Monday, April 25, 2016




Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Brotherhood of Light


19 June 2012


Magandang araw! Good day to you all!


Ra of the Brotherhood’s Darjeeling Council will highlight the emerging spiritual functionary in this note. Just exactly what is the full import of the World Leader will be explained first of all.


The coming World Leader is a returning Avatar who is embodiment of the Son facet of the Holy Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahadeva or Father-Son-Holy Spirit/Mother. His coming was prophesied too long ago yet, many millennia back in time. (See Annie Besant, Avatara.)


From the vantage point of Vedic metaphysics, the World Leader is the 10th re-embodiment of the Son, Lord Vishnu. Vishnu came back over and over again to help re-balance the human context every time that the context reaches the phase of stagnation-to-decay. Whenever the world cries out for the Son, he will come.


Incidentally, on this 10th return of Vishnu, humanity as a whole has already begun to move back upwards in the evolutionary arc towards total liberation (c. 1934). The emerging context is also one of a Terra and humanity moving back to the 4th dimension that will ensue at a time when the 5th Root-race of Aryans is at its terminal phase.


That means that the Son will help a lot in preparing the grounds for the coming of the 6th Root-race, the 6th among 7 Root-races comprising the whole gamut of the 4th Globe of Earth (there will be 3 more globes of Terra before the pralaya or diffusion and ‘sleep’). Ergo, he will prepare the grounds for the coming of two more divine figures (avatars): (a) Lord Moru who will be manu of the 6th root-race, and (b) the Bodhisattva of the same race.


Lord Vishnu will accordingly return as Lord Kalki Avatar as the prophecy goes. He will manifest directly in Shamballah, and will not be reborn as a baby down the surface as many literalist of prophetic eschatology are inclined to think of.  


Shamballah will be his base of operations, where resides also the Planetary Logos and Hierarchs of Terra. From there he will preside over the affairs of the entire Brotherhood of Light, this being a beacon of his preparations for assumption of world leadership right after the ascension day on December the 21st (2012).


Note that Lord Vishnu returning as Lord Kolki (this is the modern version of name) has already taken place. Prior to the granting of divine grace on me in Nov 2008 (to effect master awakening), I kept on seeing visions of the Himalayas. Gradually, that repeating vision (night after night) revealed the White Robes convening in that area, with a divine being convening.


The divine being is no other than Lord Kolki. He has assumed the supreme grand master post of the Brotherhood for some decades already, and has been convening the 144,000 White Robes every night since then until these days.  


Those visions of mine about Lord Kolki and the 144,000 White Robes clarified to me then that I was among the White Robes, and that we were already doing our respective missions for some time. The conclusion of our missions as teachers were already the subject of talks then in the Himalayas quarters (that’s in the etheric plane, not the physical Himalayas), and the preparations for planetary governance at hand.


Then, the Lord Kolki summoned some White Robes including myself for close consultations beginning in Dec. of 2008 onwards to the succeeding months. He always wore the crown during such a consultation, with tiara in his hand.


A few weeks after the first close consultations, the creation of the Gatekeepership councils for the globe’s regions begun. I was tasked to facilitate the formation of the Gatekeepership for PH-Indonesia. Each council has 12 White Robes attending.


Surely, the governance task of Lord Kolki as the returned Lord Vishnu has begun. The task will last for 21,000 years, which is truly gladdening for Terrans as the Son himself will be around as steward or ‘good shepherd’.


This could be the last manifestation of the Son, just to remind you all. Humanity is already moving upward in the evolutionary arc, and the momentum of that ascent will mean there won’t be a necessity for bringing back the Son. It will be Mission Accomplished for the Son.









Friday, April 15, 2016




Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Brotherhood of Light


17 June 2012


Mapagpalayang araw! Liberative day to all ye enthused aspirants and Lightworkers!


Ra, teacher and messenger, from the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, will focus on the conclusion of the World Teacher’s task for this note.


World Teacher is among the key functionaries of the spiritual Hierarchy for any world. The full import of the World Teacher’s task has been particularly emphasized after the Fall of Lucifer when 60% of Adepts of Light of this already beleaguered planet fell to the Evil side.


As Terra’s lower planes—physical and astral—fell into the hands of the Fallen Adepts (evil masters), the long-wave Kali Yuga (800,000+ years total) has increasingly been blackened and exacerbated. The surviving Adepts of Light decidedly receded into the background, thus reversing the previous situation when Masters walked with man (from manu, the thinking being).


For a very long time, epoch after epoch, the Divine Hierarchy (seated in Shamballah) sent forth just about one great master at a time to cater to the spiritual needs of enthused aspirants. Divine Wisdom, once openly taught yet eventually corrupted, was no longer available to the mass, but only to those initiated in the Adeptic Path.


So the great master on errands noted that bifurcation of the lessons: one for the mass, another one for the candidate Adepts. Among the great masters was one who stood out as the teacher of the masters, otherwise known as the World Teacher. Like the Grand Dean of all teachers, he is known in the East as Mahachohan.


Mahachohan is the Wisdom aspect of the Father-Mother, and is among a coterie of avatara for the planet. The other key functionaries are: Christ, the Love aspect of God; Buddha, the Will aspect; Manu, the divine leader of a Root-race; and, Bodhisattva, spiritual savior of a Root-race.


Above the said functionaries are the Lord Sanat Kumara, also known as Ancient of Days, who is Planetary Logos. He is aided by three (3) Logoi, who are all of Logos awareness as the title indicates. They oversee the overall evolution of the humans in the material, mental, and spiritual domains.


Below the key functionaries—Mahachohan, Christ, Buddha, Manu, Bodhisattva—are the Chohans of the Brotherhood. As Grand Dean of teachers, the Mahachohan serves as mentors to the chohans of which there are seven—one for each of the rays of Enlightened Power, Wisdom, Love/Devotion, Arts, Science, Service, and Alchemy/Ceremonial Magic.


As to how many divine beings—of avatara awareness—occupied the Mahachohan post, no information is available for public release. There were thousands of Christs sent forth, four (4) Buddhas corresponding to the four (4) evolutionary rounds for the planet, five (5) manus corresponding to the five (5) root races, and five (5) Bodhisattvas corresponding to the five (5) root races.


This we can say so far: the Ascended Beings we know as Maitreya, Zoroaster, Jesus, Babaji were at one time holders of such a post. The last divine being to hold the post today is that of the figure we knew in antiquity as Homer: philosopher, poet, historian, scholar. Yes, Beloved Ones, Homer is Mahachohan, and I wish so much to receive even just an iota of jewel of wisdom from His Divinity.


The Mahachohan, at some time is his magnanimous works, was also assigned to serve as bridgehead between Terra’s ascended beings and the Holy Spirit. In the Vedic tradition the Holy Spirit is known as the Mahadeva, and also goes by the popular term Shiva.


Today we are witness to many Ascended Masters now serving the Brotherhood in the councils (located in the etheric plane) and in Shamballah (seat of divine governance for Terra). 144,000 White Robes reinforce the Brotherhood, so imagine the glee that the Hierarchs of Terra feel at this very moment.


Meanwhile, among the chelas of the White Robes on the surface, a very large number, probably a million, are ready to be granted divine grace in order to attain master of 1st level awareness comes Dec. 21, 2012. Truly all the Brothers & Sisters of Light can safely infer: the Lord Mahachohan has done a JOB WELL DONE.


A million salutes to His Divinity the Mahachohan. Praise be the Mahachohan in the highest!









Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
17 June 2012
Glorious day to all ye harbingers of Light for the coming New Age of Light!
The coming New Age of Light that will unfold and prosper after the end of tne Kali Yuga or Dark Age was already pronounced before. Let me echo heraldries along the same theme, with certain clarifications to emphasize what the Age will feature.
A few years ago, the Guruji Krishnananda—of the Saptarishi gurus—released very significant heraldries about the coming New Age of Light. Through him the spiritual Hierarchy released the information that the New Age will last 21,000 years, which in our time frame language is an EON.
I did surf the website of the Guruji just recently, but found out that it already closed. I presume that the messenger task of the magnanimous Guruji could have already concluded. I thank the Guruji Krishnananda for very timely heraldries that I read beginning in 2007 when I first surfed his website, that was over a year before my 2nd soul awakening in 2008 (first awakening 1600 years ago as a Shaolin monk/I re-embodied for 10 more times since that).
21,000 years is surely a very lengthy time for New Earth habitués to move to the next levels of awakenings. During this time, beginning circa 700 years from now, the 6th Root Race of the current 4th Evolutionary Round of Terra will evolve to become the new race. All of the 7 sub-races will presumably emerge from out of the anthropological amalgamations during the 21,000 eon.
The Golden Age shall not take place, however, without birth pangs. Such birth pangs necessarily are the birth pains of the coming 6th Root-race. Terra must move back to the 4th dimension, ascending higher by 2 ‘densities’ or octaves more or less, within the overall 4th dimensional space.
So the big challenge to the Ascended Host is to first of all move present Terra to the 4th dimension, gradually step up the process by 2 densities, before the new cities and planetary state will calcify as new realities. All the necessary steps were already done to fulfill the ascension goal, with 99% of the measures actuated from upward ascent in 1934 (mankind’s upward ascent in the evolutionary path began) to the present.
Glory and grandeur will then mark the entire eon of Light for a relatively long period. Expectedly, the New Earth habitués will use the newfound opportunities to rapidly ascend the spiritual Path. Hopefully, millions of ‘nirvanic beings’ or spiritual masters from among the so many millions who will be initiated by the White Robes and next-line ascended masters.
Probably for the last 100,000 years from the ascension point, mankind will maximize the usage of the merged physical-etheric-astral bodies which I will dub the PEA vehicle. The optimization and maximization of the PEA for learnings must be done during the period, as there can be no other time to do that. So, as soon as the time ticks for New Earth, those who qualify in it must act without reserve to heal their lower bodies, perfect their balanced states, and evolve into level 1 spiritual masters.
Knowledge in all forms—biological sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering sciences, spiritual sciences—will proceed at exponential rate. Paradigms, strategies, methods, tools, related practices evolved from the said sciences will consequently be elicited. The prophesied ‘noo-sphere’ (see Tailhard d’ Chardin’s works) will finally galvanize, as humans leave the biosphere very soon.
Towards the end of the 21,000-year eon, hopefully the rapid mental development of Terrans will produce a critical mass—of at least 30% of population—exhibiting genius intelligence in all the key areas of intelligence measures. I will be very happy if the figure will go higher than that, with at least 10% of the total populace mutating to Master awareness.
That done, then the next step will be to finalize plans for the emergence of the 7th Root-race, in the matured context of the Terra of the future. By which time, the advanced ancitipatory actions for the close of the 4th Evolutionary Round of Terra can be thought of with greater clarity by the spiritual Hierarchy led by Ancient of Days.