Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

09 August 2012

Gracious day to you all!

For this particular heraldry, Ra, messenger & teacher, will focus on the ‘soft catastrophe’ awaiting the New Earth ascendants. Ra is a forthcoming Guardian, so everyone’s safety and growth in the New Earth is part of my future ‘scope of work’.

In previous notes, I already reported about the safe havens awaiting the New Earth qualifiers. The heraldry was already released in the early 70s yet by Herr JJ Hurtak in his book Keys of Enoch. What I’m doing is to affirm the heraldry, via spot inspections of all the generic safe havens (inspection using my Christ LightBody that activated in November 2008 yet).

A brief run down of the generic safe havens goes as follows: (a) undersea shelters; (b) highland shelters; and, (c) motherships of the GC (Galactic Command). The generic shelters are now ready, at 100% readiness, inclusive of the structures (tents & multipurpose halls) for the undersea and highland shelters.

Contingency measures, relief & rehab, people transit, and related tasks are now ready too. Quick Response Teams or QRTs from among the chelas of the White Robes (who are still down on the surface) are now taking place. QRTs among the sector forces of the GC have already trained way ahead in advance, ditto for the Celestial Forces (angels) who take charge of the undersea operations.

To re-echo what I’ve heralded before, the said safe havens are all protected by Pyramid of Light for each underworld and highland shelters. So no matter what turbulence will take place outside the havens, inclusive of tornado winds whirling @500 kph, the refugee villages will be intact, and the refugees may even enjoy strumming the guitar and singing within them.

Top heavy geological cataclysms, such as quakes of past 9 Reichter, are among those that we should anticipate. Albeit, the Father is intervening in the planet, He can very easily soften geological cataclysms. Furthermore, let us anticipate the rise of waters, likewise the atmospheric turbulence as a consequence of the drastic electromagnetic changes.

Precisely why the New Earth qualifiers will be sheltered in safe havens. Precisely why QRTs were formed and new ones are being formed today, and onwards till past December 21 more QRTs will be rapidly trained and deployed.

…And, precisely why you Ascension enthusiasts should conclude your self-balancing acts and detoxify yourselves of the last dirt of fears, hatreds, doubts, pessimisms. Such negative moods and psychic states mentioned will be the ones that can deter your entry to the QRT vehicles awaiting you or entry to the portal that will open the way to the 5th Density and higher subplanes (for the Lighworkers and more evolved souls).

Safe havens, QRTs, logistics hubs, GCs and Celestial Force assets are in the works, and will be working round the clock during the mass evacuations. Even before the advent of the December 21 Event, QRTs will already be conducting massive dry-run rehearsals of the missions they’ll be performing.

So what do you do in the shelters (underground & highlands)? Relax, fix your respective tents, feng shui it if possible, meditate, plan your next activities. A multipurpose hall, with many function rooms, is located right at the center of your refugee village (it is as big as a gated subdivision). There you can meditate, pray, read books, discuss with fellow residents, listen to Elders talk (angelic leaders, GC leaders, masters will be there like in any scheduled talk event).

Your body in transition to crystalline, it won’t need bulk carbo foods so much. Logistics will comprise of food supplements (pill compacted) and a few fluids (honey or substitute) for minimum energy. Learn to meditate for those who haven’t learned to, as Prana/Chi (vital energy) will be the chief source of energy.

Do your physical works too, as the Hall comprises of a gym and spaces for fitness. The opportunity for fatso and chubby punks to totally take down their unwanted fats comes at last! Everybody will look young for even old ones will shrink back in time to their prime of life. Young and slim, you will all be ready for the re-settlement in the cities or special regions (tribal peoples) in the months ahead of you.

Do I need to belabor the point that those 500 millions sheltered in the motherships will be provided similar amenities and will be sheltered well? Fatso and chubby types up there better slice off those ridiculous fats so you’d be slimmer yet muscle flexed to be resettled down there in the months or few years ahead.  

Lastly, in case you may be curious about ID for qualifiers, one comes: the Father provides Divine Grace to all qualifiers, so He will embed in your etheric body an identification token. Those chelas of Ascended Masters who were educated in the Etheric Retreats, my chelas included, already have graduation tokens embedded in each one’s etheric body, so they can be easily identified for movement to the 5th and higher densities.




1 comment:

  1. The Safe Havens are still there, intact, guarded by warrior angels, protected by pyramids of Light. Albeit, the catastrophe didn't happen, as the Supreme Being directly intervened to deter such a change event to take place, as a matter of giving grace unto all Terrans. All Terrans are given another chance to shape up and evolve by tapping through the Divine energies now freely flowing on Earth.
