Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

21 August 2012

Gracious day to you all!

It’s quite raining again as I write this piece, as the rainy monsoon season is still around in the tropics. Being messenger & forthcoming Guardian, let me share heraldry about the 4th Density during the world building phase, with the rains providing ambiance for the catastrophic devastations accompanying the shift to higher dimension.

4th Density is roughly the mid-astral plane, while 5th Density is the higher astral plane. In a previous note, I already shared heraldry about the preparations and world building efforts for the 5th Density after the general turbulence will subside. The 4th Density offers a more difficult situation to handle, so I treat this subject a bit later than the 5th Density new world.

As Terra moves to the 4th Dimension, all souls will be brought up to the 4th and 5th densities (with very few going up 6th & 7th). So that includes those Demoniacs and Laggards who number so many. Though many of them will do natural exits during from the Null Zone period up through 2018, there will still be hundreds of millions who may be left behind.

Among such multitudes will be Demoniacs who will perform the erstwhile Mad Max predators in the neighborhoods. We refer to highland neighborhoods, as the lowlands will be inundated for couples of months. From them will emerge petty tyrants and gangster armies, who will ransack every home or shelter they can see along the way.

So there’d be broadly-based operations done by the Angels, Seraphs, and Galactic Command Forces to seize, capture, and bring the said rowdy elements and their laggard victims to their designated planets. The overall operations will take some time to undertake, even as Gabriel’s Forces will take nearly three (3) years to clear up the astral plane of Evil Masters and take down Demoniacs’ souls down here on the surface (these operations are still on-going).

On top of those rowdy predators and the laggard victims is the general devastation wrought on the cities and communities. When the inundation recedes, as new ice formations take place in the polar regions, many of the flooded regions will re-surface, thus revealing a truly grotesque environment with stinking dead carcasses and fauna spreading fowl odors and bacteria across wide distances.

A very bizarre landscape of holocaust-type destruction, blight will mark the last phase of the 7-year period when the waters recede. I already saw visions of the catastrophe that struck cities in the future, with former high rise buildings full of waters (even as seawaters recede), so that the waters in the higher floors will weigh down on the already weak structure and crush the buildings to smithereens.

Whether it will prove prudent to demolish all the remaining structures, from tumbled and slab-converted highways to boulder-transformed pieces of former buildings that the Gatekeepers (masters) of the future cities will encounter, will be done on a case to case basis. Such a decision may be left to the members of the Gatekeeper Council for a region (regions will be redefined later as the landforms will change) to do.

What is clear is that cleaning up the colossal mountains of debris will be second on the agenda, coming after the clearing and mopping up of the last Demoniacs and Laggards. Clean up alone may take up to the end of 2018 to undertake, as it will be done on a phase by phase basis.

To clear up an entire former Big City, for instance, the usage of levitating robots will be needed. Such robots will use large laser gadgets to melt down structures and convert them to soil or smaller-particle aggregates. The final processed debris can then be transported to other areas where they’d be compacted a bit, ready for spread of forest vegetation as natural process later.

Other state-of-the-art gadgetry will also figure out for the cleansing of solid debris. Among them will be a machine using sound energy to bring down solid forms notably concrete and rock aggregates. The technology was long known to Terrans, for even the ancient Inca priests used them that were emitted by banging huge solar discs.

So, only then can cities and special regions (for tribal communities) be built. They can’t happen simultaneously, but rather spread across a period from the last quarter of 2018 (first cleared up regions) through the end of 2019. A heavenly body comes rubbing our atmosphere around 2017, so it is imperative to shelter everyone before that date.  

Note that the 4th Density will house 1.5 Billions, including many Underground or UG peoples who may not make it to 5th Density or who will choose it to be in 4Density as a collective choice. Anyway, in the not too distant future, the 4th Density will move up and merge with 5th Density as a subphase of the overall 7-year period of transition from 2012 through 2018.

That being the case, only temporary infrastructures can be installed in 4th density. Among these are the thousands of ‘tent city’ shelters. The basing facilities of the Galactic Command, Celestial Forces (angels), and Seraphic Forces will also be for the interim period only. Long-term permanent structures will be largely targeted for 5th Density where the action will be for the New Earth in the Golden Age of Light.




Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

27 August 2012

Maginhawang araw sa inyo! Harmonic day to you all!

Past the 21st of December 2012, all structures of governance will be in place as the new planet had come to fruition. Being messenger and forthcoming Guardian, let me share heraldry about the coming preparations for permanent settlement in a post-catastrophic juncture.

As early as the 21st of December 2012, the spiritual Hierarchs will manifest to everyone in two (2) ways: (a) through holography in the sky, and (b) via inner vision & audio platform. Nobody can miss on this event, as even the Demoniacs who are already out of their senses as Mad Max punks will experience the mass manifestation.

The formation and bestowal of the spiritual government—led by deities, avatars, ascended masters—will be announced in public. Lord Kolki will appear in crown and rod of power and formally endorses the 144,000 White Robes who will also be seen en masse for the first time. Sananda will likewise appear, to formally announce Terra’s return to the galactic family of worlds, and will introduce the Guardians. Michael may likely manifest too, to introduce the archangelic guardians and herald the return of Terra to the realm called the Nebadon.

Then, across the weeks ahead, as the qualifiers are sheltered, diverse trainings in relief & rehab tasks, post-traumatic healing, related emergency response will take place. After which will come the orientation to the New Earth coming.

The acclimatization of the new crystalline-based bodies with the 12 activated DNA strands will take place right inside the shelters. Catch up healing works on the etheric, astral, physical, mental bodies will be done, with aid from the GC and Celestrial Forces (angels). Everybody without exception must come out real healthy, even those with disabilities will come out with new health slate.

Psychological balancing works will be doing lots of catching up inside the shelters, with state-of-the-art machines used to detoxify dense energies, burn down childhood fixations, and help repair & strengthen right-to-left lobe coordinations of the brain/mind where possible.

Before the end of 2013, the new economic system, governance & public policy protocols, institutions will be passed on to the sheltered qualifiers. The settlement in the new cities and/or special regions (for IPs) will be a complex task to fulfill, as it may also take several  months to fully accomplish.

As soon as the first wave of settlements will begin in the last quarter of 2013 (that’s the earliest to emphasize the fact), in places fully cleared of possible Mad Max punks and debris, the Hierarchs will again manifest to the people who this time will mass up as multitudes in a rally. Kolki, Sananda, Michael, and some Guardians (myself included as per my visions) will be making pep talks, mass healings, and last information bits on settlement expectations and protocols.

The multitudes will be re-settled in makeshift tents again for a couple of weeks while waiting for the manifestion of the cities. The IPs will be brought to make-shift areas too, while identifying tactics and strategies for building new communities using newly created maps. Needless to say, the forthcoming settlers must pray together, petition for abundance together, and build final structures together where applicable.

The massive identification of specializations, expertise, crafts, capabilities will have been done by late 2014, rest assured. There will be refinements as time moves on, as protocols for the new economy will clear up matters about what work organizations to possibly constitute.

Children and adolescents who need to be schooled at once will be fully accounted for by as early as end of 2013. There will be no ‘special children’ of subnormal traits here, as the New Earth habitués are more evolved souls, thanks heavens! Geniuses and gifted children will become larger in numbers, so schooling protocols will fix standards based on the latter ones’ presence.

Rambunctious elements among the crowds, in case there may be yet, will be addressed well by attending Guardians who may need to speak in stern voice to such crowds. I already saw a vision of myself talking like thunder & lightning upon a huge flock of past the million mark down ‘south’ (it will become north in the future), in the presence of other Hierarchs.

Rest assured that, as late as December of 2017, all qualifiers will have been properly oriented about the life and adjustment expectations awaiting them. Possibly the last to be settled in the new homes will be those sheltered in the motherships, notably Sananda’s, who anyway will be relatively pampered and enjoying leisure like they never did before. Maybe as late as 2018 will they settle down, if that’s how they exhibit give-and-take altruism with the surface refugees.

Friday, December 13, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

25 August 2012

Solidarity with all the Indigenous Peoples of the Earth!

This messenger & forthcoming Guardian, who reports regularly to the Darjeeling Council (1st Ray) of the Brotherhood, will focus this note on the Special Regions for the tribal communities. I am aware of the zeal of Lakota natives in the USA to reclaim their ancestral lands, so it would be timely to release a heraldry that will clarify the rights of the Indigenous Peoples or IPs.

The principle of private property in land will be totally erased soon, as such a principle based on hoarding or greed is unfit in the new context. Rather, all lands and its endowments belong to Mother Earth, so the principle of planetary ownership supercedes all principles and protocols governing lands, waters, natural endowments.

A cluster of Special Regions-IP (to shorten the term) will be governed at the highest level by a Gatekeepership Council, which will lay down policies and flesh out issues concerning the region. The Melchizedek members of the council will then be assigned each to a Special Region-IP as the Gatekeeper for the region.

Whereas the cities will be built from Above by the ascended masters, the Special Regions-IP will be allowed a certain degree of autonomy to plan, design, and develop their specific sites and zones. The rationale is the conservation of the cultures of the IPs as well as continuation of the stewardship conservation of the IPs on the natural resource endowments.

Much of the agricultural estates of the present will be returned to Mother Nature very soon. So the areas for IP settlements will be enormously large, thus avoiding crowding and conflicts among tribes. Forest covers will return to the denuded forests too, so this adds enormous space for the IPs.

There will be a modification of practices however when it comes to residential sites and their street designs. Architects, engineers, landscape & interior designers from the cities will be tapped to interface with the IPs so as to ensure esthetically sound communities and neighborhoods. The professionals from cities will, of course, respect the cultural patterns of IPs regarding proxemics, home architectures, endemic plant species, and other relevant items.

IP homes will be modified in terms of space, so as to shift to wider room spaces and additions of function rooms including home library. Family members crowding in a room may be disallowed, though the policy for modified home proxemics will be explained well to the IPs via community assembly meetings.

I’ve already seen visions of the future homes for IPs, inclusive of homes that are constructed right at the middle of jungles. The trees are widely spaced out, while the spacious homes are sandwiched in between trees. Made of indigenous materials yet professionally designed in architecture and landscapes, the homes look beautiful to the eyes, and are marvels of residency as dream homes for both IP and even city dwellers who wish to visit IP relatives or do ecotour vacations there.

Since IPs are stewards of nature sites, they will also be endowed with extra mandates to serve as eco-tourism designers and guides. City tour planners can no longer just impose eco-tour packages on IPs whom they regard as entertainers and wage-paid guides. Rather, the city tour planners must co-partner with the IP communities and groups as a way of giving respect to the stewards of the natural ecology.

IP warriors may be resuscitated, who would serve as local gendarmes as well as prospective leaders of the regional Council. Warriorship as a venue for spiritual initiation can very well be revived for the IPs, which will grow parallel to the local priestly shamanic class that will be transformed to Melchizedek-type initiation platform.

Animals will mutate in the near future and be less aggressive, so that wild animals can co-exist and cooperate with each other and with the IPs. So aside from IPs being mandate forest rangers, IPs will also be wildlife rangers to protect and oversee the care for the fauna. Game hunting by gun-slinging city dwellers will be a thing of the past, and the Warriors of the IPs can be given extra mandate to enforce policy against game hunting.  

Highly intelligent souls will be embodying in larger numbers among the future IPs, notably the starseeds. The evolved souls will ensure the hybridization of the IPs, preservation of much treasured IP cultures, and conservation of nature endowments.

So let it be echoed: the time for discriminatory, defamatory, unjust, inhumane treatment of IPs by mainstream populations will be over very soon. The Ascended Masters and Hierarchs of the Nature world will ensure that IPs will be given opportunities for co-generating the future worlds yet coming. And that begins with the Special Regions provided each tribe via usufruct mandate from Shamballah.




Monday, December 9, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light   

23 August 2012

Kapayapaan at pagmamahal! Peace and love!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeing Council, forthcoming Guardian, will re-echo the ‘cities of the New Earth’ theme. I will delimit my peregrination to the cities of the 5th Density, and will keep mum about the 6th to 7th Densities (awaiting permission to release information).

In an article writ couples of years ago yet, I already elucidated on the wonder cities of the future. One of those cities is the famed New Jerusalem, which will be the prototype for a few cities intended as pilgrimage sites or equivalent. See: GLASS-ENCASED CITIES: UPPER DIMENSION VISION, in BRIGHTWORLD:

What makes the City so important is that it is the epitome of cultural, economic, and social development. A measurement of the level of civilization, world view, zeitgeist, any planet with humanoid lifestream can make claims to civility if it is capable of building cities. Even if the people of that planet will degenerate to Absolute Evil at some phase in its evolutionary path, cities just the same will be the hallmark for studies by outside observers concerning the conduct of social, cultural, economic life there.

The race to which we belong, the 5th ‘root race’ of Aryans, has already reached the stagnation and deterioration into the hovels of Absolute Evil. The Big City of today may possess marvels of cultural production and abundance, yet the problems attendant to decay are ever present from one Big City to another, to note: (a) congestion, (b) pollution, (b) blight (squatting), (d) traffic jams, (e) criminality, and, (f) corruption.  

To alleviate ourselves of that ecological and corruptitious patterns, the suburbs arose, more so in highland areas of the Big City perimeter. The urban/suburban divide has emerged as the new polarity of the urban planet, with suburban gaining the upper hand esteem as the ‘upper class’ while the urban lowland is the ‘lower class’ hovel. Many urban workers, notably the middle class, would now prefer to take residence in the suburbs.

As the planet moves to a new dimension, life will be bred anew to the City. Fact is, there will be no small city or town in the New Earth, as planetary policy will enforce the Big City model, with each city able to contain a maximum of 1 million residents.

The mixed land use principle of the present will be imported into the New Earth. Building regulations will be very strict, besides twill be the spiritual Hierarchy that will build the foundations of the City. There will be no high rise infra, as such buildings are without souls and too phallic as symbolism. All cities will be green, with space ports for flights to other cities and outer space.

Renewable Energy or RE, sharing economy, levitation technologies for small vehicles (e.g. flying cars), thought-commanding machinery, robotics, information technology will support life in the City. Pollution, congestion, squatting/shantie houses, neighborhoods with bad esthetics, traffic jams will be unimaginable in the New Earth Big City.   

The Ascended Host is highly involved today in designing and planning the cities of the future. Needless to say, the Ascended Masters will be the ones to install the cities using the highest levels of cosmic magic to manifest city after city using thought and visualization. Key structures, space port, travel space ways (even small vehicles will need them), sites of gardens (landscapes) are key features of The City that Divine Beings will manifest.

Homes will be spacious, and everybody will have right to homes. Some homes will be levitating in site, as a strong presence of magnetic anomaly or anti-gravity is expected most specially in 5th Density. Home usage will be on usufruct, and nobody can own homes and lands like before, as all lands belong to Mother Earth and the antiquated Torrens Title system will be thrashed to the archives of history.

Short distances, such as moving across a block of space, won’t need cars, bicycles, or walking, as the New Earth person can levitate the distance. That saves enormous energies for some other usages.

As to the specific finishing touches of structures and land spaces, that can be left to the occupants to decide on. Professionals such as architects, landscape designers, interior designers, garden plant providers, feng shui specialists, structural engineers will still be very much in demand in the near future, though they must re-tool quickly.

Ascension enthusiasts, this is part of the good news awaiting you. Begin feeling or focusing on what profession or work you can do for the future, anticipate the retooling, and before long you will be part of the Sharing Economy in the world of the Dream City of the New Earth.




Monday, December 2, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

21 August 2012

Gracious day to you all!

It’s quite raining again as I write this piece, as the rainy monsoon season is still around in the tropics. Being messenger & forthcoming Guardian, let me share heraldry about the 4th Density during the world building phase, with the rains providing ambiance for the catastrophic devastations accompanying the shift to higher dimension.

4th Density is roughly the mid-astral plane, while 5th Density is the higher astral plane. In a previous note, I already shared heraldry about the preparations and world building efforts for the 5th Density after the general turbulence will subside. The 4th Density offers a more difficult situation to handle, so I treat this subject a bit later than the 5th Density new world.

As Terra moves to the 4th Dimension, all souls will be brought up to the 4th and 5th densities (with very few going up 6th & 7th). So that includes those Demoniacs and Laggards who number so many. Though many of them will do natural exits during from the Null Zone period up through 2018, there will still be hundreds of millions who may be left behind.

Among such multitudes will be Demoniacs who will perform the erstwhile Mad Max predators in the neighborhoods. We refer to highland neighborhoods, as the lowlands will be inundated for couples of months. From them will emerge petty tyrants and gangster armies, who will ransack every home or shelter they can see along the way.

So there’d be broadly-based operations done by the Angels, Seraphs, and Galactic Command Forces to seize, capture, and bring the said rowdy elements and their laggard victims to their designated planets. The overall operations will take some time to undertake, even as Gabriel’s Forces will take nearly three (3) years to clear up the astral plane of Evil Masters and take down Demoniacs’ souls down here on the surface (these operations are still on-going).

On top of those rowdy predators and the laggard victims is the general devastation wrought on the cities and communities. When the inundation recedes, as new ice formations take place in the polar regions, many of the flooded regions will re-surface, thus revealing a truly grotesque environment with stinking dead carcasses and fauna spreading fowl odors and bacteria across wide distances.

A very bizarre landscape of holocaust-type destruction, blight will mark the last phase of the 7-year period when the waters recede. I already saw visions of the catastrophe that struck cities in the future, with former high rise buildings full of waters (even as seawaters recede), so that the waters in the higher floors will weigh down on the already weak structure and crush the buildings to smithereens.

Whether it will prove prudent to demolish all the remaining structures, from tumbled and slab-converted highways to boulder-transformed pieces of former buildings that the Gatekeepers (masters) of the future cities will encounter, will be done on a case to case basis. Such a decision may be left to the members of the Gatekeeper Council for a region (regions will be redefined later as the landforms will change) to do.

What is clear is that cleaning up the colossal mountains of debris will be second on the agenda, coming after the clearing and mopping up of the last Demoniacs and Laggards. Clean up alone may take up to the end of 2018 to undertake, as it will be done on a phase by phase basis.

To clear up an entire former Big City, for instance, the usage of levitating robots will be needed. Such robots will use large laser gadgets to melt down structures and convert them to soil or smaller-particle aggregates. The final processed debris can then be transported to other areas where they’d be compacted a bit, ready for spread of forest vegetation as natural process later.

Other state-of-the-art gadgetry will also figure out for the cleansing of solid debris. Among them will be a machine using sound energy to bring down solid forms notably concrete and rock aggregates. The technology was long known to Terrans, for even the ancient Inca priests used them that were emitted by banging huge solar discs.

So, only then can cities and special regions (for tribal communities) be built. They can’t happen simultaneously, but rather spread across a period from the last quarter of 2018 (first cleared up regions) through the end of 2019. A heavenly body comes rubbing our atmosphere around 2017, so it is imperative to shelter everyone before that date.  

Note that the 4th Density will house 1.5 Billions, including many Underground or UG peoples who may not make it to 5th Density or who will choose it to be in 4Density as a collective choice. Anyway, in the not too distant future, the 4th Density will move up and merge with 5th Density as a subphase of the overall 7-year period of transition from 2012 through 2018.

That being the case, only temporary infrastructures can be installed in 4th density. Among these are the thousands of ‘tent city’ shelters. The basing facilities of the Galactic Command, Celestial Forces (angels), and Seraphic Forces will also be for the interim period only. Long-term permanent structures will be largely targeted for 5th Density where the action will be for the New Earth in the Golden Age of Light.

Monday, November 25, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

19 August 2012

Magandang umaga sa inyo! Good morning to you all!

A generally nice sun meets my day as I write this piece. Being messenger & forthcoming Guardian, I am duty-bound to release heraldries about the world building measures that will be done after the calming of the geo-atmospheric conditions in the New Earth.

The preparations for the habituation of both the 4th and 5th densities have been going on for couples of years now. The wonder cities of the 5th Density world I already saw in visions way back in 2008 through 2009 yet. See: GLASS-ENCASED CITIES: UPPER DIMENSION VISION, in BRIGHTWORLD:

Between the two, it will be 5th Density where world building will be much easier, as development works will be smoother. There won’t be much barriers to encounter there, as it is largely a non-habituated world since Terra fell from that level down to 3rd Density.

As the scale models for the 5Density cities are already in place, the cities can be installed one city after another by the Divine Hierarchs, notably the Ascended Beings with level of awareness of Dhyan Chohan (planetary spirit, or those who can aid in bringing Life to planets). All the Hierarchs need to do is to focus on the scale models and then manifest the cities down the surface of the target world (5D Terra).

Settling of cities in the 5th Density will immediately take place as soon as the turbulence would cease and shift to relative stability. Rest assured, when the next global turbulences will hap, they will be manageable, such as the 2017 Event and the 2030 Event (heavenly bodies will rub themselves in the atmosphere of the New Earth during the said events.)

5th Density is the world being prepared for the Lightworkers and most evolved among the Service-For-Others. Those undergoing chelaship with the White Robe gurus are on top of the list to be settled here. Many of the very fine bhakthas of the mahavatars (e.g. Krishna, Sai Baba, Babaji) as well as their teachers will be brought here, though they may be least aware of the reward awaiting them. There may be a maximum of only 30 millions in the 5th Density at its inception for the ascendants from the surface of our planet.

Let us not forget the Underground Peoples or ‘Telosians’ who are far more balanced then their 3D counterparts, will also produce fine souls who will habituate this Density. I will not be surprised if around 40 millions of them will make it to 5Density, as they’ve refined themselves within their psyche and are more merged to their Souls (merged their soul fragments) than even the Lightworkers of the surface who have to undergo Initiation in order to move up quickly in the Path.

Which means that, if 30 millions of 3D surface peoples will move up to 5th Density, and then there’d be 40 millions more of UG peoples to merge with them, then we should expect a size of 70 millions maximum for the 5th Density. Such a size is already fairly good enough to start a planet. However, the possibility that all UG peoples will move up to 5D within a short time-frame is also there, which will thus raise the population projection to a max of 150 millions of ‘early bird’ residency.

As to the Special Regions apportioned for the Indigenous Peoples or IPs, this may take on hold for sometime. IPs who didn’t undergo personal initiation, but rather who chose the mass initiation of their respective tribes, will be niched largely in the 4th Density. That is where Gaia is bringing the IPs as a reward for the latter’s care for the natural ecology.

The cities that will be installed in 5th Density may be less populous than the ones in 4Density. Albeit, following a planetary policy of maximum capacity for a city, the population can swell at some time in the future so as to accommodate a maximum of a million indeed, more so when the 4th Density will be merged with 5th Density.

Rest assured, the city designs do vary, so that seeing one city won’t make one conclude that s/he has seen the rest of the other cities. Such a process we call Isomorphism, which characterizes the Big Cities of today, where commonalities in infra spread, space usage, and ecology problems are more marked than the differences.

The timeline for the occupation of the 5th Density cities will be as early as late 2013. The debris from the turbulence and the site development will be done first, which won’t take too long an effort. 2013 through 2015 will be the period for the rise of the cities one after another. This is the good news awaiting those Initiated Ones and highest evolved Service-For-Others.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

17 August 2012

Magandang araw! Good day!

This magnanimous Adept from the Darjeeling Council  of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, messenger, will clarify the matter of landform configurations after the ascension point. Let it be echoed: only the Father knows the final landforms after the great event.

The intervention by the Father in our planet since 1974 had already gotten Terra on a different timeline, so that many prophesied events didn’t happen at all. So this should stop you from seeking the aid of psychics, spiritists and what-have-you impostors who are now pocketing huge incomes from sales of supposedly future maps of Terra.

Beware of those impostors and crackpots out there, who number by the millions, cashing out on the fears of the folks and their needs for assurances of safety after the deluge. There are a hundred of us White Robes who were mandated to release heraldries about the immediate and long-term future, and we need no mediums to represent us as we Brothers of Light are down here on the surface as White Robes.

One such crackpot pretends as a medium of the Brotherhood, with supposed knowledge given unto him by St Germain regarding the events to happen. He came to the Philippines quite recently, and he openly denies the Ascension event to his meditation group that has links to the Luciferan groups in New York. Yet he claims to hold maps of places that are safe havens from floods!

Gabriel’s Forces are now closely monitoring and gathering information about the millions of crackpots who claim to receive channeled information from the masters, and cashing in on everything including the safe havens during the floods and the future landforms. Those crackpots & charlatans are very dangerous persons to transact business with, just to remind you, as they are controlled by Evil Masters or that they are in fact operators of the Illuminates of Lucifer.

At any rate, there’s no problem building scenarios about the coming landforms. Given the phenomenon of space-mass expansion as the planet moves to higher density, we should anticipate landform changes. But the changes have nothing to do with the old fogey tectonic and geological factors sited by fear-mongers and even by Russian scientists who have openly accepted the Ascension event.

Among those lands where massive sinkings are anticipated:

·         USA, Canada: large chunks of seaboard, seawaters flow inwards to Mississipi River… as much as 2/5 of the US-Canada chopped off
·         Mexico, Central America, South America’s eastern & western seaboards: huge chunks go down under, as much as ¼ of original gone
·         Island Nations: 90% of Japan, 90% of Philippines, 95% of Carribean nations, 95% of Britain, 95% of Ireland, 90% of Madagascar, 95% of New Zealand, 95% of Pacific & Indian ocean republics, 1/3 of Borneo, half of Indonesia, 50% of Sri Lanka
·         90% of Korea, China’s east coast gone or 2/5 of China gone
·         Entire India (from Himalayas down), over half of insular Southeast Asia, 60% of Bangladesh & Pakistan, 30% of Middle East & North Africa or MENA
·         East half of Australia, 95%-98%% of Europe, vast chunk of Siberia
On the other hand, nothing’s wrong with anticipating new lands to rise in the following regions:

·         Continental landmasses to the east of the Philippines, former Mu lands that will rise again, c. 3 Million+ square miles
·         Subcontintental islands to the west and southeast of North America, sufficient to host millions of evacuees (Borneo-sized chunks)
·         More solid land bridge linking Siberia and Alaska, thus enabling land travel from Asia to the Americas and vise versa
·         Additional islands to the west of Africa (parts of Mu that will rise too), subcontinental lands in the Indian Ocean near Africa

In one of the new islands in the Pacific, a continental-sized land, will the 6th Root-race evolve in the future, around 7-8 centuries away. The Manu of the 6th race, Lord Moru, is already around, awaiting his turn as avatar leader of the race.
Such landforms are those affecting 4th Density. The same density will eventually merge with the 5th Density (higher astral) in the not-so-distant future. As they are just scenarios, let’s await the final landforms based on the handicraft by the Father of our future geology.




Monday, November 11, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

15 August 2012

Magandang gabi! Good evening!

Ra, messenger & teacher, from the Darjeeling Council (1st Ray, Enlightened Power), forthcoming Guardian, will focus certain human endowments in this note. People may ask about what happens next when all communications facilities break down, so this note will partly clarify that.

To begin with, as soon as Earth moves to the 4th Dimension, bringing along everyone with it (Humans, Laggards, Demoniacs), all the paranormal faculties will be in full activation. Clairvoyance (3rd eye vision), clairsentience (able to feel what others feel), clairaudience (able to hear from a distance) will all be in full operations.

So, there would be no need for cellphones, internet, two-way handset radios, megaphones, or whatever devices. That done, use your paranormal faculties to communicate to beings you wish to communicate to. Your specific Inner Guides will in fact contact you the quickest to take you to safe zones, and do prepare for your Angel Guide to possibly come down to your level to give you a healing and assuring touch.

Now, let me proceed to the two golden traits that are sterling virtues for any spitirual Initiate: (a) universal brotherhood and (b) service. Such traits do circulate the lifeworld as values that are easily mouthed, shout outs inside temples by attending devotees, yet judging by the way Terrans regarded each other for millions of years do not convince me at all that they have become granite-rock virtues for all persons.

Universal Brotherhood was among the battle cries of revolutionary forces that founded the modern nation states. It was used as a slogan to rally behind all social classes that were opposed to the monarchic sovereigns, landed oligarchs, and colonial powers. Yet when the nations were born afresh, grew, and matured to full autonomous entities, the Universal Brotherhood theme simply evaporated in the antechambers of oblivion. Sad! Truly sad!

Service, on the other hand, did become sacrosanct a pattern in modernity. Fact is, during the peak of modernity—Victorian culture—anybody who eschewed service was frowned upon by the begotten sons and daughters of modern Enlightenment. So the most snobbish aristocrats—the best of each class—regarded service as a must, founded civic clubs that engulfed the planet, and regaled themselves with narratives of the Goodly Company as the truly begotten sons of Civilization (i.e. Victorian culture).

O! yes! even the corporate world caught afire with the zest of the radical militants screaming jingoistic slogans of ‘serve the people’. The aegis of Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR has arrived, in the new culture of post-modernity, and so the champions of Big Business have been born again as the true begotten sons of Karma Yoga. What effete pretenders!

True service is service coming from out of the heart, service done in silence, sustained across time, empowering and enabling for the marginalized peoples. True service flows from out of genuine compassion, which is love for the marginalized, love that is exercised in practice even to the extent of risking one’s own life just to help out others. And the better if one helps others to help themselves: this we call capacity-building.

Regarded as values—socially desirable behavior or social premiums—both universal brotherhood and service have been floating in the flotsams of the dirty psyche of 3D Terrans, and this situation must end. Such an end will come very soon, as the new context—of a non-polarized aegis—becomes the dominant ‘general situation’, henceforth consequently providing the ‘parametric’ conditions for breeding sterling values anew.

The final “transvaluation of values” into granite-rock virtues among the New Terrans will appresent itself during the contingency situation of a post-catastrophe planet. The moment that values (at the social level) galvanize into virtues (at the individual level), the traits will forever be present, serving as living soul trait of the evolving New Terran’s personality.

Universal Brotherhood and Service just can’t be regarded as things that can be tapped from a social pool when needed, and junked or forgotten when order replaces the chaos of the context. Such a situation is called ningas kugon or bushfire in Filipino.

I am optimistic that, in the long run, during the 21,000 Golden Age of Light, service and universal brotherhood will be living values among our New Terrans. While the good feeling lasts, let it be so.
