Monday, June 15, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

May the grace of our Lord Ancient of Days be with you! Hail Adonai!

For this note, Ra as Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & teacher, volunteer in Master El Morya’s Ashram, will clarify matters about Buddha and Kalki (planetary Christ). These two great Beings of Light were the first to undergo Initiation (by Ancient of Days) on Earth, so I am truly humbled by the gargantuan sacrifices and their success stories of spiritual ascension that deserves continuous retelling.

The mahatmas and chelas who revealed the 1st and 2nd Dispensation of the ancient Wisdom to us already clarified well the subjects of Buddha and Christ. What they’ve shared is so worthy of re-echoing. I will also add the clarifications done by the late Rudolf Steiner, who contended that monads (god-sparks or selves) on Earth were first incubated in Saturn for a whole manvantara (evolutionary round), before being transferred to the Sun (which was then a planet) for a whole manvantara, and then transferred to the Moon for another manvantara, before transferred to Earth for this present manvantara.

Let me get straight to the Moon manvantara, for economy of space. Suffice me to say, that many billions of monads “sailed forth for monadic formation and formation of Will, Wisdom, Inspiration” in Sun and Saturn, and then moved to the Moon. Then in the Moon, during a period shorter than the Earth evolution of 4.3 billion years, the monadic tempering again resumed. At the end of the Moon evolution, during its pralaya (rest) phase, those who evolved to Dhyan Chohans (planetary spirits) were taken to higher realm called 2nd cosmic plane for rest and for continuation of their cosmic initiation.

Those who rested but who need to do more ascension works in the Earth round were then brought to this planet. Among those souls is the one we know as Siddharta Gautama, probably with the two (2) buddhas who preceded him. They arrived as ordinary mortals, like you struggling mortal Terrans, and had to begin the evolution all over again by embedding their respective monads in the minerals. The Life-Wave thus descended on the minerals, which then made possible the evolution of simple life forms, till the appearance of the vegetative, and then animal, till finally the human kingdom emerged.
The evolved souls from the Moon, already perfected but with ascension works yet to do on Earth, succeeded one after the other in ascending to the levels of Avatara, till finally they departed to higher cosmic realms for their cosmic Initiation save for Gautama. Buddha is therefore the last of those great souls from Moon round, and he committed to serve Earth till the last days yet of the present Earth manvantara.

Meanwhile, among those monads originally intended for Earth, is the great one who did outshine the rest of Earth evolutes. He too descended and embedded upon the minerals, like the rest, till he moved on to the early life forms, onwards to the devic-man period. He, like Gautama and those great souls from Moon round, saw the descent of Terrans into bestiality, yet he persisted in his ascent to the Path.

Among the Hindus, or followers of the Vedic traditions, was that great cosmic lord known as Vishnu. As it was told in the Puranas, shall he the Son embody in 10 lives, the 10th being the last. “I have come to destroy Evil!” thundered he as Ram, or Rama of Hindus. This great soul was actually overshadowed by a Dhyan Chohan, among 7 that originally came to Terra, also called later as Vishnu. Kalki shall be his name for his 10th and last embodiment, as prophesy proclaimed, so let’s use this name.

So great were the souls Gautama (Sakyamuni) and Kalki, that upon their ascension to the levels of avatara did Ancient of Days prove before the Council of 24 Elders that the ‘Earth evolution project’ was a viable one. That it wasn’t necessary to destroy all souls on Earth following the descent to bestiality and worldliness during the early phases of the 3rd ‘root race’ of giant Lemurians. Seeing that development, and noting further the ascension of new spiritual masters to replace those that left the Path upon the rebellion of Lucifer, the Council of 24 decided to that “Project Earth evolution” stay.

Lord Buddha, as gatekeeper of the Will-aspect of the Rays of Sanat Kumara, is also the custodian of ‘God as Light’. He is also Messenger of the Deities (logoi), and is link between Shamballah and Planetary Hierarchy members in the etheric retreats. He is now on training to become full-fledged planetary Regent. At that level he will be considered as a Solar Lord, part of the entourage of divine beings of our central star the Sun, bearer of a Ray of the Solar Logos who is Lord Helios (his twinflame Lady Vesta).

Lord Kalki, as gatekeeper of the Love-aspect of the Rays of Sanat Kumara, is also custodian of ‘God as Love’. Bodhisattva of the 5th ‘root race’, he is among the 3 Directors of Spiritual Hierarchy (Manu and Mahachohan are the other two). As Christ, he is Supreme Grandmaster of the Brotherhood of Light, the master of all spiritual masters. He is now World Leader, agglomerating all 3 Rays of Will, Wisdom-Love, and Active Intelligence for his supreme role, for the New Earth. He will usher the coming of the 3 new Directors of Hierarchy, who will be the Manu, Bodhisattva, and Mahachohan of the coming 6th ‘root race’ of Meruvians.

Upon the termination of the Golden Age of Light, to which the Planetary Christ is fully committed to serve as World Leader, shall Lord Kalki move on to his next level of ascension. He will take the place of Buddha, as he is known by Buddhist today to be the next Buddha. From Sonship (Vishnu/Christ) who is custodian of Love-Wisdom, shall he take on the mantle of the Father’s ray being custodian of Will.

While both great beings are now undertaking their cosmic Initiations—10th Initiation for Buddha and 9th Initiation for Kalki—for which they fully qualify to move or transfer to the higher cosmic domains, they are both committed to Earth. They will continue to do their tasks related to their individual Initiation, yes, but they won’t leave Terrans just that yet. So great were their sacrifices for Terra’s humans and also for other life-forms, that they won’t leave the planet just like that until they see the souls here evolve to the Heavenly Man of the last evolutionary round (the 7th, as we’re still in the 4th round).

Let me now end the narrative right here. When the time comes that you ripen your Enlightenment, know the history of Earth with great depth, then please remember to echo to other souls aborning, about the most ennobled evolutes of our planet. Let there be more Buddhas and Christs in the future. Hail Buddha! Hail Kalki! So be it.

[14 June 2015]

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