Thursday, October 9, 2014



Erle Frayne D. Argonza
Brotherhood of Light

28 October 2012

Luz y paz! Light and peace!

Ra, teacher & messenger, from the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood of Light, forthcoming Guardian, will re-echo the theme of the Photon Belt in this note. The additional insight shared here is the spiritual intent & content of photon.

To advance the masters’ thesis: photon is catalytic in separating the Terrans based on their levels of awareness. It is a cosmological catalyst, both a source of energy (of very high frequency and intensity) and a separator of the humans on one hand and the Laggards & Demoniacs on the other hand.

It was already prophesied in ancient times that at the ‘end of time’ (terminal phase of a great cosmic cycle) there shall come a separation of the ‘grain from shaft’ or ‘wheat from grass’. Such mimetic language is largely fit for food producers, the meaning of which is the separation of people based on their level of awareness. That very catalyst or ‘agent of change’ is photon.

As I shared in previous articles, I had several occasions of meditation visions of the Photon Belt, so subtle that ordinary people or scientists cannot perceive it. It surrounds a particular star as well as a galaxy, as there is one galaxy I perceived that is entirely surrounded by photon that forms like a ring akin to Saturn surrounded by rings. It never occurred to me during those meditations that the Photon Belt was in fact communicating to me, the communication content of which I must perforce intuit effectively, or else I miss the point of the vision contact.

My first write up on the Photon Belt goes by the title PHOTON BELT. It gives some details of Terra & Solar System’s coming into direct contact with the Photon Belt. The productive usage of photon as energy source was discussed in it. See: PHOTON BELT, in BRIGHTWORLD:

In another article concerning the energy sources of New Earth, I did elucidate photon as among the Renewable Energy or RE sources. I will now add to such benefit the balancing effect of photon on the subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental, causal) that can get cleansed instantly upon contact with photon. Here I’m re-echoing the masters’ thesis that photon possesses highly beneficial purposes, which is contrary to the fearsome projections of the physicists in the know and the ignorant spiritual quacks.

So high an energy field is the Photon Belt, that any veiled or blind fool of a person who will decide to move up to the New Earth can use that immersion in the Photon Belt as a Divine Grace of an opportunity for quantum leap to the higher dimension. Provided, of course, that the same person will consciously apply tools and methods for balancing, purification, detoxification, and more. Such tools we Masters have been teaching our chelas, and shared many of what we use to the social networks we’ve joined in and in our blogs as well.

On the other hand, the evolutionary Laggards (morons, idiots, imbeciles, retardates, borderline minds) as well as the Demoniacs (negative persons, sociopaths, psychopaths, conscienceless criminals) will be separated out by the very same photon if they refuse to recognize the full import of change. “Change now or perish” is the challenge of photonics upon full impact, as Guruji Krishnananda has been echoing in his writings on 2012.

How do the Laggards & Demoniacs get separated? Simple! By refusing to recognize the new context, refusing to adjust and retool and practice Light-directional methods, their bodies will experience system failures. Thus shall they be dropping off by the thousands everywhere and everyday across the globe.  

Unfit for the new context, for which they will disintegrate soul-wise if immersion is too long, they need to be transferred pronto by the Light Forces to the planet fit for their awareness level. Of this contingency the Forces of Gabriel, Galactic Confederation, and Seraphic Forces are now very well prepared to assist, mobilize, and transport souls and subtle bodies en masse.  

As to how long the Photon Belt will be around, the range is from 500 years minimum (Krishnananda thesis) to 2,000 maximum (Ra thesis). No matter how seemingly big the gap is in estimation, what is very certain is that Terra will be in the Photon Belt for a long time. Should the length be relatively short, then we Elders of Terra can always petition Lord Metatron to extend our stay in the Photon Belt, as He is Grand Gatekeeper of electromagnetics, manifest Light (photonics here), and sacred geometry.

Ascension enthusiasts, lets all welcome the coming of the Photon Belt! It is already upon us, with full impact to come just a few months away from now. Welcome the Golden Age of Light!


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