Friday, December 25, 2015


Erle Frayne D. Argonza

The Star Wars and Star Trek series are among my favorite cinema series. I’m sure many readers and seekers out there also manifest this fondness for the same series. The most obvious reason why people like the same films is because of their novelty and special effects. Since the realm of the obvious is the terrain of the simpletons, I won’t dwell on this any further and instead highlight the less obvious.
Let me focus on Star Wars, with the following thesis: viewers’ fondness for the series is due to the recondite archetypal nature of their texts as well as their revelation of the real in the cross-galactic terrain. Star Wars are real, and this is what people fail to see at all given their propensity for the humanist hubris that only the Earth is populated by humanoid life-forms.
As to the archetypal nature, the series clicks precisely because those images—archetypes in psychoanalysis and hermeneutics—seen by viewers unlock certain mysteries or texts that are hidden deep in the collective unconscious of people. That is why movies as well as dreams and mystical visions are powerful, in that they unlock messages that are coded in symbols. The challenge is to decode the meanings behind the symbols.
I would say that, during a film viewing, a sensitive soul (old soul) could easily unlock the hidden messages more than the shallow souls (young and middling souls). They may not be able to identify the exact meanings behind the symbols, but somehow something is telling them that “they understand.”
Regarding the reality about the Star Wars, let me first remind the readers that in the emerging world context the dividing line between the virtual and real will increasingly be erased. And as the effective erasure comes with time, so will people realize the deeper reality behind images that they see and feel around them, such as the imageries of the Star Wars series.
Star Wars are for real, dear fellows. All one needs to do is browse the internet for such topics as ‘galactic confederation’, ‘Draconian empire’, ‘Orion empire’, and other related topics, and one will begin to mine a humungous amount of data and information about the subject. The Star Wars series had unintentionally brought to our attention the real narrative that’s been happening across the galaxies and across the lower dimensions of life for well over 100,000 years now.
Even at this very moment of my writing, I was able to perceive through my meditation visions the coming to the solar system of beings from the Draco system. Fearsome and dreadful in looks, I perceived them as early as 2002, and I was able to intuit that they are scouts who are doing intelligence gathering in the solar system. Till these days I see faces of these kinds, some of them reaching as far down as my home country the Philippines in search for souls that they can capture and embody as newly born Reptoids.
That is, fellows, there are now clashes between contending forces in the universes or ‘omniverse’, and the clashes are again spilling over to our solar system. 100,000 years back the same forces fought their wars across the galaxies, and when the same wars spilled over to our star system the forces of the archangels Michael and Lucifer took sides in the conflicts. The war was called the ‘Orion invasion’, a narrative that came down to the later generations as the ‘fall of Lucifer’.
A truce was declared after those wars and battles. Sad to say, no one was winning then. The simplistic story that Michael’s forces won may need to be re-investigated. For such a war that involved so huge an amount of energy and contesting players, it is unimaginable to conceive of a total victory by any side. Just like the wars of the present in our own planet that often end in deadlocks and concluded with truce, so was the galactic war of the past concluded with a truce (see
But truces are made to be broken, and often than not those on the ‘Dark Side of the Force’—the forces represented by the Dark Lodge and its executor Draconian-Orion alliance—violate the truce. Even here on Earth the representatives of the Dark Lodge persistently violate the truce. The earth was recognized as a school where both forces of Darkness and Light can fulfill each one’s mission without having to harm each other. But such is not the case, as the Dark Side continues to attack those on the Light Side notably the mystics.
The ‘Light Side of the Force’ as depicted in the series signifies the Galactic Confederation and the spiritual backbone that underpins it, the Great White Lodge. Not all forces in the ‘Confed’ are exactly enlightened, though the leadership core is of the Ascended Host. Many thousands of worlds comprise the Confed, which is led by the Ascended Master Sananda (the oversoul of Jesus Christ). The worlds gathered under the commands called ‘Ashtar’ and ‘Arcturian’ are integral to the Great White Lodge.
In the film series the highly bellicose and militaristic ‘Sith Lords’ realistically depict the Draconians who are of the reptilian life-form. The ‘Trade Federation’, on the other hand, signifies the Orion Empire which in fact is imperious in the area of inter-galactic economics. But in reality, it is the Orion Empire, being monetarily endowed, that is on top of the chain of command, while the Draconians are satisfied with their role of executor militarists who form the bulwark of invasion forces of the Draconian-Orion Alliance. In the film series the broad Alliance is signified by the Empire.
Likewise did the film series depict images that signify the Light Forces, via the Jedi Knights. The Jedi is archetypal of the warrior-wizard who indeed exists in reality. The highest military commands of the Confed comprise precisely of these kinds. But make no mistake, these commands have never faltered nor been defeated generally though they did lose some battles from past till the present. Some parts of the ‘omniverse’ did fall into the hands of the Empire (centered in Orion), and this fall was signified by the decline and death of the Jedi in the film series.
But a defeat in any part of the omniverse is only temporary, and sooner or later its enlightened warrior-wizards will rise up from the ashes and reconnect the lose world with the Confed. In the film this was signified by the coming of Luke Skywalker. And so accurate was the film in depicting the genetic foundations of a special type, that whoever possesses such genetic strain of warrior-wizards will most likely succeed in life, nay rise like a sphinx as a great warrior-wizard or Jedi even when raised in isolation from its genetic source.
In my own experience, many times the Confed forces have made contact. Being an adept of the White Lodge in the Philippines, it is but natural that the said forces are interested in my development. The Venusians, appearing via a godly lady named Leah (twin flame of the teacher S.Rachele), have contacted. Likewise the Sirians who, surprisingly, don’t appear in human form but in other ones. A race of Cyclopean-eyed beings have also contacted. And I expect more of them ‘from above’ contacting me in the next couples of years.
But the exciting contact will be right here on the ground. Admittedly, as of this moment, none such contact has been done yet. I’m waiting for it to happen, anywhere in the planet presumably. I may be drinking coffee in a cafĂ© one day, and then a Caucasian looking fellow would suddenly approach my table and introduce himself as a scout or intelligence officer from Lyra. Maybe some Pleadeans and Vegans are now keenly observing me from above, and one day their spies here on the ground will approach me. Or, a Japanese-looking guy who approaches may actually be an Andromedan scout.
Maybe before the contact, I will be informed from above by my own spirit guides, the Master J and the Seraphim guardian, about a rendezvous. Being now in an awareness level that makes me revive ancient mysteries buried in my own unconscious, I possess within me many hidden secrets. And maybe this spiritual information is something of value to both Terrans (we people of Earth) and the Confed forces.
I am also aware that the Dark Ones are watching, and maybe they may also do some tricks by contacting me on the ground and introducing themselves as Confed people. But before any such event can happen I’m sure that my own Guides will do the prevention of a rendezvous. My Guides know my bellicosity towards the Dark Ones, that in the event of such an encounter I won’t have second thoughts in striking lethal blows on them. So these Fallen Ones better make sure they come in a spirit of Oneness and good faith if they wish to come near me at all.
A long time ago the Empire forces have receded from the planet, leaving behind only but a fraction of their original form while many others decided to incarnate as Terrans. But given the visions I saw, and those seen by other mystics, it is now likely that the same forces are coming back to Terra. Not only here, but I can easily intuit that they are targeting a huge swath of star systems, of which the solar system is but a fractional component.
I’m having a feeling that the Empire’s invasion has begun, and yes I did get information through the internet that confirms the beginning of another massive Orion-Draconian invasion. It seems to time with the shaping up of a 3rd World War. Will the Empire use the coming war as a smoke screen for the arrival of its forces? Hasn’t the advance forces already arrived, and have been commanding the Dark Lodge people here to do their bidding?
What makes the Earth so special that the same forces want to make it as a command station of sorts? Will they really come here to take hold of the planet and its population, or will their arrival simply be done by a token force, the object being to activate long installed communications and espionage facilities? That the Earth will simply be a war station in a string of planets that they will use for invading an even more important star system?
Will the Confed forces arrive just in time to rescue the Terrans? Or are they already here in fact, as reported by many mystics? I myself have begun to perceive in my visions the mother ship used by the Master Sananda, which is my only way of confirming the presence of the Confeds right on Earth and in the solar system. The question is, am I seeing the present Confed, or is the Confed we perceive an advanced arrival from the future (arrival via time travel)?
Exciting yet dreadful times, isn’t it? Indeed, yes. Now finally, to re-echo, Star Wars are for real and for a long time yet to come will the clash of the galactic giants spill over across many worlds.
[Writ 13 February 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang umaga! Good morning!
I hope everything’s okey with you, fellow Earthan, at this moment. We seem to be embroiled in one turbulence after another in the planet. It’s like we’re passing through a dark channel, and narrow as it is, movement along the channel is extremely rapid, rough-sailing and catastrophic, a ‘quickening’ sort of.
True, fellow Earthan, but there are also as many good news as you can get from the ground and the entire cosmos at this moment. One such good news is the opening of the ‘stargate portal’: the hyperspace gateway from Earth to the other star systems and vice versa. Isn’t this a gladdening news?
It should be. Mankind is now on the verge of cross-stellar travel as space technology is surging ahead at very rapid pace. The state-of-the-art R & D on the subject matter makes the aerospace sector way beyond infancy that it was before 1980. It went through a doldrum of sorts in the West, and when it began to revitalize the development initiatives passed on to the East (Japan, China, India, Korea).
Sooner or later, fellows, we will be there: up, up and away! A few more kinks to solve in the technology gaps, and we will all be there. Among the gaps is the metallurgical gap: the perfection of methods that can forge a new alloy of ‘bendable metal’. By bendable we mean metal that can bend and change shape midway in space, making it a viable material to travel through hyperspace. Another techno-gap is the innovation of fuel source that would transcend the limits of combustible fuels. The third gap is the reproduction of photosynthesis in space, rendering future space vessels capable of producing their own food and energy source.
Meantime, while the R & D efforts pertaining to space travel are going on, a message was sent to this mystic recently by my spirit Guides (two spiritual masters) from the higher domains. During one nocturnal meditation session around three (3) weeks back, the vision of a huge tunnel-like thing, which seems to emanate light from within it moving outwards, appeared in my sight. The ‘light tunnel’ then gradually moved downwards in the space around it that was so dark, though this thing was so visible because it was indeed blindingly lighted. So huge was the tunnel that it seems capable of accommodating vessels as huge as aircraft carriers. Then the vision disappeared.
The following night, before sleeping, as I did my regular nocturnal meditation, the vision appeared again. It was almost the same sight as the previous night, except that this time there were vessels moving out of it and then back, quite small when viewed from a distance but visible. My God, it was a spectacular sight! They were space vessels, sort of patrol vessels doing some routine checks of the area. And the lighted tunnel kept on moving down yet. Then the vision disappeared.
Since this was the 2nd night that the vision appeared, and I’d say it was relayed because right up there, on the upper hyperspace corner to my right, was my seraphim Guide (a master in stature), guarding and assuring me of continued presence and guidance. Then the thought came right through my mind that this was the fabled stargate portal that was closed down by cosmic forces, for one reason or another, in the very ancient past. From that time on, cross-stellar intelligences have to use other routes to get to Earth if they so desire to come here. One such recent arrival that had to come here via a longer route was the Sirians, who came here couples of thousands of years back, after the implosion of their star system (Jehovah was among their leaders).
A gladdening news! Finally our space fellows can come through to the planet without much hindrance in the near future. By fellows I mean those who are very conscious in observing the Law of Love and Oneness, those benevolent leading groups of the Milky Way. The gladdening news for Filipinos and Southeast Asians is that this portal is located just above the Philippines, above the Palawan island (probably above the Sunda plate), which means that the ancient cooperation of the cosmic intelligences with the Lemurians (ancestors of Filipinos, Malays) will be revived.
Great glad tidings are coming! Great, beyond our imagination! The White-Light forces are being sent by the Supreme Deity to us, to help us accelerate the attainment of global balance and harmony, end to wars, and eradication of poverty. Welcome the opening of the stargate portal!

[Writ 19 May 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

Saturday, December 5, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Good afternoon, dear Fellows!
It is still politically hot in PI (Philippine Islands) as I write this piece. I like this libertarian spirit of the people, particularly the middle class, who choose to right some wrongs via a civil way (senate investigations, mass actions) rather than take up arms. This is a sign that the modern islanders, dubbed Filipino by the late patriot Dr. Jose Rizal, are of a newer breed compared to their warlike ancient pedigree.
While the islanders are busy massing up for larger political storms, another cabal which we shall simply dub as Fallen Ones are making sure that the Philippines must never rise as a wealthy and globally powerful nation. For many centuries now they have been working behind the shadows to make sure that they’d be able to fragment Southeast Asia and control the Philippines and its people in particular.
The oligarchic Anglo-Saxons (British, Americans) who play the lead-role of storm troopers for the wars of the Fallen Ones, make sure that the Philippines will remain weak and secondary a force in global affairs. The American elites in particular fear the Philippines, fear a sphinx-like rise of the Filipinos to wealth and fame. And the few who sharply observe this Saxon (to shorten Anglo-Saxon) feelings about Filipinos or Pinoys are baffled by the American elite’s paranoia and bellicose attitude.
More than a century ago, mystics from the West, India and Tibet released to the world a humungous amount of knowledge about the planet’s evolution, and that of humanity’s. Theosophists, led by HP Blavatsky (see Secret Doctrine), became the lead documentors and messengers for the revelators (spiritual masters). Those documents are immensely significant, because they revealed for the first time the true history of the planet and the Earthans or Terrans in modern language for mass readership.
Among the revelations heralded was that the Philippines is a remnant of a subcontinent of the ancient continent of Mu or Lemuria. That subcontinent was then called Maharloka or Great Land. The term came down later in another version as Maharlika, which had since denoted nobility. Lemurian culture was the greatest civilization ever built on Earth, and maybe the only ones that can match it are those ones that are yet to come (called 6th and 7th Root races by Blavatsky).
Another revelation was that the Maharlokans (Pinoys being the descendants) were the very center of the world civilization at that time (tens of thousands of years back). The most powerful kingships of Mu were in Maharloka, in much parallel way today when the most powerful polities are the Caucasians’ (Saxons, Russians, Europeans). Such kingships were necessarily the center of warriorship, the ancient Maharlokans being the most feared in terms of warfare. Warriorship and offensive war acumen is therefore in the blood (genes) of the Pinoys of today, and there would be instances when such traits, long dormant in the collective subconscious, will awaken (e.g Phil. Revolution, 1896-1900).
An equally important phenomenon that shouldn’t be trashed is the presence (per revelation from Filipino mystics) in the astral-etheric belt above Palawan, of the stargate. This gate is the hyperspace doorway to and from the other galaxies: passage through it can short-cut the way to other galaxies, and likewise short-cut the travel from those galaxies to Earth.
Linking up the two phenomena is now quite an easy task. Being seeded by cross-galactic beings in ancient times (e.g. Orions, Lyrans, Pleadeans, Draconians, Andromedans, Sirians, Vegans), it is but logical that the stargate area is the location where the greatest civilization, in both antiquity and the future, will flourish.
Per my own knowledge of earlier revelations (see theosophy, Himalayan notes) and those of the present (see Sal Rachele’s contributions), the stargate was decidedly closed by those cross-galactic intelligences or CGIs upon their retreat later. Since then, it was difficult for CGIs to come to Earth as hyper-space travel was delimited by the stargate’s closure. Longer ways have to be traversed, whether by space or hyper-space travel modalities.
However, past the midway of a 555-million year period (that midpoint was in September 21, 1934) in human evolution, as humanity began to move upward in the ascending arc of its evolution, the Earth had also begun to evolve and has since been increasing its vibratory frequency. This upward evolution of Earth is now opening up the stargate naturally, and sooner enough the CGIs will be coming around with ease.

Suffice me now to say that the Fallen Ones, the elite builders of the evil New World Order or NWO, dread the coming of some CGIs whatever those beings are. For how could you explain such a paranoid dread, that they now go to the extent of fast-tracking the NASA, Russian and European space programs to be able to escape from Earth at any moment in the near future? They dread the CGIs, maybe the top-gun CGIs both from the ‘Light’ (Galactic Confederation) and the ‘Dark’ (Orion-Reptoid Alliance) sides.
Let me now stress another equally important phenomenon: the Planetary Chi’s positioning in PI during the Aquarian Age. As I explained in my book 13th Gate Unveiled, every time that the Solar system is situated within a constellation’s force-field, for a period approximately 2,166 years long, the chief energy vortex or Planetary Chi will be located in a specific spot among the Earth’s 70 or so major energy spots or centers. Of those 70 energy spots, around 7 to 12 are the chief ones, Mt. Banahaw in PI being one of them.
Whenever the solar system transfers from one constellation alignment to another, the Planetary Chi also transfers to another major energy spot. There it will remain for 2000+ years. And where that energy vortex stays, civilization will rise like the sphinx as evolved souls will mass up in the area to hasten techno-economic, cultural and political development. Chances are that polities in the area will rise to world power prominence while the Planetary Chi is located there.
In 1994, when this mystic was initiated into the cosmic order of Lightworker mystics’ lodge here in PI, the news came to my ears that the Planetary Chi will transfer to Mt. Banahaw from Glastonbury (England) during the Aquarian Age. And no less than couples of Tibetan masters came here in a rush to find out what makes PI so special today, and perhaps noted the immense potentials of the Pinoys to rise to power during Aquarius. They also helped local mystics prepare for the coming events ahead.
So that information explains why the Saxons and Continental Europeans from France to as far as Russia woke up for 2000 years. From ‘barbarians’ those tribes were catapulted to world power prominence in all human fields, and among them all the Saxons (British, Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders) were to benefit the most from the awakening induced by the beneficial powers of the Planetary Chi during the Age of Pisces (from Jesus’ time to around 2004).
And such is the same reason now why the Saxon elites, led by Fallen Ones, fear the decline of the West as the Chi has transferred to PI. That the Pinoys or Maharlikans will rise to world power status in the future is no longer a myth nor ancient legend of foregone Lemuria but is an unfolding fact of life.
Now, couple that rise to power of the Maharlikans (and Asians in general) with the opening up of the stargate, and you can see in the near future the arrival of CGIs right in PI’s backyard to concur agreements, diffuse technologies and philosophies, and fast-track Maharlikans’/Majapahitans’ (Southeast Asians’) meteoric rise to space-age power and cross-galactic travel capabilities.
The question we ask now is: what CGIs did the Fallen Ones (elites) concur treaties with if ever? Why are they so scared of some reprisals from some CGIs? Why are they so desperate in controlling PI and its people? Do they desire to control the stargate eventually, so as to block all CGIs from coming here, so that they alone—Earthan global elites—can own the planet and do everything at their disposal? Or do they intend to block only the Galactic Federation that had in fact pre-positioned itself in the Solar system and nearby star systems for nigh 3000 years or so already? What armaments with such devastating firepower can they use at any rate against those CGIs?
Let me remind those Saxon-Western elites led by the Fallen Ones that their attempt for global domination is futile. They cannot escape this planet as the Confederation forces are up there guarding the solar system. They cannot use nuclear devises to destroy the planet, as the same Confederation will come down from hyperspace to destroy the same devises.
It’s not too late yet for the Fallen Ones to choose Oneness, choose the path of cooperation and dialogues of civilizations, and share the Planet with all the souls herein residing. And they should stop those futile efforts to exterminate or neutralize the Lightworkers, notably the mystics who they hold with such fear and contempt. Dead mystics of Light are soon replaced by new ones, remember.
And they should accept that the time of the ‘decline of the West’ and the rise of Asia has come. Among all Asians are especially the Maharlikans whose zeneath of power will be seen around the years 2700-3300 (peak period of the Aquarian Age). And, yes, they better accept the destiny of Maharlika, show kindness and friendliness to our people. For being bellicose at all times to Pinoys now may cause them devastating backfire in the future as the more war-like, space-age savvy Maharlikans will make no qualms in leveling off niches of the bellicose Fallen Ones and their elite subalterns.
If they now think of destroying PI with the latest Tesla Earthquake Inducer, it’s too late a thing for this evil act. Pinoys have been scattered all over the globe, precisely as a Plan B by the cosmic hierarchy in case that the islands will be destroyed by geological cataclysm or by WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Pinoy nations will be rising in other continents in the future, as the Filipino race is programmed to be the 6th sub-Race of the coming 6th Root Race of more advanced human prototypes.
In conclusion, one should look at the conflicts now taking place in RP as machinations of the Fallen Ones. The conflicts are ‘organized chaos’ cover-ups for the true events happening behind the scene. They fear RP, the Maharlikans, the CGIs who will team up with future Maharlikans, and their efforts to destroy us here are futile. “It’s the Cosmic Plan, stupid!” would be an apt campaign line against the Fallen Ones. They have no way out here, and they better choose Oneness or perish in the future worlds coming.

[Writ 01 March 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]