Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

14 October 2012

Katotohanan at Tanglaw! Truth & Light!

What will happen to mass media, communications, internet post-Ascension? This White Robe, messenger & teacher, forthcoming Guardian, will shed light on the subject.

First of all, there will be catastrophic turbulence in the EMF (electromagnetic field) of Terra immediately upon the planet’s entry to the Null Zone. Onwards to 2013 when geo-atmospheric changes will consequently take place, turbulence will be sustained, thus crashing down power, communications, and mass media including the internet.

Besides, Terra is moving to higher dimension, where polarity principles won’t work. Electricity, communications, mass media, and internet (using binary language) may just not work again as they used to, unless that quick R&D and technology diffusion by space friends will help Terrans to alleviate their miserable situation due to the lack of communications, media & internet.

What is good news is that Giant Moguls who own and control the media, will be gone. The meltdown and death of Big Biz in communications, media, internet will surely change the equation in the ownership, technicalities, and technology innovations for the subjects at hand.

There can then be greater social responsibility and reason in the affairs of communications-media-internet or CMI. Communications infrastructures may have to be run by the planetary state for a long time, with diverse media outfits tapping into them. Smaller communications outfits can be allowed at the localities, provided that they won’t grow to the levels of titanic media monopolies that gobble up others as they do today.

On the other hand, a new protocol for the internet will need to be developed and operated altogether, as the binary language of the past may be misfit in the new EMF context. Many internet sites of the present just may not be operable any longer in the protocol, more so those networks that need codes to log in, though the more navigable ones due to openness such as blogs can still be surfed from outside.

The blogosphere is a trend yet of the future rather than the present, so watch out for this platform to serve as the percolator of ideas for the many bright minds that suddenly find greater freedoms to exercise innovation though with greater social responsibility. The blogosphere is now converging with the news & media, but that convergence will climb to another level yet, as more news will be reported by independent persons and groups there.

With the death of Big Media and Big Biz Communications, ‘mass’ media will turn to a more responsible, high-touch, yet informative, reason-upgrading platform. We will use the term ‘community media’ to refer to this new media, which departs radically from the mass society, illogical, fear-inducing, irresponsible mass media of the Old Earth.

Community media can then find convergence all the more with the new internet, so that more and more will people be relying on the internet for truly informative and socially responsible news & public affairs. Even the radio broadcast & music platforms that we know today may just need to retool and depart from the old mode to transfer relay with the interactives to the internet.

In the long run, with new technological innovations impacting on the CMI, the capacity to join the loops of interplanetary CMI highways will be effected. There can then be freer flow and exchanges of information between Terra and higher dimensional worlds that are hooked up to the CMI highways.

Needless to say, our present CMI facilities will be heavily watched over by the angels and the Galactic Command contingents. Even now, the angels are guarding the internet, helping to protect certain websites and networks amid the attempt by Evil Ones to smash the genuine Lightworker sites, a protection that will lead to the conservation of the entire internet to permit its usability even after a new protocol will be installed.

As to those very dirty materials on the internet, let the gatekeepership for communications & media take note of that situation and recommend courses of action. If those sites can’t be navigated anyway, it is moot to act on them. But if dirty sites such as pornography, New Age Movement deceptions, Satanic/Luciferan stuff, and pop music/arts of primal-Demonic themes, then there’s reason to take them down in any way conceivable.

Ascension enthusiasts, welcome the CMI of the New Age of Light! Enjoy surfing sites from across the galaxy! Happy reading and viewing the community media reports of the New Earth!



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Saturday, August 23, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

12 October 2012

Kapayapaan at pagmamahal! Peace and love!

This White Robe, guru who was mandated to be messenger by Lord Metatron, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will share to you a heraldry on the subject of magistracy and the new justice system.

As already publicly pronounced by us messengers of the Hierarchy, White Robes will be mandated to become judges. Yes, we White Robes will be deputized by the Karmic Board to conduct judicial review and decide on the case of our fellow humans in the post-ascension New Age. [Add: Guardians will be judges and executioners too.]

This extra mandate will radically alter the magistracy precepts and practices on the surface(s) of the New Terra habituated by mortals. The ancient practice of assigning judges from among qualified lawyers may take the back seat for a long time, the period of which we can’t estimate for now.

There will be a total of 144,000 new Ascended Masters, White Robes or Rishis as we are also called, after the ascension event. The human domain is, after all, the domain of Ascended Masters, so the top policy, judicial, and executive tasks at all levels are intended for the Christed Ones as humans evolve to higher awareness levels across the epochs coming.

At the city and special region (Indigenous Peoples) level, which will co-exist in parallel and symbiotic fashion, a Melchizedek Priest will be appointed as Gatekeeper, as already elucidate previously. To each of these same Melchizedek Priests will go the task of core public policy initiatives as well as the magistracy as concurrent role.

The possibility of crime rate crashing down to nil is there, as already explicated in the penology subject. Therefore, the need for magistracies in any given city or special region will be drastically reduced to just a single “court” if the term is appropriate at all.

The day-to-day administration of the city or special region—of the execution of core policies, agenda, and plans—will go to the hands of the Council officials who, as already clarified, will be elected at large among the members of the locality. This situation allows the Gatekeeper (master) to conduct magistracy duties and responsibilities at the same time.  

At the planetary level, there will be a Planetary Magistracy that will be reviewing and deciding on cases akin to what the international courts do today. The magistracy too will be organized in the manner of a Gatekeepership, which was already explained in the article on planetary governance.

If in case the sala of the particular Gatekeeper of a city or special region will be so cramped up with so much cases, in case this happens at all, then shall there be a decision to expand on the magistracy at the local level to comprise of a team. Associate Magistrates can be deputized to dispense with justice decisions, as contingencies may point out to such an option.

Yet shall it be that even associate magistrates will come from the ranks of the Ascended Masters. Even the top-level staff or personnel for the magistracies from local to planetary will likewise by Ascended Masters. Public heraldries by any magistracy should also be from among the Ascended Masters holding office in the same unit.

Meantime, the need for lawyers will continue as the same has been for many epochs come to pass. The law profession will have to drastically shift in paradigm though, and retool likewise in drastic fashion. The branches of law as we know them today will be pared off, as the likes of corporate law, political law, and even criminal law will be obsolete.

A reclassification of the branches of law or jurisprudence will evolve in time, and need not be rushed. But already, we anticipate the civil law to be hot potato, ditto for the settling of disputations regarding negotiations and contracts. Environmental law could also be hot potato, more so that tribal communities will be involved in their stewardship which increases monitoring of potential violators of nature endowments’ usage.

In an even more solid Information Society of space age proportions, the savvy for innovations and inventions will rise meteorically. We anticipate irritants in the matter of intellectual properties, even more than the ones we are experiencing today, so this calls for a new framework and tools for handling intellectual products and settling disputes.

As to legal cases against medical malpractices, a current dread of medical doctors and allied professionals, these too will drastically die down to nil. People’s health will be near perfect, and health will shift entirely to wellness concerns away from the sickness rut of the present.

So that, in sum, is the forthcoming magistracy and justice system awaiting you all. And, the changes coming for the law profession.



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Monday, August 18, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

10 October 2012

Peace & Love from this White Robe!

Ra, messenger & teacher, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will shed light on the gargantuan change in the criminology & penology as we all move to the New Earth context. To put the thesis in simple terms: crimes will be almost nil, rendering prisons irrelevant.

Let’s get straight to the point and see what makes crimes drop by a humungous deep cut in occurrences: (a) Evil Masters will all be gone, banished to their prison by Gabriel and the warrior angels; (b) Demoniacs or ‘negative persons’ will all be gone likewise, shipped out to their own planet in the negative subplane of the Astral Plane (Kama Loka planet); and, (c) Laggards, who are easily swayed by the Evil Ones, will be shipped out en masse to their own 3rd dimensional planet(s).

What’s left of the population to start the New Earth—from 5th through 7th Densities (depending on level of awareness)—are the more relatively evolved souls. Necessarily, their respective psyche is relatively more balanced.

The higher the state of inner balance of the habituĂ©, the higher the ‘density’ of residency of the person concerned. Conversely, the lower the inner balance, the lower the density of habituation of the person concerned. Lightworkers, who are more relatively balanced, will be occupying the 5th through the 7th densities, depending on their own state of inner balance. Many Lightworkers who are qualified for 6th and 7th may volunteer to niche down 5th density, which will be a bonus for peoples in the latter.

So, with more relatively balanced inhabitants of the ascended planet, what crimes can be possibly committed if ever? There will be a thorough genuflection and review of the new psyche situation, aimed at redefining what crime is and what constitutes deviations from norms that may be considered not crime but merely misdemeanor or so.

Penology, which comprises of all essential frames and forms of punishment and possible corrections, was largely a prison-based penology in the Kali Yuga 3D planet. I will dub it as Panopticon Penology, based on the prisons that we have today where a prisoner is constantly under surveillance within the premises of the jail, but impervious to the prying eyes of the outsider.

So, even while the prisoner is sleeping, s/he will always live in constant fear of reprisals for possible escape plans or so. The drudgery for the sin of commission called ‘crime’ is morbidly heavy, and the stigma of society reinforces that drudgery, even if the person may have been a mere mistaken identity and was unjustly punished.

Modern thinkers did their own contributions to the legitimation of the Panopticon Penology, with the utilitarian philosopher James Mill serving as the frontal advocate of the Panopticon prison philosophy and structural design. The history of crime and penology was well discoursed by Michele Foucault in his book Crime & Punishment, which exposed the subtle evil behind the Panopticon and the subculture of surveillance built around its system.

Fortunately, that situation is all coming to change very soon. Sure, during the transition period, there will be interim prisons, where those captured elites and Mad Max demoniacs will be kept for awhile. This is while waiting for the shipment of the said persons to their own planets. But once Terra stabilizes electromagnetically and new cities & special regions (for tribal communities) will be up and running, penology will radically be re-engineered tailor-fit to the new context.

Sure there will be physical prisons, but there will not be as many prison facilities as they were in the Kali Yuga 3D planet. And that situation of constant surveillance may not be necessary, as imprisoned ones may just be there for some couples of days, if ever. The penology will apply largely to the 5th density habitués, and will be inapplicable to the higher ones (will keep mum about it).

Personal misbehaviors will be largely those concerning marital relations and misdemeanors that will be so petty, it won’t even need to incarcerate the perpetrators. Village- or neighborhood-level amicable negotiations and settlements will be done, with the help of volunteers who will aid in reflection on the misbehavior, counsel the person(s) involved about behavior modification, and related interventions.

Now, as regards the relationship among the localities (cities, special regions), this is where irritants can arise as regards trade, movements of people, and proprietary rights to intellectual properties where this can apply. Lawyers and penologists will be busy representing parties involved, but rest assured the settlements of the disputes won’t lead to imprisonment of perpetrators.

Thus, the transmuted penology will be an exciting field for behavior science studies, as it represents a radical departure from old frameworks and practices. And the new penology may as well be dubbed as Post-Prison Penology, while the old time Criminal Law will totally die with the dead Old Earth.



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Friday, August 15, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

08 October 2012

This White Robe from the Brotherhood’s Darjeeling Council extends warm greetings!

As teacher, messenger, forthcoming Guardian, let me share at this moment a note on the spirituality of the New Earth. In previous writings, I already declared the freethinker’s credo for a post-Church spirituality, a byline that I won’t depart from.

Big Church and its conduit Big Charity will only last till December 21 of this year. Freethinker type of seekers as well as church devotees are now tired of being harnessed to encumbrances of organized church, notably Big Church, and so here comes a new context that will provide them opportunities to breath the air of devotional freedom unencumbered by links with powerful church hierarchies.

Religious cults, on the other hand, which mushroomed by the millions over the last six (6) decades, will also be shorn of the magical deceptions that they once exercised on superstitious Herds. The herds of folks that they preyed upon will be transferred to their respective planets, so shorn of their follower base, the cults will implode to stinking irrelevance.

Meanwhile, the habituĂ©s of New Earth will find a new exciting development: the rise to spirituality’s nadir of the Melchizedek Priest. Spiritual masters they are, including this messenger Ra who is a true blue Melchizedek, who are tasked, as interplanetary priests, to provide wise mentoring, coaching, and counsel on diverse aspects of life.

Because of their superb levels of wisdom and knowledge acquired from many lives of dedication to the Wisdom and practices, Melchizedeks will also be tasked to perform public duties as Gatekeepers of cities, special regions-Indigenous Peoples, regions of the planet (clusters of cities & special regions-IPs), and special concerns such as science, culture, arts, and education. Being tasked with public duties, they can be easily convened into a planetary parliament that will be housed later in a ‘city of governance’ (which also houses the Guardianship council).

To the Melchizedeks will also go the task of gatekeeperships of global energy spots, such as the Mt Banahaw and Mt Fuji. On those sites of energy spots can be installed the Ascension Temples of the future, for the purposes of meditation, healing, balancing, learning esoterics and mysticism, and spiritual tourism.

There are White Robes and would-be masters down on the surface who were already tasked to serve as gatekeepers of the said energy spots. For now, they are still in the dark as to what duties to perform in the forthcoming years as gatekeepers, given the lack of official mandates to get them to action.

At some time in the near future will the World Leader Avatar, Guardianship Council, with the special counsel of Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, convene the Melchizedek priests to set the agenda and plan for the Ascension Temples that will be built on the very sites of energy spots. The Ascension Temples in the Etheric Plane serve as models for the forthcoming temples in the New Earth, so the question of model is already settled.

What can happen will be more or less like this as scenario: In the localities, individuals will be forming spiritual circles of their own. They will be meeting regularly for meditation, discussion, group healing, fellowships. These circles will then find impetus to visit pilgrimage sites and, when ready, the Ascension Temples where they can bath in the beneficial energy of the site, do healing & balancing, and listen to the wise words from the Melchizedeks tasked to administer the site.

There are 70 energy spots of major proportions around the globe, which in the long run will all be installed with respective Ascension Temple. A particular spiritual circle, as described above, can then attune itself to any of the said temples, and visit its preferred site on yearly basis. Its members can also decide to see the other sites and temples across the decades to come.

The links between the spiritual circles in localities and the various Melchizedeks, including their own locality gatekeeper, will be direct. Being the truly mandated priests, the New Earth habitués will naturally gravitate around them, seek their wise counsel when they feel the need to, even bless the marital unions of newly wed as well as bless the newly born babies.

The predominance of the Melchizedeks on the surface will surely turn the Old Earth priests into irrelevant figures overnight whose only purpose is for reminiscence of the dead world of the past. So the challenge to the Old Earth priests is to be initiated as Brothers of Light, mutate to true Melchizedeks, and transform their respective churches into Golden Age citadels of Light, thus rendering them as true catalysts of authentic human liberation: the liberation of souls from cycles of rebirth and miseries accompanying life in the surface.



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Friday, August 8, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

06 October 2012

This White Robe extends Light & Love to you all!

As messenger & teacher, work staff of the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, Ra will share heraldry regarding the subject of childrearing in the New Earth.

Let it be declared, first of all, that parental competency is a must in the New Earth. The physical cum social context will be totally changed, thus necessitating massive retooling in the area of childrearing, from pre-natal to post-natal care of the soul who is newly birthed.

Two gigantic developments in family & kinship had taken place across the last 300 years, which we must all reckon with in the matter of childrearing paradigm shift and retooling. First is the decline of the extended family, while the second is the massive arrival of evolved souls who are indubitably qualified for embodiment.

In regard to the decline of the extended family and the predominance of the nuclear family, sociologists have discovered the phenomenal degenerative impact of it on the self-development of children. Industrial Revolution and urbanization in particular led to the decline of the extended family, and the resultant alienation of the folks into a ‘lonely crowd’ (to borrow from David Riesmann).

The rapid evolvement of humans from the ‘herd mind’ to the ‘individuated mind’ necessitated a painful shift, which included the lost of the once treasured extended family kins and networks. Yet without that development, people would still be mired in the folk mind, and be subject of social control by potent extended families and clans.

The challenge of the changed context is to evolve new social mechanisms that can serve as substitute for the lost extended family kins. Such as the frequent social contacts among family friends that would, in turn, lead to wider social exposure for the children. The notion of ‘second parents’ then emerged that serve as grounds for the value formation and dream-building of the young ones.

Since there would be time for everything in the new context, the adult siblings should care to meet up once in awhile with each other even after they’re all with respective spouse and children. The periodic reunions can reinforce the need to shore up the ‘high touch’ requirements of the new context, as that would lead to more wholesome and balanced psyche for the children.  
Moving on to the next phenomenon, the massive arrival of evolved souls or Old Souls, much was already discussed by fellow White Robes and myself. A lot of these old souls are from higher dimension planets across the stars, who were volunteered by their respective spiritual Hierarchs to aid New Earth peoples in accelerating psychosocial, mental, and spiritual evolution as a whole.

Just to consider that the percentage of geniuses will rise from the present 2% to at least 10% of the population among newly born, already should be signal enough for parental retooling. Following closely would be another 70% who would range from the bright normal to the very intelligent.

Souls of average intelligence will be fewer. The morons, imbeciles, idiots, and borderline minded souls will disappear en toto, transferred to the planet fit for the laggards. Thus, childrearing will be a bit even across the siblings, though a new sophisticated approach is expected to efficaciously handle a population of very smart kids.

The overall childrearing situation therefore demands a re-orientation of present parents and those forthcoming fathers & mothers. All the more are homes expected to be friendlier to children, such as to equip the tots with their own library space and from problem-solving learning tools and materials early in life, aside from playgrounds, gardens, art production space, science quasi-lab for kids, and appropriate play items.

All parents will now have greater time for their children then before, so there will be no more reason for parents to neglect ‘high touch’ childrearing through hands on learning and application of the state-of-the art principles and tools to raise balanced, well-bred, multiple intelligence smart, highly cultured, virtuous persons from among the newly arrived old souls and/or starseeds.

There will be very strict implementation of the policies for childrearing. Monitoring of family management, childrearing at the center, will be done right within the neighborhood, with mechanisms set up to ensure proper parenting. Rest assured that there will be a decline if not elimination of child abuse resulting from incompetence and sociopathic parents such as we had in the Old Earth.   



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

Sunday, August 3, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

04 October 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you!

For this particular note, Ra, messenger & forthcoming Guardian, will focus on the subject of philosophy and its general discourse. Philosophy as of late has deteriorated to a fragmentary discourse with no particular directional compass, a situation that will be trashed to the dustbins soon.

For three centuries long, empiricism and logic were the dominant waves in philosophy. While the said waves were helpful in aiding scientific discovery to evolve, a trend that commenced during the termination of the 30 Years War (i.e. Treaty of Westphalia), it later deteriorated into an anti-values objectivism that was, in the main, dangerously degenerative.

Positivism was the end product of the long march from British empiricism through utilitarianism and onwards through logical positivism. Metaphysics was declared as an irrelevant dead carcass, while the same positivist philosophy unabashedly proclaimed Logic—and its subsidiary Philosophy of Science—as the only correct philosophical undertaking worth pursuing.

Along the way, Axiology, the study of values—and its subsidiary Ethics—was likewise declared as irrelevant and crass. Values were of no significant import to scientific undertakings, as philosophy turned into a legitimizing rampart for the conduct of scientific research undertakings.

Thus, philosophy as logical positivism burned down values in the conduct of education as a whole, as even classroom instruction must turn into a non-value loading type of methodology. Value-free philosophy equals value-free science, which consequently led to value-free education.

As the ethical, value-relevant ramparts of philosophy and science grew, the repressed philosophic discourses, notably western Marxism and existentialism, made radical, devastating blows on logical positivism. The said Western movements rode the search for meanings and values by more youthful generations, and they did gain points for awhile.

Meantime, from the 60s onwards, the followers of Nietzsche expressed their exasperation and mass disenchantment with the failures of Enlightenment. Anti-reason became the new fashion, which deconstructed all meta-narratives such as nation, class, history, general theory, macro-discourse, and so on. A truly bizarre twist of history, as the new Nietszcheans, called post-Structuralists, actually championed the erosion of values, the dominance of Desire, and subtly declared the ascent of the Primal-Demonic in all areas of life.

That is, of course, the situation of Dead End for philosophy that has been dominated by Western Thought for so long a time. Western Thought is so replete with polarities that end up unresolved, with no clear dialogue among the diverse discursive camps or paradigms.

It is now the end of Western Thought, and all the more will that end be emphasized after December 21 of this year. Metaphysics and Axiology will return, though in regenerated forms that will fit the New Earth context. Eastern Thought will make a raging comeback, as it is already on the upswing in the last twenty-five (25) years of Old Earth.

The ascended masters will be returning to social life on the surface of Terra again, after very long absence of nearly 900,000 years. The masters will be walking alongside mortal man again, and matter-of-factly will be administering the cities, special regions (for tribal communities), and the planetary state led by the World Leader Avatar, and so all philosophies from pure to practical will be guided by the discursive initiatives of the Christed Ones.

I do realize that there are seemingly new philosophical movements, such as the ‘integral philosophy’, being churned out by Piscean writers from the West. I consider these as the last farts of the Western minds, as expressions of sighs of lamentation over the fragmentary predicament of Western philosophy in the present juncture.

While the Pisceans of Western-trapped minds have their right to propagate, during this anarchic context of the Old Earth, their discursive peregrinations, we Brothers of Light have nothing to do with them. The Wisdom of the Masters will dominate the philosophic domain in the New Earth, as a way of permeating all areas of Terran life with Divine Light.
