3RD, 4TH, 5TH
Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
Light & Love from this
Brother of Light!
This Melchizedek (another
term for spiritual Initiate), messenger & volunteer in the Ashram of Master
El Morya, will share added cogitations about densities in this note. Earth was
at 3rd Density before 12/21/12, then ascended to 4th
Density on that day, and is on the way to 5th Density, so let me
re-echo the densities theme.
The messenger Brothers of
Light already wrote so much about the subject, such as Sal Rachele and Guruji
Krishnananda to name a few. The same Brothers or Melchizedeks used the
densities frame as point of reference to facilitate the explanation of the ascension
to the open public.
I did take off from the
cogitations of the messengers who released ascension heraldries earlier than me.
To simplify our approach on the subject, let us use the term ‘density’ and
‘dimension’ interchangeably. Dimension is an ontological term referring to a
‘plane’ of existence or reality, while density is a term derived from physical
science that uses measurements of mass, distance, and space to ascertain the
standing of a certain mass in any given space-time continuum.
New Age quacks, however,
began popularizing the term ‘dimension’ since the 1960s without knowing what it
means. For spiritual masters, dimensions are expressed in terms of ‘planes’ of
reality of which there are 7 in all in our universe, hence the clear
demarcation between masters or Initiates and the New Age religionists. In the
vast cosmos leading back to Godhead, there are 7 cosmic planes, the last plane
being the 7 planes of our universe—our planes, in other words, are only
subplanes of the last or most dense plane of the cosmos.
In the course of spiritual
evolution, human monads (god selves) had to devolve down the lower vibratory
spheres as prerequisite for forging certain faculties and traits—will, wisdom,
love—prior to the ascent back to Godhead or Supreme Being. As the monads
descended down the planes or dimensions, they experienced more and more
denseness. It was down the descent trail where oversouls were bred by the
monads, and soul ‘fragments’ or extensions were generated by oversouls.
Down the descent trail,
the monads embedded themselves first in minerals, thus providing the Life-wave
to the planet. That was 1st Density life: the density for minerals. Monads
acting together, aided by Dhyan Chohans (planetary spirits) that guided them,
ensured that the Life-wave will enable the birthing of ‘live minerals’, plants,
and animals at some future times.
Done with that, the monads
then moved to the plant world upon the beginnings of life stirrings in the
vegetative state. There was a time, in other words, when your monad was a
plant, though this was merely a passing stage. And, expect the plants of today
to evolve into humans in the distant future. This vegetative world was the 2nd
Still moving down the
descent trail, the monads moved next to the animal domain when the stirrings of
the Life-wave enabled the appearance of primeval animals in the planet. The
animal world represents the 3rd Density. We (as monads) were once
animals, as I authenticated through akashic records visions of my past animal
life, even as the animals of today will some day evolve to humans.
From the animal world, our
monads moved next to the Devic-Man world. This world is properly the 4th
Density. It was in this stage of descent when human forms began to appear,
though in shadowy etheric form. All the 5 senses were forged along the
evolution way, across 5 root races already. Desire, feelings, cognition,
intuition & abstraction were necessarily forged and strengthened in the 4th
evolution stage.
Sadly, tragically, Earth
humans were entrapped in desires in the 4th stage. This was the
time, during the mid-phase of the 3rd root race called Lemurians,
when ‘original sin’ (bestiality) was galvanized, and more sins (dark karmas)
were generated. Vicious cycles of sinfulness left Terrans agog in 4th
Density, at a time when human souls were already being generated by the monads.
All is not that hopeless
for humanity though, as proved by the fact that at least two (2) golden ages of
Light were already experienced. Proof that humanity already moved away from the
sinful heydays of bestial Lemurians. While experiencing a golden age, humanity
was immersed in 5th Density, with awareness high enough to
capacitate a person to get in touch directly with his/her soul or atma.
4th Density
thus being associated with negativity of a sinful past, the Divine Beings of
Shamballah and Spiritual Hierarchy have to device pathways to ensure that
golden age humanity vibrate at 5th Density and reside in context fit
for that level. So we Terrans did experience heavenly living—way past the 3rd
and 4th and up through 5th density—for a time frame long
enough to make impact on soul development.
But sadly, tragically,
humanity kept on plunging to a Dark Age or Kali Yuga, falling to abysmal Absolute
Evil. From 5th Density, humanity crashed down back to 3rd
Density during the Fall back to darkness. And that was where we were all into
during the last Kali Yuga.
Earth recently ascended to
4th Density, and this is a gladdening news for the planetary, solar,
and cosmic divinities of the galaxy. The challenge for us is never again to
fall into the abyss of Absolute Evil. No one force whatsoever can ever predict
the destiny of humanity, as humans build their own destiny. Which means that,
in order to sustain a 5th Density living later, the grand effort
must be done with true fraternal love among all humans, through collaboration
and unity.
[27 November 2014]