Tuesday, May 5, 2015



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light

May the Light of Adonai & Shamballah be with you all!

By the grace of our Adonai, Father of Terra, Sanat Kumara, we Terrans were individually brought up a phase in our Path. Hallelujah! Let me, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & teacher, volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, elaborate on this wonderful heraldry about our Beloved Adonai’s endowment to all.

Twenty years ago today, Master D.K., who is now a Mahatma and operates an Ashram (spiritual organization & network), revealed unto the late Joshua David Stone, Brother of Light & White Robe (144,000 Rishis), the forthcoming graduation of our Beloved Adonai in his present Initiation. Upon His Divinity’s graduation, He will pull up everyone on Terra in their respective Path as a divine grace.

While no pronouncement from Shamballah came out to update us about the graduation of our Most Beloved Adonai (Lord), my intuition tells me that this majestic event already took place. The graduation—a minor initiation in his major 11th Initiation—took place around the days prior to the D’Day of Ascension (graduation of this nature takes place in the higher cosmic plane which only the solar lords have access to).

I could just imagine the very colorful rituals and euphoric feelings the grand event had on the Hierarchs of our galaxy (led by the Galactic Logos) and our solar system (led by Lord Helios the Solar Logos & beloved twinflame Lady Vesta). To the beloved divinities of our galaxy, Sanat Kumara is regarded as a Son, and so it brings them enormous joy to see a Son maturing forth to Fatherhood by the epoch.

So deep is the love of Adonai (to shorten the name) to our beleaguered planet, his sublime love truly fathomless, that he committed to stay with us all till the end of the Earth manvantara (evolution). Upon his arrival, with the entourage of 104 other Lords of the Flame and their respective Twinflame, 18.5 million years ago yet, he and his logoi aides (6 in all) vowed to be with us to guide us in our sojourn until the end of the manvantara (1.2 billion years from now yet), even if that means he and the 6 other logoi will have to delay their own ascent in their cosmic Initiation.

Thus, December the 21st of 2012 wasn’t only an occasion for release of Kumara energies (his 3 aides also released theirs as contribution) to Terra and humanity. The energy release was already done in 1934, and was also done earlier during the Atlantean epoch, which makes it no extraordinary event for him to do so once again. The Ascension event was, more significantly for Terrans, the day for pulling up each one of us in our respective Path.

In Sept. of 1934 yet, upon Adonai’s release of energy from his being-essence, the whole of humanity ceased to plunge into the abyss of evil descent, as the plunge was completely reversed. The whole of humanity was pulled up thereafter. By 12/21/12, the whole of humanity went a step higher again, when Adonai & 3 logoi aides released Kumara energies, thus pushing humanity up through 4th Density. The momentum of Ascension is already established, so that no force whatsoever can stop or block it from moving forward.

Yet 12/21/12 was furthermore significant, for each individual Terran this time moved upwards. I clarified this event to my very own chelas, notably the last Aspirants I mentored & coached from October 2011 through November of 2012. Those most eager and determined in the Path benefited the most, so that what it takes to process for common folks only took them less than a year to traverse.

I likewise benefited immensely by our Lord Father’s divine grace. So my 5th Initiation, which started in late November of 2008 yet (right after my graduation from my 4th Initiation to become Arhat), which could have taken at least 5 years to undertake, was fully accomplished by May of 2013. All the 7 phases of my 5th Initiation accomplished in such short time, 4.5 years to note, made my heart burst with enormous delight upon my formal graduation (in Shamballah) last early June of 2013. [5th Degree Initiate is called Adept]

In the old system, an Initiation will take 7 embodiments to accomplish, or one phase per incarnation. During each incarnation, the Initiate is given 20 years to finish his/her general mission as requisite for the Initiation. In today’s context, accelerated programs are in place, so that what one can finish in 7 lives can be accomplished in just 7 to 14 years. Also, what one can finish in 14 years in the old system can now be accomplished in 14 months (as per Mahatma DK’s note).

Fast pacers in the Initiation can even finish the ‘ladder’ step in an even shorter time. The late Master Joshua David Stone finished his 4th and 5th Initiations at 5 years each, and it seems his 6th Initiation was done in 5 years too. Before his exit from the physical plane, he already begun with his 7th Initiation [7th Degree is the beginning of Avatara awareness, as one’s monad merges with the Planetary Logos.]
The great event means that even the most Laggard among us were also benefited. There is no “if or but” for this grand event. This could probably be among the considerations as to why the Almighty Providence used his colossal powers to deter a cataclysm from happening, cognizant as He is of the fathomless love of Adonai for humanity so much that he included all humans on Earth to be pulled up as he graduated a step upwards.

For those who read this note, please don’t forget to thank the Lord Father of our planet, Divine Regent of Earth, for his greatest gift ever to you on a personal basis. Such a gift—that benefits everyone regardless of their awareness—may not be repeatedly granted again in the future.

Hail Lord Sanat Kumara! Hail Shamballah! Blessed be all members of Humanity!

[04 May 2015]

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