Sunday, August 3, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

04 October 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you!

For this particular note, Ra, messenger & forthcoming Guardian, will focus on the subject of philosophy and its general discourse. Philosophy as of late has deteriorated to a fragmentary discourse with no particular directional compass, a situation that will be trashed to the dustbins soon.

For three centuries long, empiricism and logic were the dominant waves in philosophy. While the said waves were helpful in aiding scientific discovery to evolve, a trend that commenced during the termination of the 30 Years War (i.e. Treaty of Westphalia), it later deteriorated into an anti-values objectivism that was, in the main, dangerously degenerative.

Positivism was the end product of the long march from British empiricism through utilitarianism and onwards through logical positivism. Metaphysics was declared as an irrelevant dead carcass, while the same positivist philosophy unabashedly proclaimed Logic—and its subsidiary Philosophy of Science—as the only correct philosophical undertaking worth pursuing.

Along the way, Axiology, the study of values—and its subsidiary Ethics—was likewise declared as irrelevant and crass. Values were of no significant import to scientific undertakings, as philosophy turned into a legitimizing rampart for the conduct of scientific research undertakings.

Thus, philosophy as logical positivism burned down values in the conduct of education as a whole, as even classroom instruction must turn into a non-value loading type of methodology. Value-free philosophy equals value-free science, which consequently led to value-free education.

As the ethical, value-relevant ramparts of philosophy and science grew, the repressed philosophic discourses, notably western Marxism and existentialism, made radical, devastating blows on logical positivism. The said Western movements rode the search for meanings and values by more youthful generations, and they did gain points for awhile.

Meantime, from the 60s onwards, the followers of Nietzsche expressed their exasperation and mass disenchantment with the failures of Enlightenment. Anti-reason became the new fashion, which deconstructed all meta-narratives such as nation, class, history, general theory, macro-discourse, and so on. A truly bizarre twist of history, as the new Nietszcheans, called post-Structuralists, actually championed the erosion of values, the dominance of Desire, and subtly declared the ascent of the Primal-Demonic in all areas of life.

That is, of course, the situation of Dead End for philosophy that has been dominated by Western Thought for so long a time. Western Thought is so replete with polarities that end up unresolved, with no clear dialogue among the diverse discursive camps or paradigms.

It is now the end of Western Thought, and all the more will that end be emphasized after December 21 of this year. Metaphysics and Axiology will return, though in regenerated forms that will fit the New Earth context. Eastern Thought will make a raging comeback, as it is already on the upswing in the last twenty-five (25) years of Old Earth.

The ascended masters will be returning to social life on the surface of Terra again, after very long absence of nearly 900,000 years. The masters will be walking alongside mortal man again, and matter-of-factly will be administering the cities, special regions (for tribal communities), and the planetary state led by the World Leader Avatar, and so all philosophies from pure to practical will be guided by the discursive initiatives of the Christed Ones.

I do realize that there are seemingly new philosophical movements, such as the ‘integral philosophy’, being churned out by Piscean writers from the West. I consider these as the last farts of the Western minds, as expressions of sighs of lamentation over the fragmentary predicament of Western philosophy in the present juncture.

While the Pisceans of Western-trapped minds have their right to propagate, during this anarchic context of the Old Earth, their discursive peregrinations, we Brothers of Light have nothing to do with them. The Wisdom of the Masters will dominate the philosophic domain in the New Earth, as a way of permeating all areas of Terran life with Divine Light.



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