Tuesday, January 27, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Gracious Day from this Initiate of the White Lodge!

The theme of Golden Age of Light will be continued in this note. Being a mandated messenger, among 100 out of 144,000 White Robes tasked to do the messenger mission that is focused on the Ascension, I take it as duty to re-echo the themes raised previously by the Spiritual Hierarchy, so let us genuflect more about the subject.

The challenging task, gargantuan as it is, is for all of Terrans to collaborate in building a permanent Golden Age or Satya Yuga. The Chohans of the 7 Rays have emphatically raised the permanency vision regarding the Age of Light to their respective chelas. Master Rackozi, Lord of Alchemy (7th Ray), echoed the challenge to chelas as early as the pre-World War II years yet, while the other Chohans drumbeat the theme to their chelas in the etheric retreats.

Master Rackozi (also called St Germain) likewise heralded the Kumara Energy release in 1934, to which he hastened to add that in the future the Kumaras will release the same energy again—in two points (Shamballah and a point in the U.S.A.; Master El Morya echoed the same via his chela Guru Nicholas Roerich). Since he released the heraldries from the 30s through the 50s, many events have happened, with the forecast of a future release already coming to past (Kumara Energies released in the evening of 20 December 2012).

In those same set of forecasts, Master R. also echoed a cryptic prophecy that two (2) more Golden Ages will take place in the future. Accordingly, two (2) Ages of Light have already come to past, the last one ending in holocausts that destroyed the once fluvial Sahara, Gobi, and Mojave (nuked to kingdom come!). Cryptic is the futures forecast, as the prophecy implies that the Golden Age that just began will eventually come to an end.

Meanwhile, Master El Morya, who as Lord Moru or Meru will be Manu of the emerging 6th Root Race, already busied himself to install a headquarter in South America. He has been pre-selecting those chelas of him who can later on be among his co-workers in bringing forth the Meruvian race. South America will be the nestle of the new race, which will emerge approximately eight (8) centuries from now, probably to begin its predominance in civilization and culture across the planet.

Hardly had that future race arisen when already certain news coming from his chelas filtered out that the Meruvian civilization will last a full 11,000-year Golden Age. Which implies that eventually the Meruvians will also go through a decline in Light, as they would be dominating world population and replace the 5th race of Aryans. That decline would end up, at some point in the future, in Absolute Evil of sorts, thus repeating a cycle of wars and bizarre conflicts that almost saw the planet destroyed by the Atlanteans (4th race) and the Axis powers of Europe (5th root race).

Sustaining the Light during a Golden Age is surely a tough task to undertake. It all boils down to how humanity as a whole will take on the burden of transmuting each one’s negative egos and living, socioculturally, the virtue of ‘right relations’. Humanity was always the source of darkening and slide to Absolute Evil in the past, so it is easy to extrapolate that humanity will again backslide into darkness in the future.

While such a possibility is always there, we shouldn’t despair this early about Absolute Evil taking place in the future. We keep it as an input to our visioning and missioning of the future, ensuring that we undertake our respective inner balance and conduct of right relations. Timeline change can always happen, and in this case of the current Age of Light the putting forward of Light in all spheres of life can ensure that no more Kali Yuga will happen in the future.

Permanent Golden Age is the consensus vision of the Ascended Masters for Earth. Both Shamballah (signifying the seat of our Solar Lords or Kumaras) and Spiritual Hierarchy (seat of our Planetary hierarchs) have long agreed about the permanent Golden Age. However, Shamballah and planetary Hierarchy do not in any way impose the vision on humanity, for humanity in itself is expected to evolve some day into a ‘center of Spirit’.

Humanity directs its own destiny, as the Ascended Host has been echoing over and over in the past. In no way will the Divinities ever impose Divine Will on mortals who, no matter how prone to evil they may be, can mutate into beings of Light. The 100,000+ Ascended Masters of today all came from the ground base of humanity, struggled to move up the Initiation ladder, and successfully made it, so their success stories can always be replicated by the mortals right now.

Mortals already came a long way from the mineral, vegetative, and animal worlds, and were joined by eager devas and elementals who wished to be free some day precisely by turning human and traversing the Path of Initiation. As the messenger-Initiate Rudolf Steiner clarified, the souls on Earth today actually came from the following evolutions: Saturn evolution was first, then after the Saturn pralaya (sleep) moved to the Sun evolution as second, then after the Sun pralaya moved over to the Moon evolution as third phase, and after the Moon pralaya moved to Earth.

Fellow Terrans, our souls have come too long a way already, and we still have approximately a billion years prior to the pralaya of the Earth evolution or manvantara. Speaking to you as your fellow in the Path, hopefully you can hear the very cry of your own soul or atma: that it is time to change course, to do a timeline change. Let us not waste this rare opportunity given us, accompanied by “unlimited” Divine graces of beneficial energies, energy stabilizers, transmutation energies that enable 5th Density ascension, and more.

For a Permanent Golden Age – carpe diem!

[27 January 2015]

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