Monday, July 14, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

26 September 2012

Magandang araw sa inyo kapwa! Good day to you fellow!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeling Council, forthcoming Guardian, will pronounce heraldry on education and the philosophy of schooling in this note.

First of all, let it be declared, that the commercialization of education will be over soon. Promoting subjects and tertiary level courses because such programs will make money for the learner, thus ending with highly skewed programs towards the more marketable degrees, is a Big No in the New Earth.

Also, the corrupted practice of using schools as for moneybag purposes will end too. I’ve seen how too many youth from poor families can’t afford to enter good basic education schools and colleges due to lack of family income to support their tuition and maintenance needs.

Furthermore, the practice—perfected in the West—of using education as institutional tool for thought control, manipulation, and rendering depersonalized learners as mere cogs in the oligarchic deus ex machine, will likewise be decapitated and buried in the catacombs of evils. Thought control education will end as the context that bred it ends soon.

In the reorganization of the education, which begins with rethinking the philosophy of learning, the compass of direction will move to the East. Shamballah, Himalayas, and the Etheric Retreats of Brothers of Light, largely situated in the East, are the very centers of Light that have always provided Teachers for the world at large, and so shall it be that the educational compass will move East.

The ‘nirvanic agenda’, liberation of soul from fragmentation, will be foremost premise for constituting a New Education. Holistic learning, with the teachings of the Masters as the definitive metaphysical, epistemological, and axiological foundation, will be the guiding paradigm of New Education.

Anticipate the radical change in the population of children & youth in the New Earth, as the Laggards and Demoniacs (negative persons) will be taken out en masse and transferred to their own respective worlds. Those persons today who stubbornly cling to their Inner Demon’s penchant for fragmented, abnormal, Mad behavior complexes, and are therefore very polarized, will be discharged from our planet too, as they are brought to the Negative Planet for the polarized types.

With the laggards, demoniacs, and acutely dysfunctional/abnormals gone, education will cease to adjust to their presence. Rather, education will adjust to a more intelligent, balanced, evolved soul population. Geniuses & Gifted Minds will comprise at least 10% of New Earth people, and that percentage is bound to grow to ‘dominance’ (past 50% of population) when the 7th Root Race will emerge (in South America) tens of thousands of years from now.

The accelerated system for the geniuses & gifted children of today, which is regarded as ‘special education’, will be nourished using the Eastern Masters’ holistic paradigm and methods/tools to become the ‘regular education’ of the new context. Great care will be done so as to see a balanced development of both the ‘lower principles’ and ‘higher principles’ of Man, as per mandate fiats in the Wisdom of the Brothers.

Higher Principles
·         Atma (Self): Wisdom, will, love, Divine enlightenment  
·         Buddhi (Pure Reason): Perfecting esthetics (arts, creatives, esthetic appreciation) and intuitive development
·         Manas (Concrete Mind): Logical-analytic development, blended with linguistic intelligence development

Lower Principles
·         Prana/Chi (Vital Energy): Yoga as Meditation & centering tools (taught as early as basic education)
·         Desire: Tempering Desire as basis of Needs
·         Astral: Emotional development, harmonic feelings, empathy development
·         Physical: Physical culture, physical care

That told, dear ascension enthusiasts, get ready for the exciting educational paradigm & practices of the near future. Lifespan will be very long, so do begin to gear up for retooling and setting a learning agenda that includes finishing as many doctorate degree equivalents as possible. And, in the process, get yourself nearer the cross border line to the Buddhic mind that renders you nearer to becoming spiritual masters whose Atma is awakened.



MASTERS’ SITES:                         

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