less circumstance.

The papacy and governments of the world powers are well aware of the coming changes, and have been prepared for the eventualities. As early as late afternoon of December the 20th, expect the leaders of these powers to be moving quickly to “safe” havens. Comes the 21st of December, they will all be out of the spotlight.

It will be during the early hours of the 21st of December that the Galactic Command or GC mission forces will arrive in great numbers to transport those who are well prepared for the ascension (service for others or SFOs). As of this time, the SFOs, notably the Light Helpers & Light Workers, are already well identified and will be monitored on a daily basis until the time of their pick up by the GC rescue missions.

The angels will likewise zoom down the surface from their positions in the etheric and astral planes, and quickly secure those that they were tasked to rescue. Among these are babies and tots, possibly very old persons, disabled ones, and other hazard-prone persons. Many will be secured in the prepared safe havens under the seas, while others will be forwarded to the GC motherships.

During the December 21-23 Null Zone days, the warrior angels and the Seraphim will also be descending or ‘entering’ the surface of the new 4th dimensional planet, to fully secure it. Likewise will GC contingents move to designated areas to reinforce public order. During the said days, the Light Forces will move very quickly to seize and detain dangerous elements, notably the Luciferan Adepts and leaders, that they can hold of.

It is possible that there will be hundreds of millions of sociopaths and dangerous criminals who can survive the Null Zone days, but who will entirely lose their sense of humanity towards total madness. From December 24 onwards, expect them to behave like the typical B Movie Mad Max scenario devils, engaging terror and ambuscades, ransacking and pillaging homes, malls, and commercial buildings, and declaring petty tyrannies in neighborhoods.

The Light Forces will concentrate on securing the high grounds during the Null Zone and post-polar shift periods, while the lowlands will be swallowed by rampaging tsunamis and ocean waters from December 24 onwards. Yet there will be complexity in securing the high grounds during a highly fluid situation, as those mad ones and laggards who will survive will be numbering past the billion mark across the planet.

Let us cross our fingers that the Evil Masters will have been jailed or eliminated before the year ends, so that the only Evil Ones will be the Demoniacs that will be loitering the neighborhoods and unsafe havens. Laggards still left behind will be scampering for safety, and they too must be secured as they will be escorted to motherships that will ship them out to their own world of Evolutionary Laggards.

The options for the Demoniacs or Mad Max types will be different, however, as the Light Forces can take them down most immediately. Just as the Underground or UG peoples did to the Men-In-Black or Deros, the Demoniacs must simply be blasted down to Kingdom Come and their souls captured for shipping out to the Demoniacs’ planet in the Kama Loka (negative Astral subplane).

Rest assured that, as early as March the 21st next year, all will be quiet in the diverse fronts across the New Earth, until anarchy comes again around 2017 when a celestial body rubs aura with Terra. The Divine Hierarchy won’t ever allow the new Terra to become a Mad Max planet, so that by the 2nd semester of 2013 the development pursuits for the planet can proceed—in the 5th, 6th, and 7th Densities.




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