Monday, May 20, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

01 June 2012

[This article was withdrawn for a while. It is hereby republished.]

Gracious Day to all you enthused aspirants! Love & Light from Ra of the Brotherhood of Light!

Ra, spiritually ascended in 2008 yet, staff at the Darjeeling Council – Great White Lodge, will now continue with the heraldries on the Planetary Ascension. My last heraldries came in the form of month-ender reports as updates about the quickening of the Old Earth.

Having made my major pronouncements being a mandated Messenger among the White Robes (Metatron gave me that mandate in 2008 yet) in the previous years yet, I decided to shelf the heraldries to focus on divine wisdom and the teaching mission that I had been practicing for over 2 decades now. I even thought of writing about the New Earth Economy way back in 2009, but had to constrain myself as the Luciferans were still decisively dominant in the balance of forces or BOF, so it was premature to peregrinate on the coming institutions of the New Earth.

The BOF had already shifted in favor of us of the Light Forces, so there remains few reasons to shelf the heraldries for the coming world. I pronounced the shift in the BOF in my past monthender reports, so suffice me to echo it here in passing.

The quickening is still in progress. The rise in the vibratory frequency of Terra still goes on at sharp climb, thus contributing to the quickening. As the planet’s frequency rises, the numbers of suicides go up, measured notably by higher suicide rates in the US and other militaries contrasted to those soldiers who die in battles.

Frequencies of neuroses, personality disorder, and psychoses are definitely rising, along with the rise in criminal incidences. Albeit, police records show unusual drop in crime rates, which means that many crimes remain unreported. There could also be a massive massage of information resulting to disinformation regarding crime rates, ditto for abnormal behavior occurrences.

Meantime, the destructive agenda of the Luciferans are crumbling rapidly, as the Brothers of Light and Divine Hierarchs neutralize those evil plots with no let up. The planned World War III is badly stalling for instance (it should have happened in mid-2009 yet). We’re getting reports from the ground that nuke missiles were de-detonated by the Galactic Command forces, thus rendering nukes as inutile metal scraps that ought to be sold per kilogram to scrap buyers.

We’re also getting updates about sinkholes in the West that baffle the common folks or ignorant ones. Insiders are now pouring out narratives that such sinkholes are evidences of underground facilities—built by the elites (aka Military Industrial Complex)—destroyed accordingly by the Light Forces. Those facilities could have been used as shelter for the elites while their military forces would nuke the world and destroy humanity.

As we messengers in the Brotherhood of Light have pronounced, December 21 of this year will be the ascension day. The event is just a fraction of the totality of ascension that will be experienced across the galaxies, as the entire omniverse or super-universes will ascend by a dimension higher. Sal Rachale, Guruji Krishanananda, myself and hundred other Brothers and Sisters pronounced heraldries about it, and Above (councils of the Brotherhood) the date remains the same.

Our heraldries as Brothers & Sisters come forth from the councils that we report to, the nightly White Robes’ meetings convened by Lord Kolki who heads the Brotherhood (we meet at the etheric site in the Himalayas), and from updates directly told us by Hierarchs such as Metatron, Sananda, Kolki, Michael, and Chohans of the Brotherhood. We have no need for mediums or channelers, Hierarchy never mandated any single spiritist to channel messages from the Brotherhood since we Brothers are right here on the surface of Terra.

So keep attuned as Ra of the Darjeeling Council will resume with massive heraldries. Ra was also mandated to sit in the operational council of the Galactic Confederation or GC, in preparation for his work with Sananda, Ashtar, and the Guardians in the months ahead, so I will also share heraldries about the Galactic Confederation.





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