Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang umaga! Good morning!
I hope everything’s okey with you, fellow Earthan, at this moment. We seem to be embroiled in one turbulence after another in the planet. It’s like we’re passing through a dark channel, and narrow as it is, movement along the channel is extremely rapid, rough-sailing and catastrophic, a ‘quickening’ sort of.
True, fellow Earthan, but there are also as many good news as you can get from the ground and the entire cosmos at this moment. One such good news is the opening of the ‘stargate portal’: the hyperspace gateway from Earth to the other star systems and vice versa. Isn’t this a gladdening news?
It should be. Mankind is now on the verge of cross-stellar travel as space technology is surging ahead at very rapid pace. The state-of-the-art R & D on the subject matter makes the aerospace sector way beyond infancy that it was before 1980. It went through a doldrum of sorts in the West, and when it began to revitalize the development initiatives passed on to the East (Japan, China, India, Korea).
Sooner or later, fellows, we will be there: up, up and away! A few more kinks to solve in the technology gaps, and we will all be there. Among the gaps is the metallurgical gap: the perfection of methods that can forge a new alloy of ‘bendable metal’. By bendable we mean metal that can bend and change shape midway in space, making it a viable material to travel through hyperspace. Another techno-gap is the innovation of fuel source that would transcend the limits of combustible fuels. The third gap is the reproduction of photosynthesis in space, rendering future space vessels capable of producing their own food and energy source.
Meantime, while the R & D efforts pertaining to space travel are going on, a message was sent to this mystic recently by my spirit Guides (two spiritual masters) from the higher domains. During one nocturnal meditation session around three (3) weeks back, the vision of a huge tunnel-like thing, which seems to emanate light from within it moving outwards, appeared in my sight. The ‘light tunnel’ then gradually moved downwards in the space around it that was so dark, though this thing was so visible because it was indeed blindingly lighted. So huge was the tunnel that it seems capable of accommodating vessels as huge as aircraft carriers. Then the vision disappeared.
The following night, before sleeping, as I did my regular nocturnal meditation, the vision appeared again. It was almost the same sight as the previous night, except that this time there were vessels moving out of it and then back, quite small when viewed from a distance but visible. My God, it was a spectacular sight! They were space vessels, sort of patrol vessels doing some routine checks of the area. And the lighted tunnel kept on moving down yet. Then the vision disappeared.
Since this was the 2nd night that the vision appeared, and I’d say it was relayed because right up there, on the upper hyperspace corner to my right, was my seraphim Guide (a master in stature), guarding and assuring me of continued presence and guidance. Then the thought came right through my mind that this was the fabled stargate portal that was closed down by cosmic forces, for one reason or another, in the very ancient past. From that time on, cross-stellar intelligences have to use other routes to get to Earth if they so desire to come here. One such recent arrival that had to come here via a longer route was the Sirians, who came here couples of thousands of years back, after the implosion of their star system (Jehovah was among their leaders).
A gladdening news! Finally our space fellows can come through to the planet without much hindrance in the near future. By fellows I mean those who are very conscious in observing the Law of Love and Oneness, those benevolent leading groups of the Milky Way. The gladdening news for Filipinos and Southeast Asians is that this portal is located just above the Philippines, above the Palawan island (probably above the Sunda plate), which means that the ancient cooperation of the cosmic intelligences with the Lemurians (ancestors of Filipinos, Malays) will be revived.
Great glad tidings are coming! Great, beyond our imagination! The White-Light forces are being sent by the Supreme Deity to us, to help us accelerate the attainment of global balance and harmony, end to wars, and eradication of poverty. Welcome the opening of the stargate portal!

[Writ 19 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

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