Saturday, April 25, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

Light & Peace unto thee! May human goodwill cooperation continue to grow!

This Melchizedek, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & teacher, volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will continue on the elaborations about etheric embeds by Evil Ones. The focus in this note will be a special kind of fixed implant: cybermechanical device.

Fixed implants were already elucidated in a previous article. The fixed etheric embed in particular are made of materials not easily comprehensible on our side. Some of the geometric-shaped implants, so neatly embedded that one cannot feel pain or itch at all about their presence in the etheric body, could very well be homing devices that possess sort of ‘chips’ like what our nanotechnology provides.

The cybermechanical device, writ in singular ‘device’ as it only takes one device to control the victim, is special in that the victim could possibly feel its presence. It most likely uses the embedded geometric implants for its operations. Certainly, it is connected to a larger system of super-computer that serves as the command center.

The reptiloid Draco lifestream actually planted all Terrans with such a device a long time ago. I did have a vision of the one planted behind my back upon my own advancement in my Path circa 2010, and was happy to note that it was effectively cut off through a cosmic surgery. Which means that cosmic beings in a certain galactic office or department aided us Terrans to disentangle ourselves from it.

In my vision, I saw a lot of miniscule cables or wires cut off, circa 2nd quarter of 2010. The device is etheric, so don’t expect it to exhibit a metallic heaviness as it is small and is of subtle matter. Within the week when the surgery was done, I felt nauseated, vomited at one instance. My vertigo suddenly cropped up as I was walking back home from work duty, but upon reaching home I puked, felt my heart pumping wildly. It took a month for the symptomatic effects of the surgery to taper off as healing was almost complete, but my vertigo never left me since then.

Yet even after the mass surgery for all of us, I was stunned by the report of a lady chela (disciple) that she felt she still has a device behind neck, sort of planted in her spinal column. As part of my own endowment to chelas, I did cleanse her etheric & astral bodies in the etheric plane. There, I attempted to splice off the connecting wires (using a technique I cannot reveal), hoping that it will work.

I could actually have scooped up the same device with my very own hands and disintegrated it using the higher Light of my Christ Body. But I was apprehensive to do so, as it might accidentally lead to physical death on the chela… Then came the feedback from her that she still was feeling the device still operating, that she was being controlled by certain Forces outside of her own will.

It took me some more weeks to analyze the embedding and conjure up a surgical tactic to finally take off the device en toto without hurting the chela. Prior to the first surgery, she revealed to me that she immersed in a group led by a male shaman based in Palawan, who styled himself as a self-teacher, pretends to be a spiritual teacher, and uses a slow dynamics dancing to let participants supposedly connect to spiritual forces or so.

The chela also revealed to me, in another occasion, that the male shaman touted his connection the the Greys whom he claims to be benevolent. That piece of information was crucial to the surgery, so I did a meditation scan one night by focusing on the fake teacher. Lo and behold! Zetan Greys were all over his astral space!

That made me conclude that the shaman, going by a name sounding like Greek letter, made use of the dance dynamics to bring his students to alpha and then to delta wave level. At the delta level, the Greys then blasted the participants with mobile (worm) and fixed implants. Then, at some other occasion, a Grey team would pull up the participant’s etheric cum astral body to their space ship to surgically embed a cybermechanical implant.

I did confirm that the device was embedded right by her neck’s back, following the track of the central nervous system. That was on top of the device embedded by the Dracos—on the back brain—that was already yanked out in late 2010 yet.

Armed with sufficient information to decide on what to do, a few weeks before 12/21/12 [the chela was among the last freshmen disciples I mentored on the ascension year], I again worked out to do a 2nd surgery. I got her consent, and she was very worried about the implant, and she knew I would work on a series of interventions to remove all implants on her. For the 2nd time, I again brought her to the etheric plane, this time on a surgical operating room used by spiritual masters.

For a complicated surgical case like hers, I employed a tube-like device for the purpose. I was alone during this surgery, and I had to keep guard while the healing process was going on, ready with my cosmic armaments in case a Zetan evil master arrives to engage combat.  Everything went well, as the device was completely yanked out of her etheric nervous system without lethal complications on the physical body.

For the information of those who are ignorant of the etheric body’s structure, this subtle double of the biological body has its own nervous system. That nervous system interfaces with the biological body’s nervous system, thus completing a complex circuitry of electromagnetic system within the physical body [biological + etheric].

This chela of mine already cut off ties with the fake teacher-healer in Palawan and is focused now on the Masters’ teachings. As she basks in a fulfilled family life overseas, with husband and child, her many former colleagues who still are part of the Palawan healer’s circle continue to multiply etheric implants within them and are, till these days, passing on implants to the so many persons they relate to.

[24 April 2015]

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