Friday, August 8, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

06 October 2012

This White Robe extends Light & Love to you all!

As messenger & teacher, work staff of the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, Ra will share heraldry regarding the subject of childrearing in the New Earth.

Let it be declared, first of all, that parental competency is a must in the New Earth. The physical cum social context will be totally changed, thus necessitating massive retooling in the area of childrearing, from pre-natal to post-natal care of the soul who is newly birthed.

Two gigantic developments in family & kinship had taken place across the last 300 years, which we must all reckon with in the matter of childrearing paradigm shift and retooling. First is the decline of the extended family, while the second is the massive arrival of evolved souls who are indubitably qualified for embodiment.

In regard to the decline of the extended family and the predominance of the nuclear family, sociologists have discovered the phenomenal degenerative impact of it on the self-development of children. Industrial Revolution and urbanization in particular led to the decline of the extended family, and the resultant alienation of the folks into a ‘lonely crowd’ (to borrow from David Riesmann).

The rapid evolvement of humans from the ‘herd mind’ to the ‘individuated mind’ necessitated a painful shift, which included the lost of the once treasured extended family kins and networks. Yet without that development, people would still be mired in the folk mind, and be subject of social control by potent extended families and clans.

The challenge of the changed context is to evolve new social mechanisms that can serve as substitute for the lost extended family kins. Such as the frequent social contacts among family friends that would, in turn, lead to wider social exposure for the children. The notion of ‘second parents’ then emerged that serve as grounds for the value formation and dream-building of the young ones.

Since there would be time for everything in the new context, the adult siblings should care to meet up once in awhile with each other even after they’re all with respective spouse and children. The periodic reunions can reinforce the need to shore up the ‘high touch’ requirements of the new context, as that would lead to more wholesome and balanced psyche for the children.  
Moving on to the next phenomenon, the massive arrival of evolved souls or Old Souls, much was already discussed by fellow White Robes and myself. A lot of these old souls are from higher dimension planets across the stars, who were volunteered by their respective spiritual Hierarchs to aid New Earth peoples in accelerating psychosocial, mental, and spiritual evolution as a whole.

Just to consider that the percentage of geniuses will rise from the present 2% to at least 10% of the population among newly born, already should be signal enough for parental retooling. Following closely would be another 70% who would range from the bright normal to the very intelligent.

Souls of average intelligence will be fewer. The morons, imbeciles, idiots, and borderline minded souls will disappear en toto, transferred to the planet fit for the laggards. Thus, childrearing will be a bit even across the siblings, though a new sophisticated approach is expected to efficaciously handle a population of very smart kids.

The overall childrearing situation therefore demands a re-orientation of present parents and those forthcoming fathers & mothers. All the more are homes expected to be friendlier to children, such as to equip the tots with their own library space and from problem-solving learning tools and materials early in life, aside from playgrounds, gardens, art production space, science quasi-lab for kids, and appropriate play items.

All parents will now have greater time for their children then before, so there will be no more reason for parents to neglect ‘high touch’ childrearing through hands on learning and application of the state-of-the art principles and tools to raise balanced, well-bred, multiple intelligence smart, highly cultured, virtuous persons from among the newly arrived old souls and/or starseeds.

There will be very strict implementation of the policies for childrearing. Monitoring of family management, childrearing at the center, will be done right within the neighborhood, with mechanisms set up to ensure proper parenting. Rest assured that there will be a decline if not elimination of child abuse resulting from incompetence and sociopathic parents such as we had in the Old Earth.   



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