Monday, January 25, 2016


Erle Frayne Argonza 

Magandang Hapon! Good afternoon!
Please know first that this writer/analyst is both (b) economist and (b) mystic-healer. For some time now, the challenge of contributing to the construction of an ‘economy that heals’ has been knocking at my ‘mental coconut’, a task that explains this article and many yet that will succeed this one.
As an economist, my lines of subspecializations are: (a) development economics, (b) political economy & public policy, (c) international political economy, (d) economic sociology, and (e) enterprise economics (or biz economics). As a healer, my subspecializations are: (a) psychosocial counseling, (b) pranic healing, (c) distance healing (w/ angelic reinforcement); and, (d) soul healing (includes chakra alignment & cleansing, past life issues resolution).
Having laid out my brief economic & healing credentials, let me now proceed to my thesis.
First of all, as a developmentalist (practical economist) and healer of long standing, let me declare my categorical observation that the ‘world system’ economy of today, which is an admixture of capitalist-dirigist-fascist-clerical economic systems, is characteristically: (a) non-healing, or pathological, (b) is hoarding-based rather than sharing-inspired, and (c) is already on its terminal phase, needing replacement rather than its recycling.
To simplify my terms, the present system, which is principally organized around capitalism (economy for profits, based on money system), is:
a) SICK: A ‘sick economy’ is one based on flawed, sick principles that no longer work. Necessarily, a ‘sick economy’ (borrowing from Erich Fromm’s and Erik Erikson’s ‘sick society’) is a parametric condition that induces anxiety, anomie, alienation, and related pathologies that can lead to neuroses, sociopathy, psychoses, and total self-fragmentation. 
(b) GREED-BASED: The ‘hoarding orientation’ (see Erich Fromm’s works) of the ‘world system’ (see Immanuel Wallerstein’s works) had propelled greed to the level of madness, thus reinforcing ‘system sickness’. Greed multiplies greed, more greed creates more greed, and so on, ad aeternum, thus leading to more ‘economic sickness’, to more madness and system collapse and societal catastrophe.  
c) SCARCITY PREMISE: Western economics had postulated (declared as a self-evident given) that scarcity is the fact of life. This postulate had since underpinned ‘hoarding’ economics, and had remained unchallenged in the West and mainstream circles. This is flawed from the very inception. Scarcity is not given, not a universal law either, but is a product of enslaving, hoarding power relations. It is an ideological rampart in support of the more real exploitative relations between the ‘hoarding classes’ and the producer underclasses that they bound and gagged in property relations.   
d) DYING & DEATH-INDUCING: The system is now dying, it is now on its death throes, yet many refuse to see it die. Bank bailouts and interest rate interventions are among those examples of tools that no longer work, yet they continue to be employed. Furthermore, the ‘sick economy’ also induces so many deaths due to poverty, anxiety, starvation, consumerist pathologies (obesity, cardiovasculars), genocides, etc. What is needed is to bury the system and build a new one rather than to perpetuate it.  
Let me then declare the next thesis: that a new economic ‘world system’, which is in the nature of a ‘healing economy’, is a viable one. We may perhaps use different terms to refer to the same ‘world system’—sharing economy, cooperative economy, non-hoarding economy, consensus economy—but let us better recognize where we all converge: the ‘healing economy’.
Following from the foregoing statements, the contours of the new ‘healing economy’ or world system would be the obverse of the previous observations.  They are:
a) WELLNESS ECONOMY. A vibrant, wellness-oriented world system is one that will also see that everybody will have enterprises, jobs, and related pursuits that will see their talents grow and utilized to the utmost. It is an economy that also promotes the wellness paradigm, welcomes the advent of the alternative healers as ‘new kids on the block’ rather than to denigrate them as ‘quack doctors’, promotes equity and the highest values of the general welfare in their true sense, and is generally conducive to healthy relationships, institutions, communities, and healthy world.  
b) SHARING &/OR NON-HOARDING. ‘Hoarding orientation’ had degraded us humans to the most putrid hovels of the non-human or anti-human for many eons now. It is time to reverse such demonic conditionality and state. In the economic sphere, the highest principles of the ‘rule of Divine Love’ (compassion as core value) and ‘principle of giving’ (golden rule) must become dominant and sacrosanct. To talk of ‘compassionate capitalism’ is an oxymoron and subtly demonic. We have no more need for capitalism and the other isms, what we need is a non-ideological sharing economy and enough of those isms that have only exacerbated our ‘sick economy’ and ‘sick society’. Ditto for competition principle, the core of capitalism, which has no place in the emerging context. Cooperation-loving-sharing is the value trilogy of the emerging context, not competition-hatred-hoarding of the capitalist world system.  
c) ABUNDANCE. The true state of the universe is one of abundance, not scarcity. “From above, so below,” declares the Teaching. From the abundance of the cosmos, to the abundance of the Earth & Solar system, this is the sacrosanct law and not that peddled lie about scarcity. Healing economy is one that is attuned to the very dynamics of the cosmos and not divorced from it. An operative healing economy will ensure that all members of society, all citizens of Earth or Terra, will be attuned to this sacrosanct law, and will experience abundance in everyday life. “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed,” declared the late Mahatma Gandhi in his swadeshi writings. Gandhi referred to the same law, and stated it in axiomatic manner.  
d) DYNAMIC & LIFE-INDUCING. The healing economy will prove itself to be dynamic and life-inducing as well. It does not follow from absurd ‘creative destruction’ demonology worship of capitalism, but from ‘creative constructivism’ of a Godly society. In the present system, just by destroying the currency of one nation (e.g. currency attack versus ASEAN/East Asia, 1997), many workers will lose their jobs and many small enterprises forcibly close shop, leading to anxieties and deaths. Is that what you call Godly and ‘creative destruction’? Very boldly I’d say, echoing spiritual masters who said the same, that a wellness-sharing-loving-giving economy will be truly life-inducing, as it will not need wars and destruction of nations to sustain it.   
Having shared to you in brief the contours of the new economic world system, let me now close with the reiteration of the challenge: building the healing economy is the greatest economic task of the moment and the eon now unfolding before us. We can no longer be clinging to dinosaur world systems that bred so much maladies in the past, we should move on and build a new one that will be the economic foundation of a new society of loving, giving, sharing, Oneness, and authentic human liberation. Enough with those bailouts, IMF-World Bank mergers, bank mergers, interest rate manipulations, stock markets, speculations, government take-overs, hedge funds,…
Enough with greed, hoarding, hatred, competition, bloody vampire economics of the Old World! Peace & Love Advocates of the world, let us build the New Economy of Healing without reserve. Let’s not be cowed by the intimidations of the demonic Pied Pipers and fascistic war machines of the Old World elites. We shall overcome! Carpe diem!
[08 December 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila] 

Friday, January 15, 2016


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Guru Ra

Mapayapang Araw! Peaceful day!
I’ve already written notes about the topic ‘soul age’ in some previous articles. Just recently I wrote about “Old Souls at Home: Boon to Soul Evolution.” In those articles, including ones about devotees and seekers/freethinkers, I articulated about the varying soul ages and the lessons suited for them.
Since I already touched about middling and old souls in those articles, or those same souls who can qualify for Paths of seekers and mystics, I will touch this time on the topic of ‘evolutionary laggards’ or ‘young souls’. For linguistic economics I will use the term ‘laggards’ to mean the same.
The Earth is now evolving upward in her evolutionary Path. Many mystics and masters already dealt with the subject matter in various writings. With its upward movement, the frequency vibration of Earth has also been rising, and rapidly rising since 1987. All those souls that vibrate on the dense, low levels cannot survive here in the long run, notably the laggards, in this new Earth rising.
Internet updates of late have indicated that laggards comprise around 63% of the current population. This, to my mind, is already a diminution from previous numbers. Probably before 1960 there must have been up to 85% laggards. A decrease of around 22% in 50 years is already a whopping diminution, or whopping jump in the numbers of middling and old souls who now total 37%.
The Plan for the laggards, as elaborated by mystics and teachers such as Sal Rachele, is to transfer them to some worlds where their survival chances would be greatest. Which means worlds that are dominantly 3rd Density or 3-Dimensional. That was planet Earth before 1934.
In his book about Agni Yoga, the Guru R.H.H., who was a disciple of the Guru Nicholas Roerick (a disciple in turn of H.P. Blavatsky), revealed that 1934 was a threshold year when Earth reached the lowest point of her descent into the material dense sphere. On that same year the upward movement began.
A horrific possibility during the years succeeding 1934 was the termination of life on Earth as evil forces took over the reign of Europe (Nazi power). Nuclear power should have been used to destroy the physical plane, as plans were afoot among the Dark Lodges of the West to do precisely that evil act. Seeing those plans by the Fallen Ones, the Ascended Beings hatched a counter-plan to ship out Terrans (Earth peoples) to a surrogate planet so as to continue the evolutionary track of us Earth humans.
Almost in no time at all, a planet was prepared for such a purpose. Presumably, the planet is located in another star system within our galaxy. To cut the story short, the evil plan didn’t pursue, but the planet remains there, complete with the essentials of life support systems. My intuition now tells me that the same planet will be used in the future for contingency plans, as a transshipment station for humans from other worlds. I shall call it ‘1934 Planet’ or Plan B planet.
Today the plan to ship out the laggards has found precisely one planet that is excellent for their habituation. That planet is no other than the ‘1934 planet’ or Plan B planet. It is now waiting for mass habituation by Earthan laggards.
Do note that the mass out-shipment of laggards from Earth towards the Plan B planet and possibly other worlds currently being prepared for them, is already a most compassionate act by the Cosmic Hierarchy. It isn’t an act of condemnation or treating laggards like criminals who should be confined to a penal colony that is a new planet. It is compassionate precisely because the laggards will be permitted to proceed with their soul evolution at their own pace, rather than see them destroyed on Earth by their own inability to cope with an environment that is high-knowledge, high-frequency and altogether strange for their types.
For those who couldn’t picture what I’m talking about, the self-destruction of laggards and low-vibrating humans here manifests as sociopathy, manic-depressive disorder, personality disorder, and other psychological disorder forms. It’s that simple a description and forecast. Fact is, the massive self-destruction is already happening today.
Look at the intensifying frequency of the impact of ‘anomie’ today: suicides, crimes against life, serial murders, adolescents harming themselves, membership in terrorist groups, and related dissociative problems. Examine also the frequency of schizophrenia over the past five (5) decades. Look back at the urban streets and examine those street people and ambulant psychotics who can’t cope up with the standards of living and the increasing frequency of the planet.
It would be too idiotic an analysis to associate the anomic frequencies to government inefficiencies, elitism, oligarchism, and other structural problems. The problem goes deeper than that. There are simply souls who cannot cope up with the rising expectations and vibratory frequency of Earth. Whether they like it or not, the laggards, many of whom were able to reach university education, cannot cope up with an even more high-vibrating Earth beyond 2030 and should be moved out for their own safety.
By that time, Earth will also be too high-knowledge that it seems the entire planet is blanketed with knowledge. That is precisely where Earth is heading: to be blanketed all over, from the higher planes down to the lower, with knowledge. Some decades back, the Jesuit scientist and philosopher Tailhard de Chardin forecast this forthcoming event as the Earth’s evolutionary shift from the biosphere to the ‘noosphere’.
With the too slow absorptive capacity of the laggards for knowledge and information, no matter if they have gone to the extent of university schooling, they will always be left behind by the smarter middlings and oldies (the older soul ages). The latter souls will be the inheritors of Earth, a lot of whom will be etherealized to 4th up through 6th Densities during the tumultuous years 2012 through 2030. The laggards, on the other hand, will be the inheritors of Plan B or 1934 planet.
The only thing that a lot of information savvy laggards can do now is to plant within them the seeds of advanced lessons in life. Those devotees who can somehow learn yoga meditation and study the esoteric lessons meant for seekers can go ahead and absorb the most they can, which they can then bring along with them to the other worlds. These relatively smarter ones will become the teachers and prospective spiritual gurus should they evolve consistently in future lives.
During one particular meditation session I had (at home) just this year, I saw a vision in the astral plane of huge mother ships taking souls out of the planet. The knowledge came straight to my mind that these are the astral bodies of dead laggards, and they are now being shipped out via the astral plane to the other worlds. I literally saw very long queues of souls, and the mother ships were very huge in size.
It just isn’t enough of course that astral bodies of laggards will be brought to Plan B planet and others. There must be warm bodies of laggards who can produce new babies via the usual reproductive act. Such babies will then be the incarnation vehicles for the shipped out astral bodies.
Whether warm bodies are now being shipped out too is something else that I need to confirm from Above. At this moment I am already in constant touch with Ascended Beings, masters and mighty angels who appear every now and then in my visions, bringing along some messages or information. I hope to get more updates from them about the plans for Earth and her human souls.
If asked for an opinion, I am amenable now for the mass ship out of laggard ‘warm bodies’ to the said worlds. The Galactic Confederation, which is charged with bringing Earth back to the Light forces (Earth is a fallen planet) in our universe, is actively operating in our star (solar) system at this moment. If asked for a recommendation by the hierarchs of the Confederation (short for Galactic Confederation), I would counsel mass migration now so as to prevent more mass self-destruction of the laggards in the coming years.
I am bound to think that the Confederation is the same cosmic force that has been shipping out the laggard astral bodies to the less evolved worlds. But probably the Dark Ones also have their own vehicles and agenda to pursue, and may have also been contesting the field by shipping out their victimized as well as volunteer laggard souls. It’s always best to show the equation as a contestation by competing forces from both the Light and Dark sides as a most realistic picture of the situation today.
I myself had encountered too many laggards in life. Many were kins, many others were my clientele in my social development engagements, some others were former students, while a few were our own domestic helpers and assistants in my family home. They are so endeared to me, it surely pains me not to see them again, so I pray that they will digest the knowledge and life notes I shared to them the best they can.
The older generation of Filipinos are particularly of the laggard type. I’d say probably as high as 90% of Pinoys (Filipinos) past 55 years old today are laggards. No less than 1% of those Pinoys bother to read at all after schooling. Contrast this to the younger generations of ages 18-55, around 22% of whom are readers (per result of an internet survey). Those ages 12-30 are very information savvy, with a very high proportion of ‘star seeds’ and ‘star helpers’ or evolved souls from other planets who are newly embodied here. What stark contrast generation-wise!
Filipino soap TV programs, sit-coms, and movies that were adjusted to laggard audiences are now dying species. Precisely because the smarter souls who are increasing in numbers in the Philippines are now maturing, and they have nothing to do with laggard materials. They reside largely in cities, and urban population will breach the 60% this year or next here. This country, just like most countries of East Asia, had ceased to be one for laggards.
Clearly, the Age of the Laggards, the Age of the Biosphere, is coming to a close both in the West and East. At least the laggards are proud to have been exposed to the great ideas by the emerging Noosphere. Let us hope that they will find some key ideas practicable enough in their new homes.
[12 March 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Too many volumes of materials were already written over the past decades about the coming polar shift. Perhaps this planetary-galactic event will be the most focal one needed by humanity to put a stop to all the madness and abominations of the Dark Adepts of the planet.
Among all materials published about the matter, I find that of my fellow mystic and Teacher Sal Rachele’s peregrinations as the most satisfactory. As I already mentioned in some other articles, the plausibility of the Rachele thesis and forecasts are very high as they fuse scientific and mystical insight together. (Pls see:
As we await this cosmic drama’s unfolding, madness is burning the entire planet. A united Europe is about to unleash the tyrannies of a returned Augustus Ceasar, and a 2-headed 4th Reich is now fast evolving into reality before our eyes. World War III, as planned over a century back yet by Luciferan freemasons (see Albert Pike reports), will push through as planned and scheduled.
Ancient racial memories are waking up very rapidly. Likewise does ancient racial-ethnic hatreds awaken or is already in that state. The ancient conflict between Rome and Parthia (Persia) will be revived, even as New Rome (4th Reich) will use its surrogate Arab states to fulfill its desires to destroy Islam and Iran. Global economic collapse, accompanied by hyper-inflation and the collapse of the dollar, is also galvanizing each day as morbid reality.
Were it not for direct intervention from the Almighty Providence, the madness of the Dark Adepts may proceed ceaselessly for decades, global tyranny installed to last for centuries to come, nation-states destroyed, hundreds of millions of people dead due to wars and genocide. But divine intervention has been the policy for some time now, beginning in the mid-1970s yet, and madness shall cease past 2030.
Mother Nature herself is revolting, and Earth will mutate to 4th Density in just a little over four (4) years from now. Polar shift comes on the latter part of December (please see Mayan Calendar, galactic cycle, grand cycle) of 2012, even as the Earth’s frequency shall have moved up to an octave higher by then.
Rachele’s forecast of the 2007 recession and the global economic downspin thereafter, already took place. Let’s better keep track of forthcoming events, and prepare all the more for the polar shift. The shift will be an electromagnetic shift, not geological, so there will be little tectonic-geologic displacements if ever.
For those 0.1% who comprise roughly the ‘Lightworker population’ today, the mutation will be highest, from 5th through 6th densities up from 3rd density. Since 5th Density is hardly populated, with nary a structure for human settlements, the coming of the Lightworkers there will bring new life to that subdimension. Most probably new cities will be built, and higher density beings will be manifesting from Above to assist them in building new worlds.
20% or roughly 1.3 billion people (using present statistics) will be mutating to 4th Density. That is, they will go up along with Earth itself which will also move up to that level. Probably as large as 40% of this ‘group’ will comprise of Indigenous Peoples, who will also go up along with Mother Earth since they have long protected and conserved Mother Nature, thus deserving for them a good karmic reward of moving up the octave scale too.
Plants and animals that are most positively vibrating, or those that are not destructive and predatory, will also go up along with Mother Earth. With just 1.3 billion to support, there will be abundance for everyone, thus fulfilling the Gandhi economic axiom that ‘the world has enough for everybody’s needs’. A very sustainable balance of human population this one will be, synergistically interacting with a balanced and abundant flora & fauna.
Those more intelligent souls who will mutate to 4th Density will bring along with them enormous expertise and knowledge. Renewable energy will most likely be granite-rock culture here, and electricity-based power will cease to be as photon becomes the new modality for the same purpose.
Since 4th Density will be quite large in population, settlements may follow ‘laissez faire’ fashion. Which means, depending on community consensus, there will be free options for populations to choose whether to go city settlement, or rural food-producing settlement, or suburban high-tech settlement, or combinations of the above. There will be a diversity of settlements here, as I can easily foresee.

What will happen to the structures, the megacities, the industrial belts of the 3rd Density? What will happen to 3rd Density populations (80%)? Well, most 3rd Density souls will die en masse, unable to adjust to the too high frequencies of 4th Density, while others who may survive will continue to behave in polarity games and dreadfully sinful, sensate ways. 3rd Density subworlds will be in sorry states altogether.
It is most likely that the badly damaged cities and towns, with so many dead people scattered in their homes and buildings and streets, will become ghost towns & cities eventually. In the long run, there will cease to be 3rd density peoples and societies here, so those communities will be taken back by forests and become canopies for Earth. They will become promising archaeological sites most likely, and excellent sites for future tourism.
So who cares about the World War III and Empire madness of the Dark Adepts? Only the very dense, polarized 80% of our population now will be so scared of all the madness. 3rd Dimensional history is now drawing to a close, and way decades from now they will comprise the tales that the future parents and teachers will narrate to the higher density children.
Carpe diem! Good luck to you in your Path!
[Writ 04 August, 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]