Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
of Light
03 July
Good day
from this messenger of the spiritual Hierarchy!
Being among
a hundred White Robes officially mandated to do messenger task concerning the
forthcoming planetary ascension, let me ensue with the heraldries with glee. I’m
almost bursting with delight of a festive mien as the ascension nears, so let
me renew my heraldries.
For this
note, I will clarify the subject regarding the mainstream populations or Mainstreamers
that will qualify for the New Earth. As the masters have clarified before,
Service-for-Others is the core criterion for making it to the 4th
dimensional Earth. [We Brothers already chronicled the transfer of Demoniacs
and Laggards to planet befitting their own awareness levels, so I won’t belabor
on the subject.]
peoples comprise of 90% Mainsteamers and 10% Indigenous Peoples or IPs. World
population will be nearly 7 billions by end of December this year. Out of that
total forecast population, 6.3 Billions will be Mainstreamers, while 700
Millions will be IPs (I treated the subject of IPs in a previous article).
It is among
the Mainstreamers where the 80% of Orions—who massed up on Terra in
antiquity—are concentrated. Laggards, Demoniacs (negative persons), Lizards
& other reptiloid species, Insectoids (insect humanoids, Felines (cat
humanoids), and what-have-you are over-congesting among the Mainstreamers.
Luckily for
the Mainstreamers, there also is a relatively significant presence of
‘starseeds’—recent arrivals from higher dimension worlds where they lived most
of their lives—and evolved souls or Old Souls. However, the presence of the
starseeds and/or Old Souls wasn’t impactful enough on the Laggards &
Demoniacs who retained their Service-for-Self psyche—dominated by their Inner
Demons—for so many eons.
My forecast
is that 800 millions out of the 6.3 billion Mainstreamers will qualify for the
New Earth. That’s a pathetic 12.69% graduation rate, or 1 out of 8.
The table
below shows the New Earth qualifiers among the 3 distinct peoples of Terra
today: Mainstreamers, IPs, and Undergrounders or UG people.
People Population New Earth/Percentage
Mainstreamers 6.3 Billions 800
Millions / 12.69%
IPs 700 Millions 600 Millions / 84%
UG/Telosians 120 Millions+ 120 Millions / 99.99%
That means
a humungous total of Mainstreamers, 5.5 Billions in all, will be moved out to
other planets reserved for them. As we Brothers already heralded in the past,
there is a planet for the Demoniacs and another planet for the Laggards, and
that those dying among them have been transferred pronto to their respective
planets since late 2008 yet.
Take the
case of my beloved country, Philippines .
A remnant of the once glorious Maharloka continent of Mu fame, PH retains its 4th
dimensional vibes amid the drop in Terra’s vibes to 3D level. The high vibes
served as incentive for many fragmented souls to be embodied here, as the
Karmic Board merited them their last chances for renewal.
But sadly,
most of the Pinoys squandered the last chance given them. They failed to use
the 4D vibes for self-healing, reinforced their fragmentation with the comfort
of a near tropical paradise they found here, and failed to develop their mental
bodies (Pinoys don’t read at all save for school days when reading is
morons by psyche, with stains of antipathy expressed as ‘crab mentality’,
Pinoys exhibit that ‘Judas complex’ that they display whenever opportunities
arise. They disdain psychologists & psychiatrists who they find as taboo to
consult with, thus reinforcing their psychosocial dysfunctions with delusions
of being “good persons.”
So I am not
surprised that Pinoys will suffer a 90% crash of warm bodies, with only 10%
making it to New Earth. Having done my last teaching task here, and able to
ascend the ladder despite the dysfunctions of the
Orion-Reptilian-Insectoid-schizoid types where I was embedded, I never gave up
on the Pinoys, never left for other lands to escape the hellworld of
dysfunctional souls in the islands.
Now, as to
the Mainstreamers in general, some day in the future the Lightworkers (mystics
& Adepts) would exclaim that these are left-overs from highly polarized,
dysfunctional Old Earth habitués. If the Lightworkers, who will be next
teachers, will describe the Mainstreamers as “SOBs” or “bitches” or “assholes”
or “morons” out of exasperation, I won’t be surprised.
Ra has done
his job mentoring and coaching Mainstreamers for many lives (since his first
ascension as Shaolin monk c. 6th-7th A.D.). Ra will not
pass this way again, as he joined the Ascended Masters for tasks of higher
ministration. For the Mainstreamers I would say: I REST MY CASE.
PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com
http://talangguro.blogfree.com, http://tribes.tribe.com, http://lovingenergies.spruz.com,
http://www.newciv.org, http://thatsthewayoflight.socialparadox.com,
http://lightworkers.org, http://www.spiritualpassions.com, http://www.articlesforfree.net
http://efdargon.multiply.com, http://newageconnection.com, http://www.facebook.com
http://www.maharishi.org, http://www.rssb.org,
http://www.fisu.org, http://www.saibaba.org, http://trishulabearer.com,
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