Wednesday, November 25, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

Fraternal solidarity to all ascensionauts, Terrans!

Who among the role players down on the surface could fitfully serve as bridge between Man (humans) and God (Divinities/Ascended Host)? This messenger, Initiate of a certain degree, teacher & volunteer in Mahatma El Morya’s Ashram, will shed light on the subject.

For the central statement, let it be declared: the Initiate is the bridge between Man and God. I am echoing this contention, shared by all spiritual masters alike, not only to clarify who serves as that focal role player, but also to debunk (a) the New Age falsehood that the Shaman is “bridge between Man and Spirit” and (b) the Christian fallacy that the Priest is the “representative of Christ.”

I’ve already made some contributory clarifications about Initiation in my past writes, such as the previous one titled “60% INITIATES, 51% ASCENDED MASTERS IN THE AGE OF LIGHT,” so please browse and digest their contents as much as you can. The Brotherhood of Light, which counts all the Initiates on Earth—from Sanat Kumara (Planetary Logos) down to the 1st Degree (mystics of 1st level)—have emphatically pronounced that Initiates will be sent to the physical plane in advancement of the Work (of Light), to aid other mortals move up the ladders of the Path.

An Initiate (of Light), also called Melchizedek, is strong enough in Light & Love and relatively balanced than any of the mortals who are merely on the Probationary Path. All Initiates for that matter have their Etheric eyes, mental body eyes (4th eye), and buddhic body eye (5th eye) opened, thus permitting them to communicate with their Brothers & Sisters of Light in the etheric and higher planes.

With natural healing abilities to aid them in the Work, aside from natural wisdom that comes straight from the ‘source’, Initiates are the most fit for linking up the humans on the surface to the Divinities or Ascended Host in the Inner World. And let it be stressed that the Ascended Host to be linked up with comprise of Terra’s very own Divine Beings, not of the Divine Beings of other planets or suns/stars. Such is the clear-cut protocol of communications, which immediately renders as grand deception those claims by others of channeling for deities or ascended masters from outside Earth.

As to the first fallacy concerning the shamans, let it be clarified that SHAMANS ARE MERE MORTALS. They aren’t necessarily Initiated Ones, are psychically imbalanced (schizoid persons), and their extrasensory faculties go no higher than the 3rd eye or astral body’s eye. Shamans who serve the Light are those former sorcerers or black magicians in past embodiments, who now wish to make up for their karmic debts by doing healing works and neutralizing psychic attacks by Evil Ones.

There is no guarantee though that a shaman, though for the Light in this life, won’t go back to a life of a schizophrenic which was his/her state at some other embodiments. A friend of mine, who keeps on returning to the psychiatric ward for treatment and then goes out for some months, then goes back to the ward again, and so forth in vicious cycle, was shaman for some lives in his past embodiments. Though a seeker now, he barely listens to me, which makes it hard for me to apply interventions to heal him, take out all of his evil etheric implants, close his aura, and rebuild his mental body & mental energy (lost to evil ones who pester him relentlessly).

Save for some few spiritual masters who do embody as shamans, such as the custom has been in South America’s east coast and the Philippines, no Initiate for that matter has ever been enticed by the Brotherhood to embody as shaman. The linkage that shamans do for humans is the same linkage done by spiritist mediums for the same purpose: the ‘spirit world’ of the astral plane where resides many Evil beings who often disguise as other identities during mediumistic or channeling sessions.

As to the 2nd fallacy, which everyone knows fully well, of the Christian Priest being the representative of Christ, the fact only gets more evolved souls to be less magnetized by church life and go the freethinker’s life instead. Christians don’t even know the difference between Jesus and Christ (an office), and that ignorance begins with the very ignorance of their very own priests and bishops/hierarchs about the matter.

Christian priests and most priests, both women and men, across different denominations and sects, are merely mortals. Save for a few Initiates who choose to go the way of the Priest in this modern embodiment, Christian priests are as dirty and dense as the shamans and other mortals for being close to their own respective Inner Demon (negative ego) than their own Christ within or Light Body Oversoul.

Priests are generally Uninitiated Ones, so how can they ever serve as bridge between the lay person under their pastoral care and the Ascended Masters such as Jesus? Christian priests and lay leaders are big headaches for Jesus himself who will have nothing to do with much of them as he is now in the process of retaking back the Church leadership (in the Inner World).

As to priests being ‘priests of the Order of Melchizedek’ such as was mentioned in the Holy Bible, that was during antiquity when churches were still venues for Initiation of the 1st Degree at least. That time had long passed. The true Melchizedek is Initiated in the Inner World, by 4 avatars who are the only ones mandated by Cosmic Hierarchy to conduct Initiations for Terrans: Maitreya (Planetary Christ), Ancient of Days, Buddha, and Lord Melchizedek.

So let me end at this point with the cautionary statement: be very conscious of the spiritual knowledge about the real bridge between Man and God so as not to be deceived by grand liars.    

[25 November 2015]

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