Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
21 August 2012
Gracious day to you all!
It’s quite raining again
as I write this piece, as the rainy monsoon season is still around in the tropics.
Being messenger & forthcoming Guardian, let me share heraldry about the 4th
Density during the world building phase, with the rains providing ambiance for
the catastrophic devastations accompanying the shift to higher dimension.
4th Density is
roughly the mid-astral plane, while 5th Density is the higher astral
plane. In a previous note, I already shared heraldry about the preparations and
world building efforts for the 5th Density after the general
turbulence will subside. The 4th Density offers a more difficult
situation to handle, so I treat this subject a bit later than the 5th
Density new world.
As Terra moves to the 4th
Dimension, all souls will be brought up to the 4th and 5th
densities (with very few going up 6th & 7th). So that
includes those Demoniacs and Laggards who number so many. Though many of them will
do natural exits during from the Null Zone period up through 2018, there will
still be hundreds of millions who may be left behind.
Among such multitudes will
be Demoniacs who will perform the erstwhile Mad Max predators in the
neighborhoods. We refer to highland neighborhoods, as the lowlands will be
inundated for couples of months. From them will emerge petty tyrants and gangster
armies, who will ransack every home or shelter they can see along the way.
So there’d be
broadly-based operations done by the Angels, Seraphs, and Galactic Command Forces
to seize, capture, and bring the said rowdy elements and their laggard victims
to their designated planets. The overall operations will take some time to
undertake, even as Gabriel’s Forces will take nearly three (3) years to clear
up the astral plane of Evil Masters and take down Demoniacs’ souls down here on
the surface (these operations are still on-going).
On top of those rowdy predators
and the laggard victims is the general devastation wrought on the cities and
communities. When the inundation recedes, as new ice formations take place in
the polar regions, many of the flooded regions will re-surface, thus revealing
a truly grotesque environment with stinking dead carcasses and fauna spreading
fowl odors and bacteria across wide distances.
A very bizarre landscape
of holocaust-type destruction, blight will mark the last phase of the 7-year
period when the waters recede. I already saw visions of the catastrophe that
struck cities in the future, with former high rise buildings full of waters
(even as seawaters recede), so that the waters in the higher floors will weigh
down on the already weak structure and crush the buildings to smithereens.
Whether it will prove
prudent to demolish all the remaining structures, from tumbled and
slab-converted highways to boulder-transformed pieces of former buildings that
the Gatekeepers (masters) of the future cities will encounter, will be done on
a case to case basis. Such a decision may be left to the members of the
Gatekeeper Council for a region (regions will be redefined later as the
landforms will change) to do.
What is clear is that
cleaning up the colossal mountains of debris will be second on the agenda,
coming after the clearing and mopping up of the last Demoniacs and Laggards. Clean
up alone may take up to the end of 2018 to undertake, as it will be done on a
phase by phase basis.
To clear up an entire
former Big City, for instance, the usage of
levitating robots will be needed. Such robots will use large laser gadgets to
melt down structures and convert them to soil or smaller-particle aggregates. The
final processed debris can then be transported to other areas where they’d be
compacted a bit, ready for spread of forest vegetation as natural process
Other state-of-the-art
gadgetry will also figure out for the cleansing of solid debris. Among them
will be a machine using sound energy to bring down solid forms notably concrete
and rock aggregates. The technology was long known to Terrans, for even the
ancient Inca priests used them that were emitted by banging huge solar discs.
So, only then can cities
and special regions (for tribal communities) be built. They can’t happen simultaneously,
but rather spread across a period from the last quarter of 2018 (first cleared
up regions) through the end of 2019. A heavenly body comes rubbing our
atmosphere around 2017, so it is imperative to shelter everyone before that
Note that the 4th
Density will house 1.5 Billions, including many Underground or UG peoples who
may not make it to 5th Density or who will choose it to be in
4Density as a collective choice. Anyway, in the not too distant future, the 4th
Density will move up and merge with 5th Density as a subphase of the
overall 7-year period of transition from 2012 through 2018.
That being the case, only
temporary infrastructures can be installed in 4th density. Among
these are the thousands of ‘tent city’ shelters. The basing facilities of the
Galactic Command, Celestial Forces (angels), and Seraphic Forces will also be
for the interim period only. Long-term permanent structures will be largely
targeted for 5th Density where the action will be for the New Earth
in the Golden Age of Light.
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