Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
of Light
greetings, enthused ascensionauts!
a previous article, this messenger & Initiate of a certain degree shared a
note about the four (4) avatars who embedded themselves in the surface in aid
of humanity’s ascent to the evolutionary path. I will next share a follow up
article about the subject, with a clarification of the polarity game that
Cosmic Evil challenges our own Spiritual Hierarchy to engage in.
already wrote too many articles before about cosmic evil, the cosmic wars and
factors that caused them, the ‘brotherhood of shadows’, Luciferan secret
government, and related subjects. Do browse my articles for the same topics,
rest assured they are short and coincise and thus easy to digest.
those articles released in the previous years yet, I did articulate about the
return of Cosmic Evil after its defeat in the great wars (World Wars I &
II). Lucifer, who headed the Dark Lodge prior to his deprogramming in the late
1980s, directly possessed Hitler during the last great war, while the World
Anti-Man possessed Himmler. In the next attempt to recoup their loses, Cosmic
Evil will be led by Satan or Ahriman, who recently replaced Lucifer.
Steiner, a High Initiate who embodied in Europe, revealed the coming of Satan
and Anti-Man. Accordingly, Satan will embody in the U.S.A.,
while Anti-Man will overshadow (possess) the returned Napoleon Bonaparte in Europe. Steiner’s disciple Trevor Ravenscroft, a white
magician, echoed the same prophecies in the book Spear of Destiny. Ravenscroft later released a follow up book,
concerning 666 and Anti-Christ, which forecast the year that Ahriman will
manifest on the surface: 666 X 3 = 1998.
agenda of the hideous beings Anti-Man and Ahriman coincides with the agenda of
the Luciferan hierarchy long gestated, modified, and enforced since the late 19th
century yet. World War III (using Islam as entry point for ignition), mass
depopulation, technotronic society that will be robot-controlled, and destruction
of nation-states and replacing them with city- and region-states, and nuclear
thermidore are the core facets of the overall agenda.
Bonaparte, who was also Augustus Ceasar and Cesar Borgia in previous
embodiments, returned to Europe to fulfill his
destiny. A technocrat and politician, he is being sponsored by one of the
daughters of St Bernard of Monaco to move up the ladder of European Union power
as the spring board for the tyranny of Neo-Bonapartism. [I was able to monitor,
via meditation visions, some of their update moves since 2010.]
move by the Cosmic Evil could have been one of the logical reasons behind the
embedding of Maitreya in London,
the seat of the financier abominations who control the world. While Bonaparte
as Anti-Man works behind the scene in Brussels,
center of the Union, Maitreya silently works in London.
the returned Augustus Ceasar/Bonaparte represents the symbols of secular power,
being politician and technocrat, the embodied Satan in the USA represents
the spiritual power, on the ‘dark side of the Force’. Satan/Ahriman will give
his blessing to Bonaparte, like Lord Melchizedek anointing Abraham as secular
leader of a new nation nearly 5,000 years ago.
who I believe is not the ‘oversoul’ Satan but rather one of his ‘soul
fragments’, is inside Big Business. Like unto Jesus Christ spreading compassion
among the devotee masses, Satan today has been clamoring for redistribution of
oligarchic families’ wealth unto the underclasses of developing countries. Who
would ever suspect him as the long-awaited abomination for such wonderful acts
of philanthropy he himself has been at the forefront of implementation?
most symbolic center of economic power is the west of the USA, which
houses the ‘new technology’ sectors. The polar region of that U.S. side is the east coast, which
is where the Avatar 4 (un-named Holy One) is precisely embedded.
derailing the ascension, I mean efforts to pursue in desperate fashion the evil
agenda outlined above. If Cosmic Evil failed during the great wars (they were
planetary in level!), then perhaps the hideous abominations are chancing upon a
‘window of opportunity’ to unleash the powers of the ‘Dark side of the Force’
in a series of inter-meshing chaos agenda that will outstrip the great wars in
sophistication and extent.
humanity will be polarized again like it was last century, during the great
wars, then indeed its overall ascent will be delayed. The ascension may hit
snags and stagnate for some time. During that ‘window of opportunity’, the Evil
Ones may be able to harvest over half of the nearly 7 billions of souls down
the surface. That is my reading of the overall chaos scenario.
while Christ (Maitreya) is in Europe, Anti-Christ is in the USA. While
Anti-Man is in Brussels/Europe, Avatar 4 is in the USA. It surely is a puzzle as to
who the Avatar 4 is, a puzzle that is part of the excitement and ‘adventure’
for spiritual seekers. Avatar 4 then could be the polar opposite of Anti-Man,
this is all I can say of the matter (my intuition is capable of unveiling the
holy mist but I won’t, as it is a secrecy).
the Christ & Avatar 4 tandem and the Anti-Christ & Anti-Man tandem are
engaging right now in a very delicate dance of cotillion. The USA &
European Union, two wings of a mighty eagle, are the theatre stages of the
cotillion. Now that we’re all in 4th Density, let’s observe and
monitor events in both unions, and make check lists of how much the hideous
abominations are succeeding in their agenda. So far these are the facts: the
installation of Martial Law in the USA, coupled with the declaration
of ‘emergency rule’ (tyranny) in the EU, haven’t happened as planned, or unless
I must be prejudging the case of the Evil Ones.
the end, as I already detailed in my past writes about Gabriel’s arrest of Evil
Masters and the resumption of the cosmic war, both Anti-Christ and Anti-Man
will be arrested and imprisoned by Gabriel. Though my reading of the unfolding
events is that both abominations won’t just surrender to Gabriel without a
fight like what hundreds of thousands of arrested Evil Initiates had done. They
will put up a huge fight, most likely off-planet, and that signals the
commencement of the new phase of the cosmic war.
July 2015]