Thursday, September 10, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

May thy way to 5th Density be well Lighted!

This messenger, Initiate (Melchizedek) of a certain degree, teacher & volunteer in Mahatma El Morya’s Ashram, will share a very important note regarding the Merkaba activation. The core statement is this: (a) only the Supreme Being / Almighty Father can awaken your Merkaba (b) upon your attainment of Master Awareness (3rd Degree).

Certain New Age evil puppets have made the Merkaba activation as entry point to guile many ignorant folks who seem to be in great haste to be included among the ascensionauts going to 5th Density. The Merkaba New Agers have in fact formed circles across the globe, thus transforming the money-making the deceitful “Merkaba activators” into cult high priests commanded by a certain Evil Master.

The Merkaba is among the endowments of the Almighty Father to mark a milestone event in the life of a spiritual pilgrim or Aspirant. It serves as a protective shield for the new spiritual master, who finally finished his/her 3rd Initiation, thus graduating to the level of a Master for the first time. It is a pyramid of Light so strong that, once inside it, no Evil force can attack the 3rd Degree Initiate directly, thus enabling the same Melchizedek to do other functions more efficaciously such as teaching, messenger task, and soul healing (which only masters can do).

Needless to say, an Aspirant must first finish the 1st and 2nd Initiations in order to begin the climb to 3rd Initiation to become a freshman master. The 1st Initiation witnesses the Light Quotient of the physical body surge beyond 51%, while the 2nd Initiation witnesses the Light Quotient of the astral body overshooting the 51% mark. 1st and 2nd Degree Initiates are Mystics by awareness, who can already access the Akashic records but who aren’t masters yet.

As a protective endowment for the 1st and 2nd Degree Melchizedeks, the Almighty Father will take a fraction of Light from the Central Sun to serve as an Electronic Light Tube for each Initiate. This tube of Light has a diameter of nearly 3 meters more or less, strong enough to ward off psychic attacks from black magicians or Evil adepts.

As one finishes the 3rd Initiation—in all 7 sub-steps or phases of each Initiation—the Light Quotient of the mental body would move up till it breaches 51%. Meanwhile, the Light Quotient of both physical and mental bodies would also move up along the way. As a mark of graduation for the 3rd Degree, a luminous pentagram pointed upwards will be placed by the Almighty Father in the brow area of the Initiate, which is the mark of the Master.

Simultaneous with the endowment of the master’s Star comes the gifting of the person with the Merkaba fully activated. This merkaba can actually stay dormant when the person is reborn, but as the person finds his way back to the Path, the master awareness re-awakens and the Initiate sees both the master’s Star and Merkaba on himself/herself.

As the master down the surface moves up each phase of his/her Initiation, s/he will see visions of the Brothers/Sisters celebrate every successful termination for each phase till the Initiate becomes a Master at 3rd Degree upon finishing the 7th or last phase of the 7-phase Initiation. The grander will be the celebration, as one’s own Ashram council of 12 (support group) Initiates will joyfully co-celebrate the event.

Remember, when you’re on Earth, you are the responsibility of the Brotherhood of Light of Earth, from its highest command post in Shamballah (seat of Solar Lords for Earth) to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Planetary Christ is the Initiator for the 1st and 2nd Initiations, while Ancient of Days is Initiator for the 3rd through 6th Initiations. The Buddha and Lord Melchizedek are the only other ones officially mandated to Initiate spiritual masters who are of the Earth Lodge of the Brotherhood.

Those stated facts alone belie the obnoxious claim of the Merkaba cult leaders and fanatics that certain gods or ascended masters from other star systems are the ones guiding them or so. Besides, the Merkaba activation is a matter of post-3rd Initiation outcome, and Initiation goes beyond mere “guidance.” Those grand liars out there haven’t even seen a single Merkaba of some other persons glowing in Light, much more to see their own Merkaba that remains as dormant as dead carcass that is the case for all mortals including those in the 1st and 2nd Initiations.

How could ordinary mortals, more so the dense, impure and dirty operators of Evil powers, ever perceive a Merkaba, when the only ones who can perceive it are the spiritual masters—from 3rd to higher Degrees? One’s own higher perceptive faculties, aside from the eyes of the etheric body (open only for those under Initiation), must be open in order to fully perceive the shining glory of the Merkaba.

A seeker from Manila who is known to me, of Buddhist shared to me the information that a leader of the Merkaba cult in Manila just died of a shocking death, in late 2013. The Merkaba grand liar leader was in his early 30s, of male gender. I candidly told the seeker that the cult leader was struck back by his own returning Karma, as he had deceived too many in too little a time, besides collecting so much money in the process.

Any New Age or who ever personality out there who willfully distort ascended master lessons, by taking ideas and practices out of context, and then coat the presentations with grand lies about being guided by Light beings from other star systems or wherever, will see the ‘returning Karma’ strike back a million times stronger in intensity than the energy of evil intent or purpose. Lord Maitreya himself decreed and used focused Kumara energy flowing through him that anybody who is attuned to Ascended Masters will get their petitions acted out in intensity 1,000,000 times in potency. Likewise did he forwarn those who commit misqualified use of Light energy, of the imminent danger confronting the evil doer in the form of returning Karma.

Not only do the Merkaba cult leaders, as do other New Age cults’ leaders, deceive people and distort Masters’ teachings as well as commit ‘misqualified use of Light energy’, they also are vehicles for disseminating etheric implants on the beguiled simpletons who listen to them, or connect to them in social networks, or join their circles. Gabriel has been busy capturing & imprisoning the souls of the evil puppets and abominations since late 2010 yet, so what can stop the mighty Archangel to use shock methods to punish once and for all the most mischievous abominations down here such as New Age cult leaders?

For all enthused ascensionauts out there, better keep focused on using Light for your own entry to 5th Density, without expectations that are too high for you to achieve in this embodiment. Use your discrimination and innate wisdom, and be as discerning as you can in accepting the words and practices of New Age circles & leaders to avoid being dragged into their own imprisonment in the ‘nether worlds’. Ensure your ascension to the 5th Density, or your rebirth in the New Earth upon its full unfolding as a Golden Age civilization.

[09 September 2015]

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