Wednesday, February 4, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

From this Melchizedek springs forth goodwill greetings!

Melchizedek is another term for an Initiated fellow of the Brotherhood of Light, also called the Order of Melchizedek. We Melchizedeks are increasing by the year and have numerically offset the Initiates of the Dark Lodge, thus ensuring for Earth greater Light all through the Golden Age. Let me nourish our reflections on the New Earth by adding insights about Light brought forth unto the Astral plane by the custodian of Light for Earth: the Lord Buddha.

The Astral plane is the 2nd plane and has 7 subplanes all in all. The lowest of the subplanes is the negative astral subplane which Hindus emphatically labeled as Kama Loka or ‘desire locality/place’ [Hell of Christians]. Kama Loka is actually the Sanskrit translation of Astral plane being the space-time dimension where Desire is seated. From astral matter was fashioned for us our Astral body, the seat of emotions, feelings, and Desire within us.

Having fallen from the ‘garden of Eden’—descended down the dense world of 3rd Density or physical plane, thus losing access to the higher dimensions—mankind had since the tragic Fall been depositing his karmic dirt and negativities of all sorts on the Astral plane. The mid- to the last lower 3 subplanes are the most affected, and these subplanes are where most souls of the dead go to.

Being thus the repository of karmic dirt, of Demonic energies of every kind, the Astral plane turned into a sordid plane of illusion. As such, Demonic beings or abominations of every kind and form were naturally gravitated to the Astral plane, there to manipulate and control the badly veiled Fallen humans. Discarnates (incubus or succubus), demons or asuras (negative elementals), fallen angels, and astral creations of our dirty thoughts called ‘dugpa’, spirits of animals cohabitate this plane.

Declared as dense and dirty by the Ascended Host, it turned into a region that was unfit for operations by the Light Masters for a very long time lasting eons. The fall from 4th to 3rd Density, which coincides with the Fall of Lucifer circa 500,000 years ago, a fall that in fact had to do with the flawed prescription of Lucifer that humans to control their passions in order to return to God, thus consequently fragmenting the soul further into soul fragments or extensions, is precisely the yardstick to measure how long the Astral plane ceased to be a fitful locus for operations by the Ascended Masters.

Until the early 20th century, the Mahatmas or Perfected Ones shunned this plane altogether which they consider as inexistent. Beyond the Etheric plane where exist the retreats, ashrams, and city of Shamballah, the next dimensions where the Masters are located are in the Mental plane and upwards of that—Buddhic, Nirvanic, and Monadic or paranirvanic planes. It is in the Mental plane (3rd plane) where the Light masters contact their chelas to channel messages through telepathy.

So bad was the situation in the Astral plane, where over 60 billions of souls are located—of dead folks of the densest to demonic character—that the Evil Ones niched in it made feasting out of the hopeless billions. Add to those billions the billions on the surface whose penchant for vacillations to the negative emotions-relations-thoughts ensured their gravitation to the Evil Ones. Millions of those who claim to be ‘lightworkers’ or ‘starseeds’ today are among the Fallen humans who receive commands from the Evil Ones.

A huge change took place, however, when the Buddha, Lord of Light of Earth, brought Light unto the Astral plane couples of decades ago. With blasts of illumination spreading across the 7 subplanes and taking ground-and-anchorage, followed up by constant cleansing by the legions of evolved angels, certain regions in this plane became enclaves for safe operations by the Light Masters. Towards the end of the 20th century, more and more enclaves have opened up, temples and libraries installed, thus magnetizing Light Masters all the more.

As a long term consequence of the Light anchorage by Buddha, Light Masters are now finally meeting up with spiritual seekers and/or Aspirants right in the Astral plane. Whereas before the Melchizedeks who served as Gatekeepers of cities in the astrals were the only ones who reported there on a regular basis to attend to administrative matters, today the Melchizedeks who perform Teacher roles frequent the astrals by manifesting before Aspirants inside safe enclaves.

Before the Buddha illuminated this plane, only the chelas of gurus were bold enough to do service works by reporting to the Astral plane when their physical bodies sleep (in the physical plane). There the chelas assist the lost souls of the dead folks, so many souls they process, facilitate adjustments, and guide folks where to go thereafter. Such tasks the chelas still do till these days, with the addition that the same chelas can assure the arrival of certain Light Masters in their area of assignment who can then deliver wisdom talks to the lost souls.

It may take a very long time yet before the Astral plane can be cleaned up, as probably over 80% of its space is ‘bad sectors’ (to use the infotech term). And the astrals will always be the plane of illusion, no matter what clean up will be done on it. Yet the Light Masters are now regularly reporting there today, and expect more of such Melchizedeks to arrive as their numbers are increasing by the year.

In my own experience as a teacher of the Wisdom, I have already met up with many seekers and aspirants in this plane. Those seekers whom I later met in the physical plane and sought my mentoring, I did meet up first in the Astral plane for over a year or two before we finally stumbled upon each other in the physical plane. And there are hundreds of more whom I meet up there, souls of living persons who are aspirants to the Path, whom I never met at all in the physical plane.

In sum, timeline change already occurred in the once citadel of dirt and demonism called Astral plane. That situation is part of the New Earth or Golden Age wonders, and wonderment will expand more in the decades, centuries, and millennia to come across the Age of Light.

[04 February 2015]

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