Saturday, July 26, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

30 September 2012

Peace & Light unto thee!

Ra, messenger & teacher, staff at the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will shed light on the conduct of instruction as the teaching method in the New Earth.

To begin with, let us reflect on the education of the current context, which is still largely a mass production kind of instruction. To induce efficiencies of scale, given the scarcity of teachers/professors, crowd the classrooms with pupils/students. An evenness of instruction is applied, along a temporal track of ladder-like movement from one year level to another.

The context is changing, and will in fact be so radically altered soon enough. Efficiencies of scale and profits for school owners will be catacomb stuff as rationale for schools’ and universities’ existence. Instruction will rather move closer to the individualized instruction that is available from spiritual masters, graduate school classes, and a few basic education schools to boot.

That step-by-step, year-by-year promotion of pupils/students was deconstructed by Paulo Freire as ‘banking system’ in his famed book Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The critique of the old system stays, as its premises and contentions are still valid till these days. So the relevant byline for education agenda is: No to both mass production and ‘banking system’ education!

I do recall, as a grassroots worker and social activist, how my mind and people skills were nurtured by our version of popular education or ‘pop ed’ in the ‘70s and ‘80s. That version of ‘pop ed’ in PH stuck with me, and I have since been using it in my spiritual instruction for seekers and classroom instruction for university students. It was our version of departing from our largely AngloSaxon ‘banking system’ education introduced to Filipinos by the Americans 11 decades ago.

So, to advance our proposition a bit, classroom classes across all levels will follow the optimal sizes of no more than fifteen (15) for basic education up through tertiary level. The current system of having just a maximum of ten (10) in graduate school stays, and the lesser the class size the better.

Unless the contingencies merit it, we will not nor ever again replicate the stinking Great Man pedagogy of the West, where a single professor is given over 100 students to lecture to in a single class. Supposedly, the rationale is to maximize on the vast talents of the professor. This herd-type instruction erases every notion of individualized instruction that small class sizes can offer.

Perhaps during a transition period, which we won’t discount, due to lack of classrooms and qualified teachers/professors, classes may have to begin with huge Herds. But this will only last during the transition, and will no more be practiced as soon as new teachers and professors are trained, while new state-of-the-art education infrastructures are built and operated.

That is, small class sizes induce participation, synergy, open-mindedness, enthusiasm, and creativeness on the part of both pupils/students and teacher. The emotional, social, and non-cognitive growth needs of the respective student can be observed and responded to by the qualified teacher who is presumably a high empathy person. Team-building will also emerge from it, thus ensuring mutual help among the students, aside from building self-help for each student.

Since, as already adduced to, geniuses will go up by several percentages of the population, then the accelerated type instruction will be re-tooled and adjusted to suit the needs of the geniuses and/or starseeds. From among these geniuses and gifted minds will rise the prospective teachers and professors whose high innovativeness will count a lot in educating the youth of the New Earth.  

Note that there also are adults in the New Earth who missed out on tertiary and graduate school. Special education will be offered to re-tool and orient the said adults to the new education, and encourage them to continue with their education, given the very long life span ahead of them.

Likewise will special education be designed for tomorrow’s youth and adults who missed out on certain levels of their basic education and were stuck up at that level. Remember, there is no room for laggard behavior in the New Earth, as each person must strive to access to their higher minds, an access that the new education can offer ample tools and methods for accelerated development.

Classroom as used here isn’t a fixed thing, to note. Innovativeness means a teacher must combine classroom with off-classroom, on-line, and related methods. So if class management reached a certain level of excitement for the teacher and administrators of today, so shall it all the more be exciting in the coming 21,000-year New Age of Light.




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