Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
Glorious Golden Age of
Light be with thee!
This Melchizedek, Initiate
of a certain degree, teacher, messenger, and volunteer in the Ashram of El
Morya, will re-echo in this note the alarming deceptions of mushrooming false
prophets or quack messengers. So many hundreds of millions to billions of folks
were already deceived by them, and they continue with their deplorable
Whereas there are, on the
side of the Light forces, 100 ‘roaring lions’ of Light Masters mandated to
churn out Ascension-related writings as part of the 3rd dispensation
of Divine Wisdom, on the side of the Evil Ones are a couple of millions of quack
messengers or False Prophets. Thousands of years ago yet, Light Masters who
prophesied for the Brotherhood already forewarned about the mushrooming of False
Prophets during the ‘end of times’ (terminal point of Kali Yuga).
The noble chelas of
mahatmas who released the 1st and 2nd dispensation Wisdom
also re-echoed the abominable acts of quack messengers. Even before the end of
World War II yet, tens to hundreds of thousands of such false prophets—dirty
operators of Evil Ones niched in the astral plane, fallen planets and star
systems—cropped up overnight, crying out frightening End of World pronouncements
that only heightened hysteria, paranoia and helplessness of humanity.
Today, the task has fallen
on us 3rd dispensation messengers to warn the folks about the false
prophets who number in the millions. Name the venues for their drumbeating
fearmongering and paranoia, and you’d see that they are niched everywhere. They’re
inside youth clubs, fundamentalist religious groups, charismatic Catholic
circles, and even inside friendship circles. So-called ‘visionary nuns’ like
the one who foresaw the destruction of Manila or other big cities [which didn’t
happen] keep on popping out till now, and many church devotees follow their
leads with unquestioning devotion.
Added to their ranks are
the millions of astrologers, fortune tellers, spiritist mediums, UFO
contactees, angel contactees, card readers, diviners, overnight psychics and
more who belong squarely to the phenomenon of New Age Religion, and that
completes the venues for deception by seemingly disparate voices. I’ve already
writ some articles about them, forewarning the people about their deceptions.
Their ranks are still increasing, as they are joined by former adolescents now
grown up as young adults, who hear
voices of Guides (misguides actually!), meet up with alien beings’ commanders
(who are Fallen Aliens or evil masters), and more gobbledygook lines.
A former bank technocrat,
for instance, who styles himself as Amanuensis for St Germain, had already deceived
so many thousands out there. Upon receiving news about him from a former chela,
who handed me copies of his books, I immediately scanned this quack amanuensis’
aura for spot information about him. Not surprisingly, I discovered that HE IS
OF REPTILIAN ORIGIN, is an operator for evil Dracos, and has been delivering
speeches using the Ageless Wisdom circle [none of whose members is an Initiate!].
Upon discovering what he
is, I hastened to alert my chelas who possess his books, to take the books out,
tear and burn them. For such books are ciphered codes that instantly connect
the readers to Evil Masters and Fallen Reptilians who await victims for them to
(a) embed etheric implants, (b) manipulate and control, and (c) use the victims
to spread more implants embedded in the etheric bodies of simpleton New Age
I explained to those who
sought my counsel, inclusive of many contacts in the social networks, that St
Germain and mahatmas have no need for ‘amanuensis’ among dirty & impure
mortals down here. For the Brotherhood already sent forth 144,000 Melchizekeks
to aid in the ascension
and spread the Wisdom further, and more Initiates will be sent here in lieu of
White Robes who are already departing by over the thousand heads monthly. St Germain has an Ashram, his chelas
(Initiates of 1st through 4th degrees) are on the surface
even till these days, and the volunteers in his Ashram are growing by the year,
so what need has he for an impure and Un-Initiated mortal amanuensis?
There are more cases to
site related to the quack amanuensis. Limited space however constrains me from
revealing them, though indeed it is a part of a White Robe’s duty to expose the
dirty operators who have already done so much damages on at least 2 billions of
folks to my estimate. There is that Japanese princess, that self-style Elizabeth namesake
(possessed by sorcerers & Evil Ones), that creator of a social network who
supposedly hails from Sirius (possessed by a dead soul of a voodoo sorcerer),
and hundreds of thousands more of quite high profile operators.
In the Philippines
alone, I stumbled upon many such New Age operators who are high profile persons
styling themselves as ‘spiritual leaders’. The list is so long, that I ended up
filing their respective intelligence dossier in the etheric retreats with so
thick files for each (warrior angels assist in doing surveillance and updating
- A Palawan-based healer and false teacher. I discovered him to be a puppet of Zetans who use him to embed etheric implants.
- A Cebu-based Solomonic hyped healer, who is a puppet of the AmenRa or Amon (evil master), victimizing thousands.
- A very well known former professor at Asian Institute of Management, psychic scholar, self-styled spiritual leader. He’s puppet of Amon, had victimized probably hundreds of thousands through his radio program, books on psychism, and newspaper column. Amon disguises as a lady deity from a far-off star.
- A fortune teller lady whose radio program on DZMM is vehicle for spreading mobile implants thru the airwaves. Conducts meditation accordingly via the radio program, which I found out to be a hypnosis formula for mass audiences and not authentic meditation (I guested there in 2011). A puppet of Moloch, evil master behind New Age.
So many to expose! Well,
the luck of you ascensionauts is that the 144,000 White Robes were also
mandated to investigate and judge the quack messengers, and recommend the quack
prophets for arrest by Gabriel. Not only had I exercised such an added duty, I
also saw visions of samples of souls of quack prophets and fake ‘lightworkers’
hauled to jail by gigantic warrior angels. I’ve also recommended the
reconnaissance of their websites, intelligence works on their networks, and
related tasks, to Lord Gabriel and his Legions of warrior angels.
[25 March 2015]