Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
07 June 2012
Magandang araw! Good day!
For this note, Ra will
clarify matters regarding the Planetary Ascension from the vantage point of the
galaxy. Terra is well niched in the Milky Way, the galaxy of most fundamental
import to Almighty Father-Mother, with the exact location being at the edge of
the galaxy.
The link between Terra and
the key interstices of the galaxy is the Galactic Hyperspace Portal that is
located in the 4th dimensional space of Philippines’
Palawan province. Two articles were released
by me way back 4 years ago to herald the galactic portal, so please refer to
them for deeper explication and time of re-opening (it was closed for a long
- E. Argonza, “Philippines from a Cosmic Vantage Point: Stargate, Maharloka,” Planetary Chi,
- E. Argonza, “Stargate Portal is Opening! It’s Above Palawan!”
The galaxy incidentally is
being directed by a coterie of Logoi (deities) led by the Galactic Logos. As in
other star systems and planets, a chief Logos is aided by three Logoi. The
Galactic Hierarchs oversee the evolution of forms and beings (from mineral to
sentient) in the Milky Way, and are thus privileged to decide on matters
concerning planets’ ascent towards the upward evolutionary arc.
Terra is no exception to
the galactic initiation process that all planets must undergo. Terra’s humans for
their part were already endowed with the ascent to the upward arc way back in
1934 yet, the year when Sanat Kumara released tremendous energy from his
essence-being in Shamballah to the surface of Terra.
Terra as planetary being
took a bit of a delay, as the fall to 3-dimensional reality of physical plane
(governed by earth or solidity element) has exacerbated the difficulty of
moving back upwards the evolutionary arc. December of 21, 2012 will mark that
final ascent to the upward arc by Terra, thus ending a stupendous eons-long
period of denseness.
That development is
altogether a very good news. Terra did well to pass the galactic initiation
requirements, rendering it as an exemplar for other 3rd dimensional
planets similarly situated. To accelerate the process of ascent to upward arc,
the Father began directly intervening in Terra by 1974, thus radically changing
the timelines of the planet.
The planet henceforth
returns to 4th dimension before the year ends. There the next phases
of the Divine Plan will unfold, such as the emergence of the 6th and
7th ‘root races’ of 4th Globe Terrans (devic-man phase of
Galactic initiation,
however, does not cease with Terra’s return to 4th dimension. Terra
still has three (3) more evolutionary rounds to go through to be able to
accomplish the entire 7 phases of the Earth Round or Manvantara. The first
three phases were: 1st Round, mineral; 2nd Round,
vegetative; 3rd Round, animal. To higher dimensions will Terra
mutate and move yet in the distant future.
As Terrans move to the 5th
globe of Earth, marking the 5th Evolutionary Round, there will be
cataclysms experienced again. This is part of the normal process of birthing a
new world. And so the process would mark the movement from 5th to 6th
Round, and then from 6th to 7th Round by which time the
manvantara ends and a pralaya (diffusion/rest) takes place.
For all her sacrifices,
the ascended being Gaia, whose body Terra is, should be thanked by each one of
us with profuse gratitude. A deity by awareness level, Gaia’s embodiment as
Terra is replete with gargantuan pains and sacrifices as She has to deal with rowdy
Fallen Humans at some phases of Terra’s sojourn.
Gaia’s sacrifices are
practically over, so the next challenges facing Her Divinity will be the
transitions to the last three (3) evolutionary rounds. For now, Her Divinity
Gaia deserves accolades from the Galactic Logos, Solar Logos and Ancient of
Days (Terra’s Logos) for a job well done.
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