Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
29 July 2012
Gracious Day from this
White Robe!
Ra, messenger & guru,
fellow in the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will
now share a compact heraldry about the forecast catastrophes.
The period of catastrophe
will be from 2012 through 2030 approximately, which the Brother Sal Rachele
already shared before, so please refer to Rachele’s works (http://www.salrachele.com). I will focus
on the period December 21 this year through late 2013.
During some meditations of
mine in the past years, visions of the global inundations appeared before my
inner focal. They were very hair raising, to say the least. Let me share some
two of them, as these two visions already suffices to extrapolate on the global
I saw the
Western seaboard of Manila,
at the Roxas Blvd. To my right were condominiums and high rise buildings. To my
left, suddenly here comes a wall of water so high it dwarfed the coconut trees
below by more than 5X. In slow motion the water wall moved to the boulevard
area, then gradually moved to condominium buildings most of which it gobbled
up. End of vision.
Paris appeared in
my vision, with the Eiffel
Tower right there at the
foreground. While enjoying the vision, suddenly here comes a huge high wall of
brackish dark water to my left, which then surged to the area of the tower.
Then, as the water wall passed the Eiffel, over half of it was shockingly below
the waters. End of vision.
The waters, per my
estimate, would come on the 24th of December ’12 yet. During the
Null Zone period, Dec. 21-23 midnight, there will be relative calm, though the psychosocially
sick persons will be dropping dead en masse due to system failure. That is due
to the absence of poles, as the Solar System stays within the zone where the
polar vibes of the Milky Way’s central region passes through.
During the Null Zone, with
Terra already in 4th Dimension, all systems based on polarities will
be wiped out. Name them—electricity, communications, gadgetries, cars,
vehicles, airplanes, and more— they won’t be able to operate at all. Likewise will
the internet conk out, as the system is based on binary language.
Russian scientists are
factoring the solar sunspot blasts behind the forthcoming breakdown of power,
communications, and internet. Which could be the case, but which could not
either. In my analysis, it will be the drastic and tumultuous move to a
non-binary/non-polar context that will be responsible for knocking out all
systems based on polarities and binary languages.
Then the poles will return
in reversed order on the early hours of the 24th December ’12. That
return of poles will jolt the ElectroMagnetic belt of the planet and cause
immense pressures on both poles that can suffice to break down ice formations.
Rapid melting then takes place, with waters rising to immense levels. [As per
Guruji Krishnananda’s forcast, the Earth will run in reverse order upon the
return of the poles. Also, poles return just 3 hours after the pole-less
situation, thus possibly making polar agitation, ice cap melt, and massive flooding
earlier than December 24.]
Traveling at past 250-300
miles per hour, the rapid surge will build up waves to walls of tsunami as they
move from the poles to the equator, and pass each other they then rush to the
opposite pole area, and so forth. As this happens for couples of days,
turbulent winds build up, inducing tornadoes and super-cyclones that can tear
down tall concrete structures.
Debris after debris will
then be tossed up to the skies, while violently awakened volcanoes will release
spew smoked debris that can circulate the globe over 3-4 times by the turbulent
winds. So darkened by the turbulence and debris, the skies will be akin to a
nuclear winter, without Sun for a week or so. Only the massive intervention of
Divine Hands can quickly dissipate down a global winter scenario and even
shorten the number of dark days.
Vast parts of seaboards
will be inundated by at least 300 meters of waters for sometime. Island
republics will disappear, including Japan,
UK, Ireland, New
Zealand, Philippines.
India will be almost wiped
out, and so will be 90% of Europe. The
USA-Canada will look like 2 giant sandals set apart by seawaters that will meet
up with the lakes up north. Australia’s
eastern half will be down under. Coastal regions to the east and west of South America immersed too.
Waters will be at high
rise levels for at least forty (40) days, till relative stability comes after. March
of 2013 will see relative stability. We can’t say what comes next. There will
be landform changes, as the surface will move 2 kilometers higher, but only the
Father will know the final configuration of the New Earth landforms. Vulcanic
eruptions, collapsing lands, rising new lands, to identify some catastrophic
turmoil, will take place.
As Terra reaches the years
2017-18, let us expect another round of tumultuous geo-atmospheric changes.
2018 completes the 7-year period of transition beginning in 2012, so expect the
last turmoil to take place on that very year. Across the 7 years, which has
already begun, many dead misfits (service-for-self) will be dying en masse, and
thus shipped out to the planets fit for their own awareness level.
The forecast events,
pre-visioned from antiquity to present (changes due to Father’s intervention
since 1974), are the chief reasons behind the rush to rescue people before the
severest catastrophes. Rest assured, the Light Forces are well prepared for the
PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com
http://talangguro.blogfree.com, http://tribes.tribe.com, http://lovingenergies.spruz.com,
http://www.newciv.org, http://thatsthewayoflight.socialparadox.com,
http://lightworkers.org, http://www.spiritualpassions.com, http://www.articlesforfree.net
http://efdargon.multiply.com, http://newageconnection.com, http://www.facebook.com
http://www.maharishi.org, http://www.rssb.org,
http://www.fisu.org, http://www.saibaba.org, http://trishulabearer.com,
This catastrophe didn't happen, thanks to the Almighty Father's direct intervention by deterring changes in landform, climate/weather, and other direct interventions in the days prior to and after December the 12th of 2012. We went through a timeline change, went to 4th Density without the catastrophe.