Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
17 June 2012
Glorious day to all ye harbingers of Light for the coming New Age of Light!
The coming New Age of Light that will unfold and prosper after the end of tne Kali Yuga or Dark Age was already pronounced before. Let me echo heraldries along the same theme, with certain clarifications to emphasize what the Age will feature.
A few years ago, the Guruji Krishnananda—of the Saptarishi gurus—released very significant heraldries about the coming New Age of Light. Through him the spiritual Hierarchy released the information that the New Age will last 21,000 years, which in our time frame language is an EON.
I did surf the website of the Guruji just recently, but found out that it already closed. I presume that the messenger task of the magnanimous Guruji could have already concluded. I thank the Guruji Krishnananda for very timely heraldries that I read beginning in 2007 when I first surfed his website, that was over a year before my 2nd soul awakening in 2008 (first awakening 1600 years ago as a Shaolin monk/I re-embodied for 10 more times since that).
21,000 years is surely a very lengthy time for New Earth habitués to move to the next levels of awakenings. During this time, beginning circa 700 years from now, the 6th Root Race of the current 4th Evolutionary Round of Terra will evolve to become the new race. All of the 7 sub-races will presumably emerge from out of the anthropological amalgamations during the 21,000 eon.
The Golden Age shall not take place, however, without birth pangs. Such birth pangs necessarily are the birth pains of the coming 6th Root-race. Terra must move back to the 4th dimension, ascending higher by 2 ‘densities’ or octaves more or less, within the overall 4th dimensional space.
So the big challenge to the Ascended Host is to first of all move present Terra to the 4th dimension, gradually step up the process by 2 densities, before the new cities and planetary state will calcify as new realities. All the necessary steps were already done to fulfill the ascension goal, with 99% of the measures actuated from upward ascent in 1934 (mankind’s upward ascent in the evolutionary path began) to the present.
Glory and grandeur will then mark the entire eon of Light for a relatively long period. Expectedly, the New Earth habitués will use the newfound opportunities to rapidly ascend the spiritual Path. Hopefully, millions of ‘nirvanic beings’ or spiritual masters from among the so many millions who will be initiated by the White Robes and next-line ascended masters.
Probably for the last 100,000 years from the ascension point, mankind will maximize the usage of the merged physical-etheric-astral bodies which I will dub the PEA vehicle. The optimization and maximization of the PEA for learnings must be done during the period, as there can be no other time to do that. So, as soon as the time ticks for New Earth, those who qualify in it must act without reserve to heal their lower bodies, perfect their balanced states, and evolve into level 1 spiritual masters.
Knowledge in all forms—biological sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering sciences, spiritual sciences—will proceed at exponential rate. Paradigms, strategies, methods, tools, related practices evolved from the said sciences will consequently be elicited. The prophesied ‘noo-sphere’ (see Tailhard d’ Chardin’s works) will finally galvanize, as humans leave the biosphere very soon.
Towards the end of the 21,000-year eon, hopefully the rapid mental development of Terrans will produce a critical mass—of at least 30% of population—exhibiting genius intelligence in all the key areas of intelligence measures. I will be very happy if the figure will go higher than that, with at least 10% of the total populace mutating to Master awareness.
That done, then the next step will be to finalize plans for the emergence of the 7th Root-race, in the matured context of the Terra of the future. By which time, the advanced ancitipatory actions for the close of the 4th Evolutionary Round of Terra can be thought of with greater clarity by the spiritual Hierarchy led by Ancient of Days.
PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com

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